chapter 13 ALPHONSE
we were on the train when saya told me why ed fainted. "so you see roy and i did frobidion alchemy but thats not what made ed faint i don't even think he even heard that part but he did faint because roy said that i was his younger sister" shocked i sat up strate "the colonel is your older brother" she smiled. by then ed woke up "brother your ok" "yea. but i had the strangest dream the mustang said the saya was his sister," he looked over at saya "pretty weird huh?" she laughed "ed that wasn't a dream that really happened my name is saya. saya mustang, and my broner is roy mustang jr" i was shocked "jr so your father was named roy too" ed knoked off my head "al don't ask that kind of stuff" but saya just smiled "yea he was and roy reminds me a lot about my dad he may be rough and have a bad adittude but onb the outside but on the inside he has a heart of gold" ed and mys eyes widened "the colonel" we both said in unison. she laughed "yea"