I find myself lost within your eyes,
Gazing into them as I hold this picture within my hand,
Smile washed over my face as if it was the very first time,
I’ve never felt this kind of bliss before,
I find myself lost within your eyes,
Floating on a cloud soft and comforting,
The gleam beating on me like the warmth of the morning sun,
I’ve never felt this Kind of happiness before,
I find myself lost within your eyes,
As if I were trapped within the most glorious dream,
Where flowers bloom in unison with the beams from above,
I’ve never felt this kind of warmth before,
I find myself lost within your eyes,
Knowing an angel was engraved upon that paper I gazed upon,
Watching over me, keeping me safe,
Ive never felt that kind of safeness before.
I cherish those brilliant enchanting eyes,
That sweet and welcoming smile,
As they beckon my heart to keep beating,
It beats for you,
You are but an angel on paper,
How I wish to hold you within embrace,
To show you a sweet romance that would warm your heart,
I wish it were mine,
How I wish to win your love,
You a vision of perfection within my eyes,
Within my heart, my soul,
In which I offer for you and you only,
How I cherish the moment I have,
The moment in which I smilingly gaze upon your beautiful face,
Wishing that I could hold you within my arms,
Whispering sweet words of love into your ear,
My heart grows, beats stronger for you,
Gazing uncontrollably into those enchanting eyes,
I feel my heart beating faster and yet slower,
All in the same instance,
I find myself lost within your eyes,
Wishing that you were mine.
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You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.
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