It's been nearly a year since my last entry, and I've decided to make another. Mostly, I urged myself to do this because I was on my brother's account, Halo Hedgey, and I was looking at his journal while bumping for him in my mom's contest thread (see, he wanted me to take care of his account [Daily Chance, feeding Hermit Cats, etc.] while we was gone on his camping trip.
So anyway, I wish boys would actually bother to wrote down how they were feeling more often. He only had one journal entry (made fairly recently) on his new account, and a bunch of old frivilous ones on his original account Angelic Light Blue. I went and checked out my husband's journal too (Forlani Mordecai, because the others had no journals, or at least no entries). He hasn't made an entry since '06 nearly three years ago... I'm subscribed to Mike's brother, Eric (or Syntherin here on Gaia), and he's made a few entries here and there (his entries remind me of younger Mike's entries, amusingly; mostly stuff about how the world sucks [which it does, don't get me wrong, I'm not casting stones! xd ]).
I haven't made an entry in nearly a year (as stated above), on the other hand I write in my journal (at minimum) weekly, and last weekend I was so swept up into discussing my particular feelings that I was "off" for a couple days afterwards.
So let's discuss some here's and now's. I'm currently obsessed with three songs, which I've been listening to via Youtube on repeat. xd If you'd like a gander (which you don't, let's face it, these are for me later), here they are:
I Hate Everything About You
Everything You Want
We Did Nothing Wrong
Which brings us to another current obsession. Spock/McCoy. I've joined that delicious fanbase with eagerness... though I've yet to find anyone to actually share my... enjoyment of it. All I have is an old dead freesite. Ha! The internet is a great place. At any rate, my creative nature (writing and drawing) has taken over quite nicely. You can check that out too (a possible sweep of my hard-drive may reveal even more wink ).
So what else? Well, I have been brooding about my soon-to-be departure to the 2009 Writer's Conferrence. I'm not looking forward to it, nor am I dreading it. It simply is and simply will be (oh, I'm trying to embrace a more Spock-ian way of life, btw). But I wonder how it will go. I'll miss Mike, but I'll also be awkwardly glad to be without him for a while. Lately I've felt a little stiffled, like I can't go anywhere without him without him getting sincerely worried about me. @_@ Complicated feelings I'd rather not ruminate on at the moment, though. My aunts and mother will be there, and I wonder if that's a mistake or not as well?
Uncertainty. About the next year. I hope I can keep my head above water (aka, not fall into any depressed state). I'd like to get it done and over with.
I enjoy fantasy, you know that? I like to be emersed in it and ignore real life. So few times in our lives are we able to experience abandonment to a single feeling or thought. The world is overwhelming and not a story book, and it's annoying.
That, my friends (what friends? Oh, rhetorical friends for the sake of literacy- addressing the reader, haha), is my most recent journal entry. Ta-ta. smile
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