First off: PetiteCanette means "little duckling" in French. It's not just completely random, since I love cute ducks and they cover my room.
Okay, now that the meaning behind my username is clear, let's move on!
I am back to loving pinball. For a long time, I didn't play because my computer that I have now does not have the game I used to play on it. I played Space Cadet sometimes, but not very often. So I was exploring around the files on the other computer with the game on it and I found the save file with the high scores. I decided I wanted to play again, so I went hunting for the CD. I couldn't find it. That made me sad.
I had just made a Gaia and I got on (after not finding 3D Pinball Ultra) to procrastinate. I saw that it had pinball! YAY!! So happy. But then I was less happy when I saw how not-awesome the Gaia pinball is. I played anyway since I needed the gold. I didn't realize until around midnight that I the power-ups earned can be saved for another game. Not that I used much. It's very inconvienient to scroll through them on Gaia pinball. Pretty much the only ones I used were Stuffed Armadillo and Gaia Floaties. The other online pinballs were worse anyway.
Gaia pinball isn't all that great, but it's only slightly worse than Space Cadet, so I'm probably going to play on Gaia when I can because I might as well get gold while I am at it. The physics are at least mostly good. I guess I'm just spoiled since I had a super-special-awesome pinball game before. (Yes, I did just quote Yu-Gi-Oh, the abdriged series. Check it out. It's awesome. It's even on itunes as a podcast, so you can watch it on the go.)
I was procrastinating so long, that I forgot to print out these sheets I was supposed to, after forgetting the first night. Well, I didn't really do any homework, so no surprise there. The closest I got to doing my homework was putting my flashdrive into my computer (kind of like it is now) but I never got further than that. I had to print it out in the library the next morning. But I saw on the pay-sign sheet that there were at least ten other people printing things for $.20 as well... Hmm...I guess they forgot too.
Today at school, we were working in the computer lab and I thought "Oh, good, I can go on gaiaonline and play pinball." But nooooo, it was a stupid computer lab with MACs, so the web blocker blocked Gaia. Had it been Windows, I could have gotten around the blasted blocker. Grr. The pinball I did find that was unblocked had such more physics that it was funny. It was like there was a magnet on each of the bumbers anf flippers and the ball bounced more than a superball. It was amusing, until it became boring.
After it became boring, I tried to look for a MAC version of my Web Blocker-get-arounder, but all those sites were blocked too. I should have seen that coming. So I actually ended up working on what I was supposed to be doing... for about the ten minutes that were left.
And now, I am procrastinating more. The thing I was supposed to work on in the computer lab had its due date moved from Friday to Monday, which means I get to work on it Sunday night and play pinball and such tonight.
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Randomness of PetiteCanette
A journal about random, seemingly inconsequential things in my life.
"A leading brand in procrastination"
"A leading brand in procrastination"