I went back through my journal archive and found how stupidly obsessed i was with fruits basket. the stupidity of the obsession, not being obsessed with fruits basket by itself. Fruits Basket is undoubtedly AWESOME(sauce) and deserves to be obsessed over. just not...stupidly so. -shudder-
I still retain a passive obsession with fruits basket, which can be a bad thing since it's not active, but a good thing in that i'm still obsessed with it. (lol, is obsessing over something ever really a good thing?) So whenever i have a Fruits Basket spike, (when a new volume comes out, new information comes out, new thought-provoking fanart is observed, or when i have the urge to read the entire series again, it temporarily enters the realm of ACTIVE obsessions.
/side note - i have recently renewed my hatred for terrible grammar and spelling after going through and voting on several entries in the avatar arena. (and if their native language is english/american, i have much, much pity on them)
someone spelled Jealous Jellos....
i think it kinda speaks for itself.
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