the story
Demo:alright..*.looks around* Tobi:what are you looking for? Demo:a shortcut. Kiro:for what? Demo:I'm planning on finding Dark and her little crew. Tobi:her little crew? you mean riku and that other guy? aww but why i hate riku. Demo:I'ts none of my buisness that you hate Riku but I dont really care where we are im mainly looking for Dark. Kiro:what are you jealous Tobi? Tobi:psh,of what? I have a girlfriend I'm over Dark. Demo:*kneels on ground and touches grass* Well thats what you always say though,I believe you at the moment because you hav shizuko but if you didnt have her i wouldnt believe you were over her. Tobi:*shrugs* i still like shizuko 4laugh . lets get a move on? *starts walking* Demo:*walks after Kiro* I say..pure love and romance is a waste of precious time if you ask me..well ..*eyes glow* romance is..pretty cool but love itself bleh. Kiro:i thought you liked love and all that gushy stuff. Tobi:yeah Demo. Demo:I like romance..i mean in MY own relationship love im not all into love as much as i used to. Tobi:whatever I- umph. Demo:*stops* Tobi:*bumps into Demo* Demo:we're lost. Kiro:what? Demo:we're...lost Tobi I told you to bring a compass did you? Tobi:duh here..*throws lighter* Demo:*catches lighter looking at the ground*....*points at tobi with lighter in hand* Tobi..this is..a lighter..I said you have the compass? *holds hand out* Tobi surprised h woops..heh..look dont get mad or s**t..just uh *shakes everything out of backpack* eh..say Demo..what would happen if i didnt have the compass. Demo:Well we would be lost but you have it so its cool. Tobi:let's just say..*scratches head* we're lost. Kiro/Demo:*chokes Tobi* what the hell?! Kiro: I dont know how we're gonna get to dark now. Demo:well..*pulls out PDA* well i cant contact Dark but i know who is probably with her..Tobi you have him on your friends list contact Riku. Kiro:I though Tobi hated Riku. Tobi:I do i just wanted to read his journal xd TO BE CONTINUED