105 Random Facts about me |
1. I stole this idea from Savvi, who stole this from Jen who probably stole this from someone else
2. Sometimes, I wish for bad things to happen to me
3. Sometimes, I want to get hurt...just don't want to feel the pain
4. Sometimes, I feel so pretty, until I look into a mirror and see how ugly I am
5. Sometimes I feel ugly, until I see myself and relize I don't look so bad
6. I think I have too strong an imagination sometimes
7. I can take something that others think is plain or ugly and imagine it into the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
8. I can't think of very many things I hate more than getting shots.
9. I always want to be the center of attention, but most times, I lose my nerve
10. I have trouble crying, even when I want to cry
11. Sometimes, I'm happy to hear that someone has died
12. Sometimes I hate my Dad
13. I say bad things about him to other people
14. Then later on I feel bad about saying such awful things
15. When I really screw up, I feel bad, but most people don't understand just how bad I feel
16. I love snow, because I feel like I can become it, like I can melt into it and be beautiful and light and sparkly, if I could just lie still long enough
17. I love feeling cold and numb
18. I love wind because I feel like if it blows hard enough, it will lift me off the ground and I can fly away
19. More than anything, I wish I could fly
20. I love heights, the higher the better
21. Sometimes, I'd give anything to be half as carefree as I often act.
22. I'm greedy, and I feel bad because it makes me selfish
23. Low self esteem is something I have to fight very hard, everyday, to overcome
24. I love when old people over exaderate about the "old days" like "When I was your age, I had to walk 15 miles both to and from school, uphill the whole way, barefoot in the snow!"
25. I actually get sick of ramen sometimes....but it does pass quickly
26. I never seem to want cereal unless we either don't have cereal, or don't have milk or don't have either.
27. My mom says I'm ADD, so does my doctor, but I don't want medicine, even if it will help me, because I feel like it's too expensive.
28. I want laser eye sergury cause my glasses make me feel like an ugly nerd sometimes and they get in my way
29. I can't control my temper often times
30. Sometimes I feel I should have been born a guy
31. I think a lot of people get sick around Christmas cause they work so hard so they will have enough money to buy good presents for people
32. I still wonder what my life would have been like if my mom and dad were still together
33. I feel like I'm a big part of why my past friends' lives are so screwed up
34. I feel like I'm really strong at work, because I can lift stuff that some of the other girls can't, and I feel tough because I can tolerate the burning feeling on my hands when I unload the dishwasher, but I also feel like I'm slower than everyone else there.
35. I can hold a grudge for a very very very long time.
36. I think sometimes I say too much
37. I could be more creative if I wasn't so afraid of showing off my creativity to others, especially in school.
38. I'm more afraid of what other people think about me than I let on
39. I love dressing up and going to parties and fancy diners and stuff
40. I change my mind more than I change my shirt
41. I hardly ever have to go to the bathroom....and I don't understand that
42. My favorite scent is pepperment
43. I love the smell of perminent markers
44. The sicker I am, the stronger my sence of smell becomes.
45. Sometimes I like having nightmares
46. I don't mind gaining weight, but I'm still afraid of looking fat
47. I run faster when I have to pee really bad
48. Sometimes...I forget I have to pee for a long time before I remember
49. I love...Harry Potter
50. December is my favorite month
51. If I had to choose between being alone for a year, or never ever being alone again, I don't know which one I would choose.
52. I love the color of my hair, it reminds me of pennies for some reason
53. I admitted to being a cool guy without a p***s December 2, 2005
54. I hate the smell of eggs
55. I try to be forgiving to people I think can't help but be bitchy cause it's in their personality....but it usually only works when that person isn't around, which doesn't really help.
56. I get really snappy and grumpy over the stupidest stuff
57. I'm so dumb...cause I lost my keys and now I can't get anywhere cause I don't have any gas and I can't get my gas cap off with out my keys
58. I hate eating in front of other people, I feel like a glutton or something, but I still eat anyway....cause...I like food
59. I think Kristin looks really bad with black hair, but I'm afraid to say anything
60. Sometimes I feel like I forget that Jenny isn't always the happy little cutie that she always seems to be.
61. I hate hanging around depressed people, but those seem to be the people I'm always hanging out with.
62. I over react to just about everything....drama, drama, drama
63. I always forget just how big of a number 100 is until I count it out
64. I'm over-confident. I go to face something I know I'm afraid of thinking that this time I'll somehow be able to conquer it, until it's right there and then I remember just how scared I am of it
65. I talk too much
66. I can't get along with people my own age
67. I feel like a hypocrite because I encourage people to sing, even if they arn't that good, and tell them that if you enjoy singing then you should sing no matter how you sound, but I won't sing if I feel like I sound horrible.
68. I try really hard to keep plants alive, but it's just something I don't think I was born to do. I've killed a bamboo plant and a cactis, both of which people have told me where impossible to kill, and no I didn't try to kill them just to see if they really were impossible to kill!
69. I don't get what the big deal is about this number, it's most likely something sexual, like I've heard it called a position....but it reminds me of a yinyang
70. Some people are afraid to grow old, but I'm looking forward to it, I think it will be fun, and I plan to spoil my grandkids rotten.
71. I feel like I'll never find the right guy for me.
72. I don't like the feeling of being bound to one person, therefore I cheat on whoever I go out with, therefore I'm afraid to get married and thus I plan to either adopt, or go to a sperm bank.
73. I can't wait till I turn 21 so I can drink alcohol at Applebee's cause they look so good.
74. I...am the definition of geek.
75. I'm afraid to live out on my own...but I'll do it if it means getting my own kitty or puppy.
76. My family is really important to me, I never want to feel like I've lost touch with them
78. I feel like I do things better when I'm under a lot of stress.
79. The only time that I ever loose my appetite is when I'm sick or when I'm nervous.
80. One of my favorite feelings is my nervousness transforming into adrinaline and exitement. (for example nervous before singing in front of an audience and then that turns to exitement once I've started singing, nothing to do with sex.)
81. I have a very strong craving for crab rangoons
82. I have abnormally fast hair growth
83. I have kinda small wrists and really fat ankles
84. I love buying gifts for people and giving gifts to people, but I hate finding them on the floor all broken and stuff a few days later.
85. ....Oh I wish I was a little bar of soap, bar of soap...not really
86. I wonder if maybe I was crazy when I was little for thinking I was the reincanation of a cat, and therefore I was half cat and so I liked to run around in pitch black and see things that other people couldn't see, simply because I so deeply believed I could.
87. I enjoy most of my dreams, even the killing ones and the ones where things and people die.
88. I fear death, at the same time, I can't wait to see what it's like
89. It's hard for my to comment someone I hang out with frequently on appearance, because my envy over how much better they look than me holds me back.
90. I wish I had a dollar for everytime I came home and wondered where my mom was because she never leaves me a note or calls to let me know where she is or anything.
91. I'm the only person I know, above the age of 10, that doesn't have a cell phone.
92. I'm usually either too emotional, or not emotional enough.
93. My feet smell like my Dad's....reminds me of stale cornchips or something
94. One time I smelled my cousin's shoe....and I could swear it smelt like popcorn
95. The people that I absolutely love in FullMetal Alchemist are Havoc, Greed, and Al...when he's, ya know, human.
HanaJaganshi · Mon Nov 28, 2005 @ 04:41am · 0 Comments |