Get Angry with me, Hit me, Give me more reason to hate you.
Hate me Beautifully.
Hurt me Unmercifully,
Make my life more fun.
don't ignore me, don't tell me you're busy.
Hate me beautifully.
i love it when you cry, i hate it when you blame me.
I love it when you hate me, i hate you when you love me.
Give me an excuse to make you cry, i love your pain, i love it when you cry.
Hate me Beautifully.
love me no more, think of me always.
Hate me Beautifully, so i can have more fun.
Don't pretend that you love me,
Hate me Honestly.
give me leave to make you cry.
Oh! how i wish to die, simply to make you cry,
would you feel bad if i died?, no, that's not good enough, i want you to kill me. then you'd feel the pain i do,
the guilt i feel, i bet you'd want to die.
Hate me Beautifully, Love me no more.
bring me pain, make my life hell, Give me more reason to hate you, give me more reason to make you cry.
Pain if Frightening!, Pains unpleasant,
oh! how i love Pain.
The Rusty smell of blood, the Warmth...the taste...
Give me pain, give me reason to cry, Make my blood flow unconditionally, Make my life more interesting, give me another reason to die. Make my life more fun, Let me see you cry.
Cry only for me.
Show that pain only to me.
Pain feels good, Pain feels warm, Pain smells rusty, it flows without end, and gives me a reason to live.
And a reason to die.
By: Chelsea Anderson.
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I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life... to put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. [img:436d006141][/img:436d006141]