So, today was definitely interesting...
Robert called me out to Beaver Dam today to bring him some food for supper. I got in my car and noticed that the weather was taking a turn for the worse. Being that it's February in Wisconsin, we're getting a nice winter storm. Blowing snow, the works... anyway, I was driving down the freeway and the roads were bad so I was only doing 60.
Up ahead, I saw that there were some people in the ditch and there were tow trucks getting them out. I started slowing down by taking my foot off of the gas. However, the driver in front of me put his breaks on and started slowing down faster than I was. I put my break down and I started to fishtail.
Knowing that when you start to do that you take your foot off of the break and try to correct myself, I did so. However, the guy in front of me was still slowing down even faster than I was. So, I started to pump the break. Before I knew what was going on, the fishtailing got worse and I starting spinning.
As I started to spin, I saw that there was another guy in the left lane that was also going slow. My back end swerved right past his trunk. I did another full turn before my front end was in the ditch.
I was able to get out thanks to two guys from the other spin out about 100 yards from where I was at. They pushed me out of the ditch and got me turned around to go back in the direction I was headed.
Yeah, it was definitely an interesting day...
Earths_Eclipse · Thu Feb 19, 2009 @ 02:43am · 0 Comments |