I'm so tired. Juuuust waitin' for the disinfectant to settle in before I go back to cleaning my new bathroom.
It was disgusting as hell when I saw it earlier this morning. The last person to use it, (probably Jack a month ago) hadn't flushed. So their pee and toilet paper turned the toilet brown and disgusting.
Then there was the shower. Which probably was also in the horrible condition it was in due to Jack after he went running a month ago.
I've been bleaching and scrubbing and disinfecting and scrubbing for an hour and have now taken a break to let the disinfectant soak in around the toilet area. Cuz damn, I was just imagining all the germs and viruses that must have crawled outta that toilet over a month's time.
Uuuuurrrg, I'm getting icky images. The whole damn bathroom is infected D:<
I miss Jack though. I can't wait to give him the comic book I bought for him at Gen Con. He's gonna loves it.
Then I'll b***h him out for being so messy and not flushing toilets.
I refuse to use that bathroom until I've cleaned its brains out. Ick.
I don't have an off button today. I wake up early to do my stuff in my dorm, I pack and move crap for hours. I walk back and forth across campus countless times. I mean, countless. I arrange my apartment. Now I am battling bathroom horrors.
But I'm giving it a rest after this disinfecting thing. For the night anyway. Then taking a shower in Ashleigh's bathroom. Then going to sleep.
Mmm, sleep sounds so delicious.
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that which is and other crap like such
whatever i want to write, and with so much elequence and feeling that all will be amazed.
emma bull, pishaw.
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