MMSF3 Multiplayer Battle Guide
*Note: This Guide is meant to help Players that have the Basics down of the gameplay, If you dont know what something is, Look it up,Also, I know the Yellow is hard to see. Im sorry for that, Just highlight the word to see it better
Note: If you would Like to battle Me Let me know via comment or PM .
Looks like you found My Guide for Multiplayer mode in Megaman Starforce 3. Sweetness ^_^
So Now I will be shareing all the tips I know with you, The reader. Now you may be wondering "Why should I trust you with these tips?". Well, I have a 95.04% win rate as of right now
(525 battles/499 wins)
I have defeted people of all skill levels even people with over 1000 wins under their belt. and even with over 3000 hp and a few AR Cheaters who use the 999% Noise code.Or even worse Rouge Noise with 1900 LP users, I have even beaten a few people that have used Noise and Propuse cards(The Japanese stuff that was take out the US version) So I know what I am Doing, So I know a little something something
First thing is First though, Let talk about the Noise form
Noise Changes
Credit for this part of this section goes to Mega Rock EXE For typeing about 75% of what is in this section of my guide
Strategys for each noise to come as time goes on
-Libra Noise-
Charge Attack:
Fast Charge speed. Spreads to side panels on hit.
Damage is 5 x Buster Attack Level. Hits 3 times and
does not flinch.
-Fire and Aqua-elemental attack cards get a +10 Attack Bonus.
Dimming and non-dimming attacks.
Vibrant Noise Abilities:
-5% HP recovery when using non-elemental, non-dimming attack cards.
So if you use 4 non-elemental attacks, you will have gotten
1/4 of your HP back.
-Meteor Light Barrage (130)
Strategy:Well, Libra can heal himself by attack with Non-elemental,Non-Dimming cards,So It can save you in a tight spot. The down side, his weakness is breaker, and since you cant block breaker, and allot of good cards have a breaker element to them, its gonna be hard to keep your vibrant noise, this noise is best if you multi noise with something, anything(Aside from Cygnus, Ill explain in Cygnus's section) So you can keep your noise a little bit longer. Multi noise with Gemini and pack in some Sword fighters to Add some Stun, healing, and combo potential in there.Ice spin cards rape hard withd with Cancer bubble XD
-Corvus Noise-
Charge Attack:
-Shocking Flare
Sends a fire attack down an entire row. Base damage is 55 and
each Buster Attack Level raises the damage by 5. The attack also
immobilizes enemies with the Gravity status effect.
Flinches enemies.
-Non-dimming Fire-elemental attack cards +30
Vibrant Noise Abilities:
-Nullify effects of Poison Panels
-Immune to HP bugs
-Immune to Black Hole-type attacks
-Atom Blazer (400)
-Cancer Noise-
Charge Attack:
-Bubble Shot
Slow charge. Targets are encased in a bubble for a short period
of time. Damage is 10 and increases by 10 for every Buster Attack
-Non-dimming Aqua-elemental attack cards +30
Vibrant Noise Abilities:
-Non-dimming Aqua cards give bubble effect upon hit.
-Dyna Wave (100)
Strategy:Cancer Noise is a interesting one.A good noise if used right Multi Noise with Virgo if you are want to go on the offence, If your foe is packing Elec chips(And most people do, due to how good chips like Elecslash,Plamsashot X, and Flash strike are) you may wanna be on the defence,pack in some Spirit Fury(Stops Element attacks), so this can stop the normal cards from hitting you once and dealing 150 damage. In you are in vibrant noise, Go with the Water-Elec-Water-Elec kinda flow with your cards, Bubble them up with whatever watercard you have then hit the bubble with a elec card for 2X damae(If the attack you use stuns them, you can combo them a bit more so keep that in mind)
-Gemini Noise-
Charge Attack:
-Rocket Knuckle
Fires a fist down one row. Paralyzes target upon hit.
Base damage is 10 and increase by 10 for every Buster Attack Level.
-Non-dimming Elec-elemental attack cards +30
-Tag system in folders. Choose 2 cards that are more likely to
appear together.
Vibrant Noise Abilities:
-Sword attacks paralyze. Dimming and non-dimming.
-Thunderbolt Blade (100)
-Ophiuca Noise-
Charge Attack:
-Wood Shot
Fast charge and attack. Spreads upon hit damaging adjacent panels
and creates Grass Panels. Does not flinch but does cause "aback" status;
targets do not become invisible from the attack. Base damage is 10
and increases by 10 for every Buster Attack Level.
-Wood-elemental attack cards +20. Dimming and non-dimming.
Vibrant Noise Abilities:
-Non-elemental, non-dimming attack cards cause temporary confusion.
-No Flash ability equipped; immune to Confusion and Blind status effect.
-Elemental Cyclone (100)
-Cygnus Noise-
Charge Attack:
-Feather Vulcan
Fires a regular Vulcan attack. Base damage is 3 and increase
by the Buster Attack Level x base damage. Attack of 5 means
one shot = 15 damage. 3 hits total; non-elemental, non-flinching
-Air Shoes + Float Shoes active
-Non-elemental attack cards +10. Dimming and non-dimming.
Vibrant Noise Abilities:
-Non-dimming Wind-elemental attack cards +30
-Meteor Light Barrage (130)
-Taurus Noise-
Charge Attack:
-Heat Cannon
Slow charge. Spreads damage to the back 3 panels upon hit.
Base damage is 30 and increase by 10 with each Buster Attack Level.
Attack flinches but can create 4 panels if a panel-creating ability
is equipped.
-Super Armor equipped
-Non-dimming Fire-elemental attack cards +50
Vibrant Noise Abilities:
-Atomic Blazer (400)
-Virgo Noise-
Charge Attack:
-Aqua Wave
Sends an Aqua-elemental wide wave forward piercing through enemies.
Base damage is 20 and increases by 10 for each Buster Attack Level.
-No Freeze equipped
-No Bubble equipped
-Non-dimming Aqua-elemental attack cards +30
Vibrant Noise Abilities:
-Dyna Wave (100)
Strategy:Virgo is one hell of a noise,with no Vibrant power ups, You star the match with all your noise power ups at the start of the match, no need to get your noise up at all, and right now its my main noise for that reason. One thing comes to mind when I see this noise,Freezeing. The charge shot of Virgo's is a periceing wide wave attack.Add a ice stage and you can freeze your foes all the way across the area very easily. If you are packing in some breaker attacks like GreatAxe,Breaksaber, or something along thoese lines, for easy double damage to a frozen foe.Virgo is also kinda hard to deal double damage to cause this noise come wraped with No Bubble and No Freeze,2 abilitys that if you had the lowest link power for would cost you 600 each(and with a possible max of 1900, it is still is a big cost, so that good too.Also lets not forget that water cards turn in to invisble when used as support, so you can protect yourself really well. The only problem I have with this noise is that its weakness is Elec, and elec cards just rape, so people tend to pack more of them, so keeping your noise up will be a bit on the hard side, but even then, Any stun you recive from elec cards will be cancled out so even loseing your noise can be helpful
-Crown Noise-
Charge Attack:
-Plasma Shot
Fires a paralyzing shot forward. Base damage is 10 and increases by 10
for each Buster Attack Level.
-Mega and Giga Cards have a higher chance of appearing during battle.
-Elec-elemental attack cards +20. Dimming and non-dimming.
Vibrant Noise Abilities:
-Non-elemental, non-dimming attack cards cause Blind status effect.
-Thunderbolt Blade (100)
Strategy:Adding Blindness to a foe is overlooked, Add invisible and this makes them hard to guess when they can hit you. If you time you invisbles to just before they end, you can even trick them into wasteing a timestop card for nothing, Just watch out for those attacks that can hit through Invis.This plan is great if you like to hide behind invisible, If you are Packing sword cards like Sword Fighter or Breaker saber,You can Combo them and leave them guessing a little bit.Please take note that they can see you if you are shooting your buster widely. Don't forget about the elec and water cards too. Flashstrike or StealthLazer are good choices for Crown(Stealth Laser can hit through invisible, and if they are stunned, you can hit them with all 3 hits and attack from there as it does not leave the foe invisible afterwords and Flash strike adds to the blindness plan and has more damage due to crowns power up).The reason for adding a few water chips is cause there is a chance for them to show up as support cards, and that leads into more invsibles to conserve your HP.
Gemini, or Ophuica Noise works really well with this, adding stun or confusion can screw them over alot
-Wolf Noise-
Charge Attack:
-Shock Claw
Sends a claw attack reaching 2 panels forward. Non-flinching and causes
aback. Both Wood and Sword elemental. Base damage is 60 and
increases by 10 for each Buster Attack Level.
-Quick Gauge equipped
-Non-dimming Sword-elemental attack cards +30
Vibrant Noise Abilities:
-Wood-elemental attack cards +10. Dimming and non-dimming.
-Auto-Lock on for non-dimming Wood-elemental attack cards.
-Elemental Cyclone (100)
-Rogue Noise-
Rogue Noise is unlike all the other Noises. This Noise can only be obtained
by having no Real Brothers registered. That includes Opponent Noises.
You must have empty brother slots and get into a WARNING battle for a
Noise Change. Rogue Noise is easily available to both versions and is a very
powerful stand-alone Noise. However, if you decide to change Noises from
Rogue Noise or add a Brother, you will lose Rogue Noise! The only way to get
it back is to find another battle and hope to get the change again.
Even the Noise in Astro Wave 1 won't change you back. Be careful.
Charge Attack:
-Double-strength Buster Shot
-Non-dimming Sword-elemental attack cards +50
-EM Barrier at the start of the second turn and on.
Protects against one attack.
Vibrant Noise Abilities:
-Non-dimming, non-elemental attack cards paralyze on hit
-Break opponent's Lock-On in PvP battles
Battle Cards
Note:It is going to take some time to work out all the cards that work well, So give me some time. Even when this guide is "Done" Ill still be adding cards.
Ok So Im not going to tell you how to build your folder, But I will tell you what cards are great for PvP battles. As you know, Some Cards just work better in PvP than they do in the Story mode(Such as Cynguswing, Libra scales, Gemini Thunder and other card)So Here is a bunch of cards that you should think about putting in your folder to give you that edge in battle
The Fist card
The Fist cards are great cards for PVP
Now the first 3 in this section are cards that first poped up in the first Starforce game. These cards are
Stun Knuckle
Poison Knuckle
Freeze Knuckle
Now these cards dont seem to be al that good. I mean, They only hit one Panel, They have a bit of a starting and ending lag, and they don't break through sheild
But what they do well is Break Special body ability.Stun Knuckle Breaks"No Paralyze" ability. Freeze Knuckle Breaks"No Freeze" Abilities, And PoisonKnuckle Breaks Corvus's Ability to be immune to HP bugs. So if you can hit with theses cards, You can combo your foe as iff they never had it equipped. The other cards in the "Fist" Series are
Heat Upper1,2,3,X
Destroy Upper
Now These cards have the same range and Slightly more ending lag than the other fist cards, But unlike the other Punching card, These Break through shields. So if you can bait your foe in to their shield, You got a free hit.Now the Heatupper cards are Great cause they Break your foes Superarmor and deal a good amount of damage for a Normal card and can have its attack power doubled with grass stage.
Now Destroy upper is the King of all the Fist cards, It deals Less damage than the Heat upper cards, But it breaks 5 random body abilities on your foe, now most people don't have more than 5 body abilities equipped, so it reverts them back to basic abilities, which can give you a big upper hand in battle.
Skull Arrow: Yes, Its really simple. Deals damages to the back row, and adds gravity
to the all the panels, keeping them from moving,There you go, Nuff said.
Mega Boost:This is a nice card to have 2 0r 3 of, It makes it so when you use a Mega attack,(Lock on to a foe then attack is a Mega Attack) you cant be hurt during the whole animation, This can also make all mega attacks perice invisble. and thats always handy, it can catch your foe off gaurd and get around those annoying Invisble spamers
Mega/Giga Class
As You went through the story You may have realized some cards...just don't cut it when fighting the bosses of the game, it takes a bit of set up to hit them, But in PVP, Due to how Megaman is restricted to the back row, the cards that required so much set up, are easy as hell to use, here is a few "better for PvP" cards.
Cygnus Wing 1.2,3,X,GA:These cards are good for PvP, It can Fly over holes, Break Shields, Blow of Auras and Barriers, And hits the whole back row and along the sides, And deals a good amount of damage too! The only down side is a badly Block can stop Cygnus in his tracks, look out for that
LibraScales 1,2,3,X,GA: Ehhhh This cards Is crap in the main story, unless you are fighting Virgo or Joker as they like to stay in the back row, But even in multiplayer mode, This is a ok chip. I decided to put it here because it flys over holes and deals fire and water damage, So it can know people out of their wood an fire noise.
And it hits all the back row if you are standing in the center, but like Cyngus, It can be stoped if a rock is in the way
Gemini Thunder(GA or Normal) :Damn, I Highly recommend this Giga card, It hits the center, and the back row,hits through invisble, and adds stun, and if you hit them in the center, it becomes a longer lasting stun, and the damage it deals puts a big hurt on your foe,, Its only downsides are if areaeater is used its range is all but crap, and it can be blocked
SpadeMagnus1,2,3,X,GA:Again, Another"Fly over holes" Mega Cards, Deals Elec and Sword damage, can hit up to twice and leave them under the effect of gravity, Its Pretty good,though it can be defended by everything sadly sad
WingBlade/GA This is by far, The Best Giga Card in the game. This attack is a 3 Pannel wide attack, So standing in the center is your best place to use it.Now this Attack can fly over holes, but cant be summoned on them.Now this card is great cause it has speical "Codes" you can press upon its use. When you see the screen dim,Press "RRL" For AcidAce to shoot his gun,This is good for takeing out barriers and Super barriers.If you press LLR, He will swing his sword, Now this can break gaurds and Destroy Auras. After the attacks are peformed, or if you didnt use any commands at all, He will then go to where he was summoned and Tackle the whole area for 450 damage,
The Colom He rams is a breaking attack, Bassicaly if you know how to use this, you can hit anyone aywhere
Well...What do you think this is? Here I will put down combo I know of, Have done, Or have seen myself. The ability to pull of these combos can range anywhere from easy beyond all reason. To"Why did you even mention this combo" kinda hard.So with out an further delay, I bring you "Card combos"
Poison Storm Combo:All Poison-Poison storm: Simple Right? I mean its 2 time stop cards, Big whoop .Lay down All Poison then Use Poison Storm whne you feel like it, Poison take out barriers and Auras in one shot so they cant block that way.I would recomend that you are Cyngus Noise/Have Floatshoes on before trying this combo.You could hurt yourself a bit trying to pull this off if you dont.The good thing about this combo is it hurts....ALOT, 600 damage without powerup.750 if you are Cyngus Noise without power ups, It also destroys Auras and Barriers in one shot so that always a plus. Now the down side to this combo is that the damage this combo can deal can be greatly lowered but arena changeing cards such as Area eater,Extitmetor, and so on. This can be sheilded or dimmed countered into a invisble or some other stage change card like grass stage,makeing it a waste.And Object on the stage will take damage, also rduceing the damage....its easy to counter, but the damage it deals is worth it.
Super Meteor biggrin ouble Eater-ExtiMeteor-Platnuim Meteor: Double Eater takes away 2 rows, Extinction meteor hits the last row 7 times, then after they move around a bit,theyll have one space left since Extinction Meteor cracked the other 2 spots. Platinum Meteor Will hit the very last square with all 9 meteors Add Stun Plus If you want so you can combo them from there. Its a pretty cool combo really ^_^. The good thing about this combo is Extinction Meteor cannot be blocked, and it leaves them only one space afterwards for a small amount of time.If this combo goes off right, They cant really counter Platinum Meteor.The bad thing is that your opponent has time to do something while your waiting for them to move 2 times or so.That and Float shoes and Air shoes and even Super Armor could screw you over.
Super Armor Destroyer:Big Gernade-HeatUpper/Destroy Upper:Another easy one, Throw a Big gernade, And if the foe isnt invisble or in a Aura, Their responce will be to throw up the sheild,Thats when you come in with Heatupper/Destroy Upper to break the sheild and their SA/Body power ups.You can use grass stage to double the dammage of Heatupper if you want, If you are Tauras Noise, and you use Heat Upper X, You can Easily deal 600 damage and break their SA. If they get hit by the Big Gernade attack, Then you delt 180 damage and broke Super Armor, Either way, That SA is comeing off. This Combo is hard to mess up with...a 3 year old could do this, The only down side is Any Auras and Invisbles will screw this combo over badly