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Life is an adventure
Live a Little
Day 2 Day experience part 7
Day 2 Day experience. Part 8

My journal has been actin up lately. sorry.
Lately, traps were bein set in my home. Chazu got one of his guys to get rid of them, but somethin or someone got through to my house and drained my power. they'll come back eventually, but for now, i got nothin to protect myself but claws and fangs

My father was talkin to an old friend today, then i jumped off the steps and onto his lap really hard. He pushed me on the floor and said "You know i hit harder than you" i said "yeah, but i'm faster" and he thought i was lyin, so he tried to suprise me and punch me, but hit the table instead. and i sat there laughin at him.

in runescape, i found a quiet little town that made a good fishin spot. fish of all kinds were bein caught and sold there which made it a good place to stock up on food for me and forby. and it had a nice little farmin spot. which reminds me, i hate farming.

dragon is human now....in case i haven't put it in my last entry. and she's hell-a upset on. oh yeah...koopaling's missin and wolven's cryin like a baby over it. TOO MUCH IS GOIN ON RIGHT!!! *spazzes and passes out*

Mreow...i'm tired.. and i have good news and bad news.

good news...i got all of my powers and includin my hair back.

bad news..my dad gets home tomorrow....and i really dont wanna deal with him

worse news...i think one of my friends hates me now..

even worser news (dont get on me about the word ""worser"" wink my mom does hate me right now. she's pissed and i have no clue why. then again..i never do.

I found out I got a new sister here...who says i'm too mean. then the chick turns out to be a dragon...
Dragon! she was a raccoon today! and i would've had her if it weren't for chazu....
dragon also came face to face with larkin. which was kinda funny to watch for a while. they were dancein and fightin and...it was wierd.

Dragon tried runescape, but because she found it confusin and didn't like the way battle was done on there...she decided not to join fully. i was hopin to do things with her on there..but...oh well...
i got a steak and a cup of coco moo callin me so i'm out. byes.


Tis always fun to go out and adventure
with the ones you love..
but...if one is not careful...
you may get lost...and swallowed up in that
very same adventure

Yes. the journal poems are back. but this one was enspired by a runescape happenin.
ok...see...forby and i did a quest that let us weild new weapons. so we thought we test the weapons out. forby was feelin a little anxious and i was a little brave (or stupid) at the time, so we went after blue dragons. (sorry dragon student) now..the babies were easy to kill. but the mother's and adults kinda went really hard on us. delivered blows that literally took out half our health. forby and i were nearly killed serveral times. but alas...we got careless. While i was dealin with a smaller dragon...forby was killed by one of the larger ones. so i recovered his things...pulled out my armor and avenged my love. and hung on by the skin of my teeth while doin so. yes yes...it was weak from forby's attacks, but thing is..i'm weak as well. for at the same time that i delivered the final blow to the dragon, it blasted me to kindom come and nearly killed me. i teleported out of there before i was killed.
I realized forby and i make a great team. but if this team is to work even better. two things need to change....forby, for one, must be more patient. and me? i need to wise up and use my freakin head.

on gaia..i'm pleased to say that i'm feelin better. my horns are growin back, and my powers are startin to come back to me..slowly though.
besides that, nothin new but a lot of journal work. includin a page in which I display my forms. human..cat...hybrid...so on..so forth. anyways...i'm tired..and will probably get busted any minute. so i'm up. night!

What a day...or days...i should say. I'm kinda down right now...again..so give me a minute. First of all, rex tried to kill me for the first time in a long time. testin his new dragon form, so after a short fight, i got him scared of me again.
and cali, my guinea pig that thinks he's a cat, tore up my room. as far as my gaia house goes, trixi raided it recently and wondered why there was a chalk outline on the floor with a ball and chain and handcuffs sittin next to it. For all of you wonderin...dont ask.
I got a new hair style as i've said.
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just for fun, but i'm not sure i wanna keep it. so i did a poll in my journal askin people what i should do and had them choose between a number of chosen hairstyles, in the end, my old hairstyle won, so i'm gettin my old look back. which isn't bad now that i think about it.
On runescape, forby and i (forby more than me) have been comin to alot of money. he makes a special type of magical rock and sells them. while i myself am trainin myself in magic so i could get into a guild that has high level mages in it. i'm 6 levels away. and we recently found a game room where players challenge each other. forby and i played a few games of checkers and connect four there and her kinda killed me. i mean in the game. i can't play.
anyways...to the big news....I'm human. i know...it happened yesterday. exiled came in and we had a nice talk. in the middle of it, she goes nuts and tries to kill me yet again. i'm runnin....once again, only to turn around as a huge flamin ball of fire and ram her. when she hit back, it knocked me into kitten form. that's when chazu came in and tried to help. but in the midst of the fight...bein a pheonix, chazu turned into a livin flame and when to the nearest source of fire. bein me. out of habit, i abosorbed the fire (which was really chazu), then barfed him up a few minutes later in normal form. i'm guessin that he was too powerful and kinda shorted me out, or just all in all ""broke"" me, as he puts it, and i reverted to human form. My old human form. Black hair and everything.
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so now...i'm powerless. and it sux. forby says i look cute though...i dont thinks so but hey.

by the way. learned how to use a code for a quest bar. so in entries from now on...i'm gonna but the end of the day quest meter. like how far it got today. for example...this is what i'm up to in my ""gettin a bigger house"" quest.
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the bar is found in my profile and is update alot to keep up with the quest. but i dont really have a time or anthin as far as updatein it goes.

so anyway. last thing is....i got new multimedia. and FMA amv done with the very addictive song ""Always Hardcore"". that's it. now i'm gonna kick back with a cup of hot coco and wait for adam to call. even though it's 2:30 am.....

Lots of runescape craziness has happened today. as well as gaian.
lets start with a little story. I started a quest today. one of the items was hard to get, and the only place i knew of as far as where to find it was in the wilderness where players attack other players. i went out there with one law rune and one fire rune, hopin to get out of trouble. But i was missin one of the runes need to teleport. and didn't realize this till i got out there. so i winged it. i ran and got the items needed, but was attacked by zombies while doin so. they hit suprisingly hard for their level and i lost half my health. while runnin to saftey, another player ran after me. thank the lord my agility is a little high. i outran him and hid in a castle. the castle was full of runes, includin the one i need to teleport, but i was scared to go down stairs in fear of diein. so i waited awhile and made a break for it. unfortunatly when i got down there, four mages were there all on the same team. i used the water runes, and earths runes and two nature runes i got from the zombies and bound the stronger of the four, the weakest and the other was still comin. i got to the air runes in time to teleport, but the weakest poisoned me right before i teleported. Yes..i was find after ward, nothin a dose of anti poision and a cake couldn't fix. but even chazu said that does guys were douche bags.
funny thing is...we ended not even doin that quest cause forby drowned himself in a lake. litterally drowned himself. =-.-=

Second story.
We bought a cannon. forby and i that is. he decide to take this very expencsive cannon to fight dragons. and you know what? he died. there was a whole "I told so! dragons are not to be messed with" moment after ward. the cannon was gone. his helmet...gone. and his anti dragon shield gone. when he went back to where he had died, the cannon (and this is a pure miracle) was standin right where he had set it up. he quickly picked it up, and the cannon balls left over, and hi tailed it. from what he told me i think he did. but we need to get him a helmet now. as for the anti dragon shield? C'mon. you're lookin at neko that's paranoid about dragons. of course i had an extra.

third story.
there was a ball held today in gaia. i got just four items. that i think suck. and wierd things have been happenin. see....color niji? the rainbow fox? she looked like this.
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and me? i looked like this.
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and i got to meet gino.
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who was lookin for sasha and kept askin me about her. my reply was.
why is gino keepin askin me about sasha? like i'm the manager of whores r us or somethin?

Larkin set up a door in the mansion that led to everworld. my friends and family where there, and niji got to meet one of my kittens. Tommy. Tommy however, only had one person on her mind. forby. she wanted to talk to her daddy...how cute...lol
anyways. that's today in a nut shell. yes today. not a two day time period day. this is all one day. and i'm beat....besides...forby's callin me. *rushes to bed*

Ok...i've been down due to a few relationship problems with forby. but just to let you all know. i'm fine. so is forb. everything's ok.
on the other hand, i've been spittin up blood!
forby thinks its cause i dont get a lot of sleep.
my irl mom thinks it's because my apetite has gotten smaller
while chazu thinks it's because i've been eatin things that 'arent healthy' for me.
anyways, today was the first day in awhile i've been feelin pretty good. good enough to scare the crap out of my mom by usin my sword as a back scratcher. xd she want's to take the sword from me, but i guard that thing like i would my game cube or ds. Translation= NO ONE IS TOUCHIN MY SWORD!

anyways....i'm scared to death of the wtgr thread cause of tow things.
1) Forby might come in and start a fight.
b) exiled is ticked at me. especially after valentines day.
third) Dragon and her multiple personalities are startin to make me and chazu pull our hair and fur out. and even more. she lost a fricken eye because of it. gonk

things are crazy in gaia.

For starters...let me tell you, runescape has been crazy. trainin like crazy. I'm finally able to wield dragon weapons...and...i'm raisin even more cats...and...i poisoned some one's cat when i put rat poison down in a warehouse...my cat. well. one of my cats, the larger ones, got to fight a rat, and almost died. i had to give it lobster to keep it fightin.
AND I GOT A SWORD! i'm not talkin about gaia, or runescape, i'm talkin real life.
2 and 1/2 ft blade with a 10in hilt which is also red and black and has a match sheith.
And learned a song about not wearin underwear. next entry i'll post the link if i remember.
anyways. today, tonight actually, i got upset cause my dad took my narnia book, and my sword. I got really pissed, and next thing i know, i woke up in the wtgr thread. chazu said i came in lookin wicked and my fur and skin turned pitch black, and my eyes were red, and my flames were hotter and redder than normal..somethin about blue stalled me. it might be the fact that blue's my son. i dont know...anyway. i'm actually in a rush. an certain someone is waitin for me in my room. heart see you guys.

It's the first of feb. you know what that means? black histoty month. and the tv speacials are already coomin on. my mom was watchin one today and was laughing at a black girl for havin a white boy friend, after a couple of seconds she realized i was givin her a really dirty look. stare kinda like that.

and yesterday, forby's mom decided she doesn't want us talkin to each other at night anymore, which is the most convient time for both of us. as i hung up when his mom kicked him off the phone, my dad decided he doesn't want me talkin to forby anymore as well. to put this plain and a heck of a lot cutesy than what i actually said to my dad, I told him to kiss my tail. I also bit him. he went into my room and kicked my guinea pig, calico. and tried to take my game cube apart, only to knock in on the floor. i had to put it back together. and did. it works fine now. a little wierd noices, but fine none the less. i hate my dad...
forby's mom seems to be makin up excuses to keep us from talkin. i'm gettin sick of his mom and my dad, and forby feels the same. but niether of us are givinin up. i'll be hurtin for a while since i won't be able to talk or see him as much, but i'm not givin up on forby. cause he wouldn't give up on me.

anyways. on gaia, i got to talk to loe, an old neko lovin friend of me. oh yeah...new items. tetris blocks. i put one on forby. still waitin to hear/see his reaction to that. xd
Mess with chazu and dragon, same old same old.
met a girl named Koopa Peach...she claims to be the side of Peach that has a crush on bowser. oi...
I've been workin on my story again. 2 chapters done. i seem to be gettin better. at least i thought i was, now i got writter's block again.
block...oh yeah! pic of the day!
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lol, the tetris items. i thought it would be fun to make! and it was! chazu loves it. forby didn't say anythin about it yet, and dragon doesn't know yet. but she will.
i'm gonna go tetris crazy for the next few days in dan's profile. makin them blocks fall. speakin of fallin, i kinda pushed my dad halfway down a flight of steps.
this leads me to a good piece of advice i must give you all now.


pic of the day.
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Lemme explain the quote like this. Forby and i bugged out on runescape. and i got to see an arena on an island. we both went to train in this arena and kinda drove ourselves crazy. forby kept missin the goals by one or two seconds, and i kept fallin off the board like crazy.
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prime example. see how i completely missed the rope here? result = me eatin one or two cakes to keep myself alive.

besides a bunch or runescape business, nothin much happened today. i did, however, got to talk to exiled. who's birthday is comin up on the eigth. bad news is, on the nineth. she goes back to maulin and tryin to eat me again. so i thought if i do somethin special on her b-day. she'd stop completely. hopefully that will work

irl, got into a fight with my mom...again...she's talkin about wakin me up at some six in the mornin to make her waffles. is she nuts?! i'll be just gettin to sleep! well...maybe not tonight...i've been sick. pasted out earlier. of course...at least until someone reads this journal...no one knows but forby. heheh..forby's always the first to know these things. and sometimes..i feel like i hurt him...i gotta do somethin special for teh forbishness. hmmm.... anyways. hot coco's callin me. night.

Hey! I'm doin great! Dragon's gone nuts. So have chazu. they both were replaced by people from the freakin future. bein the poor clueless soul i am, i kinda just sat back and endured all that went on. they were tryin to make my mind implode, and when the normal dragon and chazu and i was the only one that remembered everythin. and then....i kinda lost it.
on runescape...I GOT TO PLAY A GAME! WITH WEREWOLVES! AND MAKE MONEY WITH TEH FORBISHNESS!! ...who taunted me when i started to cry after he left me....goit.
anyway. fudge is the cutest little kitten! she had her first catnip night tonight....girl was high...
and that's about it! ....that i'm gonna tell you goits anyway.


I sit up at night, cryin your name...longin to be with you, yet my heart, it breaks and even now, can bearly stay together.

I'm gonna say this now...i really feel like crap right now....so bear with me.

the last few days have been eventful, on gaia, runescape, and real life. first of all, real life, i went to see a movie everyone's been talkin about. Everworld Evolution. on top of that, i've been gettin my computer. the wireless one. all i need now is to get internet on it.
I've also been hooked on mario and luigi. personaly, that game is funny, but luigi's the one that makes the game funny.

in runescape, i've been tryin to make money back. i've come up with the idea of sellin gloves, but that may take longer than expected. i've also been fishin and raised my tenth cat today, at least i think it's ten. might be more.

now on gaia, i've still tryin not to get killed by dragon, who now, wants to eat forby. =-.-= forby beat chazu, wind, and dragon up on my profile for pickin on me. chazu's now scared of forby, wind don't realized what happened yet, and dragon wants to get forby back. so now i have to keep her from mauling both me and forby....
and we have a new addition to our family. a girl. fudge monkeys. blue's irl sister. and know she's his gaian sister too. makes me think...is she a cat? or a wolf? or...what ever.




...That aint it. hold on. there's more from these screwed up brain washed hammer bros

...These are actual quotes from the DS game Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time.
in one part you fight the leet hammer bros....this only proves one thing....noobs are takin over nintendo...

anyway's i'm just as happy and depressed as ever. i've been a little lonely and wantin my forby, but besides that, i've been good. scared two new guys in the thread...lost it and nearly killed half the wolf pack. wrote chapters four and five to my story. and...readin dragon's story. relic. speakin of..she's makin a second part to the story she put her friends in. which i think is awsome. I'M IN A STORY! chazu's been writtin two. i'm in it as well as my alternate, Zapook, or Zee. i got to meet her. she's actually really cool. aside from her bein a lot more polite, a master at potions, havin a wolf tail, and not likin fish, she's the exact same person as me..chibi huntin and all..heheh...
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speak of chibi, i got two pics to add to my art collection page. one by dragon, another by chazu.
let's see....oh yeah. runescape. found a lost city today, since forby's been hastlin me to find it, and got to kill somethin almost twice my lvl. too bad it was so weak against magic.....
runescapes been fun. and annoyin. forby's been goin theif crazy with cakes. yes. he steals cakes. and i'm proud of him. aight?
i've been too busy tryin to see everythin in the lands and gettin lost in dungeons to lvl up. but that's slowly changin.
and....um...besides me smackin blue, stayin away from dragon's jaws, messin around with Zapook and runescape, and still goin long and strong with forby, there's nothin really new to talk about. oh yeah!
I'M WORKIN AT EB GAMES NOW!!! finally. i've already been to work four times, and i'm lovin it. i learned about all the newest games and systems comin out too, like the zelda fans goin stir crazy for the new one and seein if it'll be on game cube or revolution. halo three's comin out soon, and so is hit man three, and god of war is still hangin in there as the numbah one most sold game. not to mension the release of halo three comin out the same time as the ps3 to compete with sails.
yeah...i feel smart.

anyways, that's it. i'm out...i'm so tired...and hungry! night!

Olive green = Chazu
Blue = Dragon
Red = me

4laugh YOU ARE HERE! *pokes dragon's belly*


Koopa-chan: *Blink Blink*
Dragon-chan: What kind of seasoning do you like on your meals?

..........why? *eyebrow*

Tempted to see you get revenge on Koopa-chan for eating you many times as a chibi?

4laugh well I like my foods pretty mild ^^

*ties up Koopa-chan* in a licorice rope and shoves her towards dragon*

=o.O= That's not fair! *rolls away*

twisted *turns into dragon form and stalks after Koopa* now you know what I feel like when I'm in chibi form and you get hungry!

gonk SORRY! *scoots back against a wall* I promise to be good from now on... sweatdrop

*Puts Cat n** on Koopa's nose*

CHAZU! Why dont you help untie me before dragon.....before...nippy....*falls over* =@.@= n** n**....

xd *puts Koopa in pocket for snackage for later*

=@.@= I .....feel dizzy....*stumbles out of her pocket*

ok....first of all...i'm always hungry...second..i can't help it if i like chibis. they have 'chase me' written all over them. and third...i hate licorice. or however it's spelled. yuck..
anyways. happy new years. 2006.
and to start it off....i'm gonna get mauled by dragon....
the wolf den is the same. lots of new faces though. and chazu's paradin around as a super hero. Mean while..more info on this Zapook girl's unfolding. she's actually pretty cool.

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pic of the day year 2005
Sup. it's after christmas i know. but since i didn't right an entry for christmas....
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Cute aint it? Personally i can't see forby with a halo.
I"m pretty pissed right now so i wanna say sorry in advance if i sound like an a** hole.
My phones? irl? dont work for s**t. if you answer one phone? you can only use that phone you answered for the duration of the call.
by the way....I HATE ******** PLAYIN CHESS! CHESS IS THE CRAPIEST GAME EVER INVINTED. oh, and i'm sayin this cause i lost a game of chess to forby earlier....
Speakin of forby....why do people feel as though they can crack jokes and pick on me when i'm not feelin that well? You guys might be tellin me to grow up but i say that i can never get a ******** break! I mean...COME ON! I'M SICK! My leg? that spot on my knee that was swollen from my fallen down the ******** steps? Yeah. IT HURTS LIKE HELL RIGHT NOW! Not to mention my gums are fallin apart. litterally. the gum tissue is fallin out my ******** mouth. all because we dont have enough damn money to see a damn docter. Those that were with me through my 3rd wisdom tooth crisis know exactly what i'm talkin about. oh yeah....i've had this same ******** headache for a day now.....it hasn't gone away. nope. by the way...got the game nintendogs for christmas? and now i remember why i hate dogs. stupid no good bastards that burn your money with food and water and all you get in return is a paper bag full of dog s**t, and funky house, and a massive migrain from listenin to them bark.
By the way the biggest dog/b*****d in my life is my irl father. i mean...what the hell is his problem? I've been tryin to talkin to him, and instead i get one of his smart a** remarks and complaints. Do i look like i wanna hear that s**t? hell no!
Let's add to my bad mood shall we?
My tv's broke...
My guinea pig took a piss on my bed, then chewed up my best set of headphones.
My mom hates me right now for who knows what reason. not like she needs a reason to be mad at me. she just ususally is.
my friend star is pissed at me for crackin on luigi from the ******** mario bros.
i feel like my relationship for forby has been shot to pieces right now.
runescape has been shitty with me for the 3rd ******** day
i feel like i got a pine cone stuck halfway up my a**. (dont even ask, aight?)
I haven't seen or heard from several of my friends and i'm startin to worry... CYKICK! DANTE! BLOODI! CHAZU! ONI!
and let me top this off by sayin that i haven't been to sleep in 3 ******** days....course i lied to forby and my parents..i've taken 2 hour naps here and there. but overall? no sleep. NONE AT ALL! AND HEARIN MY DS GO OFF OR MY GUINEA PIG CRY EVER 15 MINUTES AROUND FOUR AND FIVE AM AINT ******** HELPING! I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF THIS s**t!

i'm sorry for goin off....i need to vent...seriously. i'm good now....
well...that kinda summed up the down side for the last few days, but there are some good...
I finally got my story up. the first chapter anyway. and dragon checked it out and so far...she likes it. i'm glad but....i'm not sure i like it myself...
as for my friends that i haven't heard from? it's the holidays. they're probably doin somethin i cant do...like havin a life
As for forby... just three words...i love him...
and my friend niji wasn't mad. in fact, she showed me some new grounds videos that made me fall over laughing.
and i might be addin a bunch of them to page 12.
my holidays were quiet and peaceful....and what i said about dogs? i take that back. the same can be said about cats too.
i'm sorry...i'm really tired. i'm gonna go call forby then go to bed...

Day 2 Day Experience part 6

User Comments: [3]
mr poopiepie
Community Member

Tue Jan 31, 2006 @ 11:50pm

my smexy lil kitty cat........wuffles u so much baby cake *millions of kisses* you are teh sweetness you relize this?.......me tarzan u jane -.-.........*huggles millions* gah i misses you..when you get on......holla holla!!!!

Dragon student
Community Member

Mon Feb 27, 2006 @ 01:16am

stare well that's what you get when you decide to pick on Blue Dragons.

Community Member

Tue Feb 28, 2006 @ 05:58am


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