Class: Hero Genre: Mother-Figure Personality: Motherly, Happy, Childish, Squeaky, Vague, Ditsy Familiar: None.
Bio: Cobina is essentially the mother figure of the four 'hero's'. She has taken especially to Sonyei - preferring to treat her as a younger sister and friend rather then a rival for Beanie-Bei's affections. Even though she does have a crush on the mystery man between them, Cobina recognizes the relationship already between Beanie-Bei and Sonyei; rarely does she reproach upon that ground.
Her crush is essentially a way to pass the time until she finds a man better suited to her. Though she is motherly and caring, she is noticeably ditsy at times. She prefers pretty things to useful, and is romantic to a fault.
Sonyei · Fri Dec 26, 2008 @ 11:43am · 0 Comments |