chapter 15 WINRY

i heard a knock at the door and when i opened it i saw roy and ed there and behind them in a cart was saya "w-what happened" i asked ed looked down "scar but enough of that do you think you could fix her up with auto-mail befor she wakes up" roy looked at me "yes please do shes my sister" "fine but you can't be here because of what you did to my family" i pointed at roy he turned aroud "fine" and he walked away.
"so saya your finnaly awake" both ed and i said at the same time as saya woke up. she rubbed her head "what happened how did i get here" ed told her the story and when she looked down at he leg she saw it "auto-mail well i guess it's what i desirve"
"ok good luck you two" i said as i waved good bye to saya and ed as they got on the train towards eastern "say hi to al for me ed" "will do" he replied with a smile. saya still in pain from the injury and the operation to attach the auto-mail limped over and hugged me "thank you" she wispered "no problem but same warring if you breack that leg your so busted got it" she smiled "got it" i waked as the train left once it was out of sight i said "both of them are goin g to break themselves with the work they do"