Untangling the wires took a bit longer than I thought it would. At first, I imagined the wires being more like jumbled up headphones; easy simple little twists that could be undone without issue. About half an hour in, I had the idea that the wires were more like triple knotted chain necklaces, with tight knots and thin wiring that made even my agile and mechanically enhanced fingers feel like fat sausages.
Three hours after the process started, the shipment was untangled and the wires were bundled and organized with twisty ties. Under the modifications, my human mind ached. Sigh a heavy sigh of released frustration, I stepped back into the vibrating dance room. My head pounded without mercy in rhythm to the bass, but I managed to head back into the stairwell before I felt the urge to vomit.
As much as I wanted to visit Gera and the crew at the bar, I felt the need to just town watch for the time being. Retrostacja, always loyally at my side, yawned as I slipped in my apartment key. "Verify name," a bored toned voice echoed softly in the stairwell.
"PQ," I said tiredly before the door clicked open and I nudged it open. It didn't take long for me to grab a mug of blueberry coffee and curl up in my giant windowsill. Aekea was gearing up for the Olympics, and the town flag could be seen everywhere. It was beautiful.
PQ and Retrostacja · Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 05:54pm · 1 Comments |