Im getting sick of her more and more every day...Being with a single parent that cant deal with her anger is hard, Its always their way or the highway,they never listisn to reason, They think there is no way they can ever be wrong, I know as a Teenager still liveing under there roof, I have to still listin to Her, But....i feel like she might as well be a complete stranger, She always says she dont need a man...but she knows she does, Then she complains about how she cant find anyone when she sees others together, Well..Its cause she is a b***h, but she will never admit it, There are good things and bad things about haveing Strict parent or parents, It Keeps you in line and really know right from wrong, But...From what ive seen..Most seem to have a unstable personality,..They only feel good if others are in pain...I...want to cry...but something inside of me is keeping me from doiing so...its more than likely how i was raised..and that was very mixed..Being sensative, but dont take crap from other people, but oh take my bull s**t,....My emotions are ******** up..I want my mom out of my life asap...But she is the only family i really have....Im not sure how I am gonna live, I mean, I have a plan for the future, Careers, back up careers, yadayadayada, Where i wanna live, How i plan on gettng there, where im going to stay, mater what i say...She seems to ignore me and teels me how she wants me to live, Why cant Life be like how it is on TV?, Where all your problems are solved in under 30 mins? Oddly enough how my mom treats me makes me question why people do things they do. Like, Why is my mom only happy when i cook for her or im as sad as her,Why am I on Gaia talking about this when no one reads my Journal, and in all honesty, No one gives a s**t, Why do I like the things I like? WHy do I find random ways to show my fandom for sertian things i like(When people have Sigs, Post styles. ETC of stuff..There showing there Like for something, and in a way, you think of how to show off what you like) Why do I question how people act when My mom treats me like crap or makes me feel sad?...Not Gonna lie...the only thing makeing me happy now is Cynthia. I love her Oh-So-Much....I really do...I want to be with her right now...I want to talk to her...but she is on a trip and probley asleep on the bus. And even if she was awake, I dont want to bring her mood down. She dosent need to have her mood broht down over something like this, I miss her.... sad Anyways I should wrap this up with saying, Im confused, I hate my mom, And Im sorry for all these typos...and dots...
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