Life lessons learnt so far.
We live this life of ours and we go through many expereinces that is gods way of making us learn from our mistakes. For instance for me i've learned that you should never tell anyone anything when you first meet them. I have a rule its called the 90 day rule. Never tell anyone anything DEEP about yourself or don't tell tehm any secrets untill that 90 day period is over and you really feel like you can trust them. Or If they tell you some things that mean a lot to them. And also trust your gut and say what you feel. Because your gut never lies it's liek a sign your body tells you when they read the body language of anotehr person. Remember if somethings fishy and you have a weird gut feeling stick with it. Another thing...I know life is always about taking chances and being a Yes type of woman. But never EVER do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Respect yourself and your body. and SAY SOMETHING if you feel uncomfrotable. Another thing... YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION is the best impresson. Also if people say bad things about one person and tell you to stay away be aware of what they are saying...PEOPLE dont get s**t out of saying something about a person... if there are rumors that usually means that the PERSONS TROUBLE. Another thing I cant emphasize this enough never never LOWER YOUR STANDARDS and SETLLE FOR LESS. NEVER. We're human beings ok no one deserves to feel like s**t and should settle for anything less than they deserve.
In conclusion Be yourself ( as cheesy as that sounds), follow your gut, AND SPEAK UP WHEN YOU FEEL SOMETHINGS NOT RIGHT. Or get yourself out of that situation so you can breathe and OPEN YOUR EYES.
Thanks, I hope you guys learn something from my little speech. smile
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