You're walking in a dark room WHEN SUDDENLY..
That's right folks, I just brought my grunny~ ;D AND.. I now know how to make animated picture. Watch, it blinks! (The picture I mean.)
In other news, I recently got a blue giftbox. However I learned from last time and sold it in the marketplace for 9kish. And incase you're: "Omg, why'd you do that?" 'ing, I asked person who brought it what they got from it.. Night vision goggles. ;D But they said they've been opening a couple boxes already and got pretty good stuff so haven't really lost anything yet. Proof here:
Also, when entering my mule I magically found a Langer the Dragon Plush and that my DC (Daily Chance) had be taken care of. T'was probably my cousins (mule shared with cousins, yes I trust them, nothing really in here anyway), but nevertheless a nice surprise. Too bad I didn't get any of that underwear.. >3 And yes, my mule is a man. :/ A NAKID man. O: < (But no, I'm not in a box anymore!) Might change it later, or not depends. Btw new quest, devil imp plushie. END, I LUB WATCHING THAT GRUNNY BLINK.