Are You really okay with homosexuals?
Are You Okay With Gay People?
1. You Best Friend Tells You that He/She is Gay/Bi and you say...
A. "Stay away from me! im sorry but we cant be friends dont even touch me!" B. "Thats awesome! im happy for you!" C. "this is gonna take a bit to get used to, you sure your Gay/Bi?''
2. You See two guys kissing and you....
A. Flip out and run B. smile and keep walking C. shrug it off and keep going
3.gay people rights?
A. They dont deserve them B. They Deserve them C. I dont Care
4. You best friend(s) are gay and going out, you...
A.Stop hanging out with them and find new friends B. Hang out with them still and you love being with them C. Feel awkward (since in this senario your all the same gender)
5. Lastly someone at school says "Gay people go to hell" what do you do?"
A. Agree with them B. Get VERY pissed and tell them off and how they are wrong in SO many ways C. get mad with them because its mean of them to say tht but inside its not a big deal its there opinion
if you mostly chose A Your A Homophobic Jerk!!!! you dont like gay people and youd rather not assosiate with them. Your the kinda person that i hate and despise! but you believe gays have no rights and believe that things should be between a man an a woman....and honestly GET A LIFE
If you mostly chose B Your Like Me!! everything for B is something ive done or said! So your the person i adore!!! you believe gays have the same rights as everyone eles and everythings cool and you get really ticked when some weirdo nut head comes and puts them down.
if you mostly chose C Your...Meh You Dont care as long as its not you, around you, or your friends. Everything eles is fine. Your like most of the people i deal/ live with. To be honest deep down your half assers who only care half way. your okay but honestly...grow up...just a little bit more :
yeah i did this cause i was bored but mainly cause alot of Cs confuse themselves for Bs and that angers me.
like for instant i ask my mom about it and she says "im fine with it" then she goes and askes me this trick question "is it okay with you or for you?" and i said for...she looked at me like i had three heads
at the time i didnt understand it cause i didnt get the difference between with and for. but im glad i made the mistake. cause now ik that my mom who proclaims to be B is really C :/
C ppl r okay but seriously...Come the frick on...its not a big deal and As
just GTFO right now....seriously...i hate your exsistance i bet your the same ppl whos ansestors hated blacks >.> and if your black and an A
DUDE...just GET A LIFE...cause your just doing onto others something youve faught to get rid of for years...Discrimination and what not. so yeah.
Thats all night night ^-^