More ranting, yay~ [everything might be a rant from now on, see other posts for non-rant-ish stuff]
I have to say, one of the few things that keep me going on Gaia these days are quests, items, etc. Besides this journal that is. I'm all about pixels. xDD So you know what this is? Doyah? Doyah? DOYAH?!
Yes, it's an update. Everything's an update here. : DD
And of course I just want to take time to thank those who have donated to me in the past. Sadly, I won't mention the amount/items they gave me because that would just be.. Stressful. >o< Mainly because I don't remember what they donated BUT I'm sure they did and because one them gave me way too many things for me to list. Here we go..
[in no order whatsoever, and with links since you guys are suu special~! : D also because some might change their names without me knowing and they'll be lost forever BTW it's happened before but I re-found them, but there might or might not be some who are lost forever that I can't remember][dun blame me, I'm an '05er and I love showing off about that x], and yes this list be will updated if that day ever comes and because I want to fill more space here here's my **current quest: huhwatidunnoz]
pilgrim.09.dani.09 | Humble-dooda | Qii Yue | Ashfary | ~sweet_marina~ | lillankanpen
So what ARE the things you quested for? I dunno actually, a couple things I get donated, daily chance'd and sometimes I'll randomly buy. But I don't remember much of what I've quested. Since I went for DreamAvies in the past. ANYWAYS.. my most recently quests (that I remember and worked hard for or didn't just randomly buy) are the Demonic Anklets/Guitar. I'm a demonic person. :] I also had other ones, like the Ducky which I gave up on. And many others which I also gave up on. : D
Heh, pixels are amazing.. xP That's why I'm called Miss PIXELATED. xDD Ahahaahaa..
Community Member
Since I'm lazy to go on my mule all the time.. xP BTW, many thanks to Qii Yue who recently donated the Ducky (hat) to me and a bunch of other stuff. EEEE. THANKYOUS~ EDIT: And thanks to lillankanpen who getting added to list right now. Sorry I forgot you. D: BTW, if I forgot anyone else do please tell me.