Maybe you've heard of the terrible place where the scoundrels of Paris collect in a lair.
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place called The Court of Miracles.
Hello! You're there!
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place called The Court of Miracles.
Hello! You're there!
Welcome to the war, Jumper. Or are you a Paladin? It matters not either way. You will be what you will be. Just remember one thing. This is war. A war that has gone on for hundreds, maybe even thousands, of years. Every ancient conflict had its center around the war between Jumpers and Paladins. I bet'cha didn't know that the Salem Witch Trials was really a persecution of Jumpers did you? Yeah. Pretty much everything to do with witchcraft was centered around us and our war. We've made some progress. Jumpers now know how to hide and run from the Paladins who hunt them, but the Paladins have also become wiser and can now travel through the wormholes we create. They have a machine that finds and locks open the wormhole. That was an awful development. Oh, well. Now the only thing left to do is fight to survive. New Jumpers arrive at the Court of Miracles every day and are trained in their art by older, more experienced Jumpers. Paladins also receive training from their superiors, but they face a new threat. The Jumpers, previously a solitary group, have banded together and are now an organized threat. It's a hundred years after David Rice fought back and now we're taking a stand. We got sick of running. What will you do? Will you learn about your new skill and join the fight? Or will you run and hide like those before you? Or, maybe you have such a hatred for those who are different and have decided to join the Paladins in eradicating your fellow humans. You must decide. The future of the world and our two groups lie in the balance.
Yes, there are rules. Every successful rebellion must have them. Here are ours:
1. This RP is literate. This means using third person when posting, writing more than a sentence, using proper ENGLISH grammar and punctuation, and refraining from abbreviations, text speak, ** for actions, and any other such nonsense. Out of character talk must be in parenthesis and kept to one line per post. No OOC only posts, PERIOD.
2. Foul language is to be kept to a minimum and at a PG-13 level. I don't like hearing it and will not tolerate such immaturity in my RP.
3. Cybering is NOT allowed, period. You may not cyber in the RP itself or in PMs. It is against the Gaia ToS and breaking this rule is grounds for immediate banishment.
4. Romance is allowed, but it must remain at a PG-13 level. If the characters are starting to go too far, break it off and allow their actions to remain suggestive. Remember, NO CYBERING! This is not a porn RP. Not to mention most of the characters are underage anyway.
5. God-modding is forbidden and anyone caught doing so will be given one warning before being banned from the RP.
6. You must remain active and check the RP at least once every couple days. If you are going to be gone for more than two days in a row, you had better let me know and give me a good reason or you will be blacklisted. If you have not posted or contacted me to my satisfaction within five days of your blacklist date, you will be banned from the RP.
7. Each person can have up to two or three characters, depending on how many people join. However, if you have more than one character you must have one novice Jumper, one experienced Jumper, one novice Paladin and one experienced Paladin, or any two of those four. No one will be allowed to have two novice Jumpers, etc. Period.
8. Novice Jumpers are to be between the ages of 15-17 and novice Paladins are to be between 18-25 while experienced Jumpers and Paladins can be anywhere from 25-40.
9. Novice Jumpers are just starting out and have not been apart of the war, period. They are learning everything from the beginning and have just discovered their powers. Novice Paladins know enough about the current war and Jumpers to have an intense hatred of them, but not much else. The experienced Jumpers and Paladins are the experts on the war.
10. Each experienced character may have ONE novice apprentice, but this is not required. They can have none, but every novice must have a master. They cannot wander around on their own.
11. Follow the descriptions given for Jumpers and Paladins to the letter. I don't want bunny-loving Paladins frolicking through fields at sunset in this RP. Nor do I want invincible Jumpers that can travel through time. If you want to time travel, then stick around for the second RP, which is what that one will be about.
12. Every novice Jumper resides at the Court of Miracles and, as soon as they discover their powers, are taken there by an experienced Jumper. Sort of like recruitment, but they can leave once they've learned how to use their power and evade the Paladins. In other words, once they become an experienced Jumper.
13. I reserve the right to add/delete/modify these rules as I see fit and at any time. You will be notified in the RP of such changes.
~Consequences for Breaking the Rules~
If you break one of the rules, you will be blacklisted. Three strikes and you're banned from the RP and your character dies by my hand. If the offense is serious enough, you will be banned immediately. If you have been banned or blacklisted, you will be notified via PM and, in the event of your ban, the other RPers will be notified in the RP itself.
~Important Information~
This is the list of various terms, etc. that you will need to know. Read and understand them well, for you will be expected to use them in the RP.
Jumper- A Jumper is someone who can teleport anywhere in the world instantaneously. There have even been whispers about Jumpers who could jump through time, but that is an ability no known Jumper has yet to obtain at this stage in the war. As long as you know where you are going, you can teleport there. Most Jumpers use photos from travel guides and such to help them. Also, Jumpers can follow each other by jumping through the other's Jump Scar. Jumpers are not limited to teleporting themselves, however. They can also teleport other people or other living things, as long as they are in contact with each other, and objects as big as a double-decker bus as long as it's moving. Of course, the larger the object, the harder it is, and the more experienced you have to be, to teleport it. Objects as large as buildings are not to be attempted as trying to jump them would most likely result in the Jumper's death. There have been two cases where a Jumper tried to teleport a building. The first Jumper failed and died in the attempt while David Rice, a Jumper just learning about the war, just barely managed to teleport an average sized apartment. Jumpers can be stopped from jumping by bringing them into contact with an electrical source that is at least one thousand volts or more. This makes it harder for them to concentrate and, thus, they cannot jump as easily. David Rice is the only known Jumper to have jumped while under this kind of stress.
Novice Jumper- Jumpers usually make their first jump at five years old, but don't usually discover their powers until around fifteen. The Jumper ability does not run in families, but is completely random. Jumpers are never born to Jumper parents, but the occasional Paladin has beget a Jumper child, as was the case with David Rice. Novice Jumpers now train with masters of their craft instead of like in the old days when they were forced to learn on their own. Many novices grow attached to their masters and stay in contact with them throughout each others' lives.
Jumping- The term used for teleportation by both Jumpers and Paladins. Jumping is accompanied by a short rush as if falling through the air horizontally and often leaves a whirlwind-like mess behind if done by a novice.
Jump Scar- The term used for the wormhole created by a Jumper which stays open for a few seconds after the jumper has left.
Jump Site- The term for the places to which a Jumper jumps. Most of them have many Jump Sites that they use, mostly world famous places that are easy to find pictures for.
Paladin- Paladins are religious zealots with an intense hatred for Jumpers, believing that only God should have such power as "to be everywhere at once". They have no special abilities, but possess technology enough to give the Jumpers a run for their money. Metal sticks that course with a thousand volts of electricity, effectively grounding any Jumper, and a box-like device that locates and keeps open a recently formed wormhole so that Paladins can follow after escaping Jumpers are the two machines that give their enemies the most difficulty. They also work for a government agency, or appear to, which gives them access and rights they would not otherwise possess. Capturing a Jumper is not enough, so Paladins exterminate them as soon as they are caught, usually with a knife they keep wrapped in a tan cloth.
Novice Paladin- A new recruit who trains under a more experienced Paladin. Some of them may be related to or know someone who is a Jumper while others might just know a Paladin. However they came to become Paladins, they are here and can be just as deadly as their masters. They often do not keep in contact with their mentors after graduation, but still use them as contacts when more men are needed to track down and kill a Jumper.
The Court of Miracles- The Court of Miracles is the base of operations for the Jumpers. Where it is located no one but David Rice really knows as he was the founder, but he's dead now. It is thought to be underground and possibly in Paris, as the quote they use suggests. It has no windows or doors, the only way to get in is by jumping. Jumpers find it by picturing the Jump Room, the room used for teleporting in and out of the base. That particular room is guarded at all times in case a particularly sneaky Paladin manages to follow a careless Jumper back to his lair. The actual coordinates are not known to any of the Jumpers in case they are caught and interrogated by the Paladins who are desperate to find and destroy the Court of Miracles in the hopes of breaking the Jumpers and lowering their morale.
~Profile Blanks and Openings~
This is the profile skeleton you are to use when creating your character for this RP. Make sure to fill out everything and be detailed.
The current openings are as follows:
Jumpers=6 (three masters, three novices)
Paladins=4 (two masters, two novices)
Regular Humans=0 (We need to fill up the Jumper and Paladin openings before we even think about creating regular humans.)
[b]My Master:[/b] [color=you choose](Your username here)[/color]
[b]I am called:[/b] [color=you choose](Your name first, middle (if you have one), and last)[/color]
[b]The years I've lived:[/b] [color=you choose](How old are you)[/color]
[b]Wouldn't you like to know:[/b] [color=you choose](Male or Female)[/color]
[b]Don't judge me:[/b] [color=you choose](Are you a Jumper or Paladin or regular human)[/color]
[b]Just a step on the ladder:[/b] [color=you choose](Your rank, novice or master, or a rogue (ignore if you are a regular human))[/color]
[b]They intrigue me:[/b] [color=you choose](Do you like men or women or both)[/color]
[b]Get to know me:[/b] [color=you choose](Give us a brief description of your personality)[/color]
[b]These experiences make me who I am:[/b] [color=you choose](A brief synopsis of your life and how you came to be where you are today)[/color]
[b]I am called:[/b] [color=you choose](Your name first, middle (if you have one), and last)[/color]
[b]The years I've lived:[/b] [color=you choose](How old are you)[/color]
[b]Wouldn't you like to know:[/b] [color=you choose](Male or Female)[/color]
[b]Don't judge me:[/b] [color=you choose](Are you a Jumper or Paladin or regular human)[/color]
[b]Just a step on the ladder:[/b] [color=you choose](Your rank, novice or master, or a rogue (ignore if you are a regular human))[/color]
[b]They intrigue me:[/b] [color=you choose](Do you like men or women or both)[/color]
[b]Get to know me:[/b] [color=you choose](Give us a brief description of your personality)[/color]
[b]These experiences make me who I am:[/b] [color=you choose](A brief synopsis of your life and how you came to be where you are today)[/color]
~Accepted Characters~
These characters have been accepted into our world and we wish them luck in all their endeavors.
This is where the people who rise above expectations go. We want to recognize and congratulate them for a job more than well done!
This is where the people who don't follow the rules go. Three strikes and you're out!
Check back here often for announcements and updates about the RP. Anything of any importance can be found here, including absences, white/blacklistings, bans, etc.