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I'm a fangirl. So sue me. x3;
Final Fantasy IV DS
I have finall beat it. last night, at 11:29 pm.
...im srsly depressed, lol. That was an epic game. the ending was epic. there were alot more scenes, and ROSA LOOKED SO PRETTY AS A BRIDE! ;w;
for reals though, i had a big problem with her. there was something about her and her outfit and the way she acted that yelled, "IM FRAIL PLS PROTECT ME" even though she did TONS of damage with her arrows and healed excellently and was altogether better than the GBA version of her becasue A) Pray works much more often and heals MP as well, and B) her Attacks actually HIT THE TARGET and not missed most of the time.
...I think it was her outfit that made me think that, lol. I just couldnt withstand running around the screen as her becasue she wore too little and a good number of it was pink. Plus, whenever i walked around the screen as her, esp in a dungeon, i always get ambushed with a back attack. >x>

Ok, since I talked about Rosa, might as well talk about the others--starting with Cecil.

SO. CECIL....what can i say about him? ALOT, lol. First off, they chose an excellent voice actor for him, because he sounds excellent. Unlike Kain, whose voice sounded too deep, BUT HEY HE WAS STILL GOOD SO KWEH!
So what else? oh yeah, i liked the fact that his dark knight helmet could open and close, that was cool because we got to see Cecil's eyes early on. and he has pretty eyes. i should know, lol. His paladin form pwns, and i love it when he's casting white magic because he just looks so GOOD doing it. >.> yeah, i have a problem, lol. He sucked with the holy weapons tho, especially Excalibur, lol. srsly, he missed more than half the time. but it was a good thing that he was able to heal himself because tossing the Draw Attacks Augment on him meant he spent more time healing than attacking anyway, which really isnt as bad as it sounds because on certain monstes, Rosa was able to deal more damage to them than Cecil, esp when he had a holy weapon equipped. lol.
what else....OH YEAH. DID I MENTION HOW PRETTY HIS HAIR IS? I wish mine was that good looking NATURALLY. lol. and i like the cape too. x3;;;

Now Kain. Kain, by far, is the character I'm most affectionate towards. maybe its because of his story. maybe its because of his voice. maybe its because of his ending. maybe its because of his Jump ability. maybe its because I think that he's a LOOKER underneath that helmet. maybe its because of the intro that makes him look SO DANG GOOD.
...maybe it's all of the above. i dunno. im not sure. all that i know is that I LIKE HIM. lol.
but seriously. on bosses and such, his Jump ability has won me the battle SO MANY TIMES. lol. the first time i fought the final boss, it was because of Kain that i lived so long. it's just a shame that he has such an inadequate amount of HP and taht he doesnt ciritcal often (his criticals are hotter than Cecil's and that's saying something, lol).
the SINGLE MOST ANNOYING THING about him in this game was in the ending. in the ending of the GBA version, he takes off his helmet and they show you his face. I thought that this time around, they'd do the same thing too, but NOOOOOO. they show you the back of his head only. GRR.
...well, at least that kinda leaves it up to my imagination, lol. =P
but still, i'd rather they showed us his face. i mean, that is such bad design. the voice acting i got used to really quickly, but...
...eh. >x>

Next...Rydia. I'm just gonna flat out and say this: the DS Rydia is practically useless. she takes too long to cast summons, and magic spells more often than not faced with a devistating counter attack from the enemy. I liked it when i had a whip on her--her ability to paralyze everything was awesome, lol. it even worked on some bosses. But i like her better with the stardust rod in her hand because when you used it in battle it would cast Comet. and even though Comet is a magic spell, it used 0 MP (YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT) and almost always did NOT have a counter attack. which was good, lol. i think the most i used summons for was in the final boss, and it was mainly Bahamut, so. xP;
Speaking of the dragon, HE PWNS. his "human" sprite in the GBA version wasnt too great, but in the DS version, it's HOT HANDS DOWN. xP;;;
..Moving on.
I liked little Rydia as much as i like the older Rydia. i especially liked the cutscene that was right before Cecil and Kain fighting little Rydia. they way she screamed, "I HATE YOU!" was jsut excellent~. her attitude is pretty much pwns as both kid and grown-up. and her having the his young highness of Eblan smitten for her is awesome. i liked the part in the credits where they have her up there and Edge comes and talks to her and gets her mad and he's all like, "Ah, maaaan." She knows how to keep the guy chasing after her. xD;

Next is Edge becasue he pwns. He is literally the most effecient character when fighting a Bahamut becasue he can cast Mirage on himself and thus doesnt have to wait for Rosa to cast Blink on him. Also, he was literally my fastest character. i mean, even Rosa with Haste cast on her wasnt as fast as he was normally. the only bad side to that was the fact that he had such low defense and magic defense, so you'd have no choice but to stick him in the back. in the GBA version, that made him useless for attacking. the DS version solved it by giving you the Reach Augment. that was a great idea becasue he can stay in the back but attack like he's at the front. So the only problem with him became his low magic defense, which simply mean you had to heal him more, so KWEH.
He pwn'd in tossing stuff too! i bought tons of Shurikens and Fuma Shurikens and they did him great justice and i tossed them like crazy on a few bosses, final boss included. but other than that, i mainly attacked with him because he criticaled more often than not, and he never missed. heck, i know this might be pure coincidence (or not), but i found that when he wasnt ciriticalling, all i had to do was flatter him or say he's great or something and he'll instantly start criticalling...
I love his childish maturity. i mean, I would like to hang around a guy like him because he'd understand that if i smacked him because he was being an idiot doesnt mean that i meant to offend him. -w-;;
The DS version of the game cleared up something about him though: unlike all of the other characters in the game, Edge is a character that was just roped in for the ride. xDD i mean, he had a bone to pick with Rubicante, and after beating him (with everyone's help), he finds out that they're chasing after Golbez and teh crystals and he's all like, "OK FOLLOW ME!!!!" and just heads off in the wrong direction and it made me sweat-drop and lol as Rydia corrected him. He didnt even miss a beat, lol. he just changed course and said, "COMMON FOLLOW ME!"
...i think i'm saying that part wrong, but lol. YOU READERS WOULDNT KNOW, WOULD YOU?! x3
Edge's my top fave character in this game hands down. It helps that he's very good looking too. and the fact that he's smitten with Rydia and acts like a total nut job around her and Cid. I also like how Cid has him whupped into line. xP;;
His communications with Kain also make me laugh. mainly becasue i think that Kain himself cant help but laugh at him. xP;; I think that, if the circumstances were different, the two of them would be great friends. heck, they;d most probably wind up playing a few pranks on Cecil too!

...that would actually make a good fic...

anyway, next: CID. WHY? CAUSE CID IS EPIC. I mean, this guy blows himself up and LIVES. HOW EPIC IS THAT? in the GBA version, i got the impression that he was just crazy. in the DS version, he's still as crazy, but its taken down a few notches becasue his voice actor sucked and i really coundt understand anything he said without the subtitles. xP;;;
I love his Analyze skill! i was so happy that i got it and gave it to Edge! why Edge? because Edge was the fastest character that i had, and before i had the reach aughment, i stuck him in the front unless i was fighting a boss. so instead of letting him get hit with a lot of counterattack, i just had him use Analyze to waste a turn, lol.
what else? Cid the engineer was funny as heck...and that was about it for him, i think.
he was still a big part of the picture, so dont think he's insignificant, ppl! >3

Next...Tellah. I personally hate hate hate what happened to him and his daughter, but then again, that made Edward availabe, so xP;
...Im a bad person. xD
anywah, i love his recall ability, but i hate the fact that Osmose doesnt work well at all after the first few dungeons!! GRR. I also heated the fact that he only had 90 MP, and for the first few lvl ups, his attack and defense actually wend DOWN rather than up!
...his voice acting sucked too...he sounded like he was sick with a whiny cold the whole time. =x
i like him alot though, lol. he can be so...sentimental at some parts that it was just plain "awww D: " thing. lol.

Edward, Edward, how pretty you are~
He was my fave Chara in the GBA version. I still like him this time around, but not as much. xD
its mainly because he's hung up on anna alot more than the GBA version. retraslating stuff sure does alot, eh? NONETHELESS! He shall always be a Spoony Bard becasue that is the correct translation no matter how many times they do it over! YAY ANGRY TELLAH! ='D
I hate the fact that he leaves the party early tho. you really dont have him enough in the party...
his voice acting is really great. it was absolutely wonderful, lol. and i loved the fact that he's playing the music in the Music box. and his thoughts during each song were different and some were so funny, esp the one for hte Chocobo theme! "They're most probably off playing in a dungeon right now..." xDDDDD
but srsly. much love to the Spoony Bard and the fact that Rydia called him a coward and Cecil PUNCHED HIM. 8D;;;
Cecil is soooooo much cooler this time around. -w-;;

Yang is next. ironically enough, its pronouced "young" with short vowels, so its hard to say.
Persnally, I like his wife better than him becasue she pwns with the frying pan. that, and she later gives us the frying pan to smack Yang with in a side quest!! <3
I liked GBA!Yang better because his HP tended to skyrocket. for instance, when Cecil's HP was about 2500, Yang's would already have hit 3300. not this time around though. DS!Yang's HP was lower, and his defense and magic defense vexed me to no end. GRR.
Still, his wife is awesome. lol. shame she's NPC. xP;

Who else?....Palom and Porom!!! <3
those twin duds are so cuuuuute~
I like Palom because of his attitude. but he gets quite obnoxious sometimes, too.
I like Porom better than Palom because her Cry ability is actually useful!
The fact that they turned themselves to stone still gets to me. since they turned themselves to stone by will, you cant cast esuna or use gold needles. but if you go up to either statue, a window will open up, so there HAS to be an item for that!!! it has vexed me from my first playthrough of FF4 Advance. =x

so i mentioned Kain, Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Edward, Cid, Yang, Palom and Porom...yeah, that's all main 10 playable cahracters. BUT WE ARE NOT DONE NO SIR!!!

Fosuya is a playable character, but he's not that important. Really. He's only there for about a fungeon and a half. I like him and completely dispise him at the same time. I like him because he's an old coot who's just quirky, and i hate him becasue no matter how much you lvl up, NONE OF HIS STATUSES CHANGE. he comes with 190MP and 2006 HP and is thus the weakest cahra on your team. i mean, i had my butt whuppoed on the 4 ArchFiends because he couldnt survive an attack. =x
I love his lvl up pose tho, he does that whole "I ARE WISE AND POEWRFUL PH33R ME" thing. xP;; and when he dies, he DEFLATES LIKE A BALLOON. that is awesome. -w-
The good thing about him in battle is the Bless Augment. this heals a little MP in the DS version, and a little HP in the GBA version. Think of it like a Regen spell that doesnt use MP to cast. useful, no? I like it better as an MP regen because a little MP recovery goes a loooooooooooooooooooooong way. it might just make it that extra Curaja you need to cast, lol. It also makes it so that, later on, you can cast Cura with both Cecil and Rosa at a cost of 0 MP (Cura uses 9 MP. you heal 9 MP, tada!). It's an excellent thing to cast at the beginning of long battles, esp in the final dungeon.

Golbez....is not the main badguy. i mean, sure, it seems like it throughout most of the game, but he isnt. trust me. lol. puppets..
...i hate the CalcoBrinas...
anway, i wont spoil anything, so im just gonna put this right down: Cecil > Golbez anyday. FOR REALS. Cecil is a much better looker and his voice is better. xP;

Right..the ArchFiends. Scarigmilone, he's ok. annoying, but OK. Cognazzo, hate him becasue of his Tsunami attack, but he's OK. he's devious too. Baraccia, or how ever you spell it, should die--she's wearing almost nothing AND casts Tornado/Whirl! D: and I think she has something for Kain...creepy. >.>;
Rubicante is my fave of the lot because he doesnt tend to be all like, "MUFUFUFU I ARE EVILLER IN DEDZ THAN ALIEV PH33R ME N00BS" like the other three ArchFiends. that, and the first time i fought him, i managed to kick his butt with Cecil and Kain ALONE, lol...all my other charas died fromt he first inferno.
...I like camel casing. leave me alone...>x>

The humming/namingways are really cool. I like the fact that you have to do this huge sidequest to do with one of them, and he keeps changing his name, lol.
...good thing he doesnt cahnge his outfit too. >.>;
I also like the fact that when you go to the Hummingway Abode, they drive Edge nuts~ "Mercy, please! I can't stand this incessant humming!" <333

and lastly on the charas list is the DWARVES. why? 'cause FF4 dwarves PWN. their king is awesome, their princess is soooo cute, and just what part of the greeting "LALI-HO!!!" is uncool? >w<;
I really liked the greetings in the GBA version better tho. When they did it in the GBA version, they would twirl and jump too! ='D
I love how at the end of the game, when they Dwarven King yells, the whole picture/castle shakes. that made me lol so hard. xDDD

Wow...this is so long and im nowhere near done...


first off, i wanna say that the opening is soooo awesome. VERY. i mean, one of my friends is about to become an FF geek after seeing the opening.

second, i wanna say that hte cutscenes wehre great. really, i loved them...most of them at anyrate.
What i love most abotu them is the ability to go back and watch them in the Movie Theater thingie that the Fat Chocobo has! It's so cool! while you're picking what to watch, you get to see inside a movie theater with all the main charas and their movie watching habits. i thought that was so cuuuuute~ <3333
some of my fave cutscenes are the ones where you first meet Rydia, meet Yang, meet Edward, and after killing Cognazzo.
I like the Cognazzo one because it starts off with a rather evil MWAHAHAHA. it scared my sis out of her chair. xP;;;

What else? THE BATTLE SYSTEM. I love it and hate it so very, very, much. I love it because it's awesome and much more simplified with the yellow/red bar system. i hate it because of the same exact thing!!
in the GBA version, when i needed Rosa to cast Curaja, i'd but all my other charas on standby/defense and she'd cast it almost instantly. in this version, she has to fill up the red bar before she casts it. ditto Rydia and summoning/spamming Bahamut and Kain with his jumping.
dont get me wrong--the Cura spell is so powerful now that i rarely ever need Curaja, and this helps improve the turn-confusion that was there, BUT STILL! D:

Another thing is that the monsters are so strong this time around! i mean, when i did the Bahamut sidequest, i had a hard time with the normal monsters to the point where i literally breezed through the Behemoth and Bahamut boss fights! AND THERE WERE 3 BEHEMOTHS TO FIGHT! srsly! I mean, i literally cast slow on almost each and every monster in my way and neglected it on the bosses! >x<;
or the final boss! the rommended lvl is 54 by Nintendo Power. the Guides give the recommended lvl to be between 62 and 80. the first time i fought the final boss, he royally kicked my butt at lvl 76. i managed to beat him decently at lvl 80 though....
can you belive it? 26 lvls above the recommended for the DS version while for the GBA version i managed to beat it at 54 or lower (min was 50, lol). i loved the fact that i never had to grind except for the final dungeon, and even that wasnt alot (i got to floor with the final boss and then teleported out and redid the dungeon and that was it, lol).

what else...oh yeah, MUSIC. i love the way they have everything Orchestrated. love love love it...except for Rydia's theme. i liked that one in the DS version better because it was more...soulful, in my opinion. it portrayed a lost childhood much better than the DS version. That, and the DS version is twice as long and repititive, for some reason. =x

...i actually think that's it, lol.

Final Fantasy 4 is important to me because I this game got me into the Final Fantasy series. it has a great plot, wonderful characters, and a lovely battle system. i dunno. I loved it alot. the DS version was great, but I really miss the extra dungeons from the GBA version, and the opportunity to get everyone who leaves the party to come back.
But really, if you're looking for an excelent RPG to play, this is the one. trust me on this, I'm an RPG nut.
...now if you'll excuse me, i need to find my hair scrunshy/scrunchy. i cannot seem to locate it and it's getting very hot in this area. =x

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