Scythe Richaurd Winsor
Class: Villian Genre: Bounty Hunter; Vampire Personality: Ruthless, Cruel, Sinister, Conniving, Angry, Deceiptful Familiar: Faythless wolf & Vena crow
Bio: Scythe is a member of the vampires crowd, although he is aggressive to both mortal and immortal alike. He spends his days planning elaborate traps and mass attacks on large populations of unsuspecting citizens throughout the various cities and towns. Scythe operates through a levy of human connections as a clergy during the daylight hours, often disguising himself as a traveling monk or priest.
He despises Cardin Eul for his flippant lifestyle and soft spot for Scythe's most hated enemy, Sonyei Shadoweve. Scythe's battle with Sonyei lies in her appearance, closely resembling that of Winsor's young sibling, Regina, who was killed in the vampiric assault that left him a member of the undead. However resemblences end there, as Scythe believes Sonyei's happy personality is a mocking gesture to his emotions, as Regina was a spoiled brat, brutal, cruel - much like her brother. He spends a great deal of time trying to catch Sonyei's mysterious benefactor and crush in order to inflict psychological pain - and then he met his true match.
'Beanie-Bei' utterly pulverized Scythe in the only face-to-face showdown between them, effectively renewing the vampires efforts in killing him to terrorize the bubbly redhead he hates, and to remove the only being that truly threatens Scythe in both strength - and ego.
Scythe battles with a silver ornamented cross that commands a darker aura of power, although he rarely calls his magic out from this conductor. Instead he chooses to inflict physical pain with his fangs, claws, and the release of his two mercilessly bloodthirsty familiars, Vena and Faytheless.
Sonyei · Fri Dec 26, 2008 @ 10:49am · 0 Comments |