Thanks for constantly blowing me off whenever I request to spend time together. And stop asking me why I've been avoiding you lately.
I think your smart enough to figure it out. Check your ******** voice mail. Maybe you'll really understand then.
In the mean time, stop making lame excuses as to why you couldn't inform me that plans would not follow through. I call your phone numerous times, and often receive a busy signal. Most cellular devices have a dual answering system. The least you could do is call me back or use the ******** pay phone.
If I were you, I would not expect forgiveness from me any time soon. My trust in you has worn thin for the past month.
I'm sick of your lies and excuses. Burn in Hell.
Love always, Jen the Intangible.
Kabuki Doll · Sun Oct 23, 2005 @ 04:28am · 1 Comments |