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Life is an adventure
Live a Little
Camp Conflicts ((Loooong one. Camp event related though!))
Raymond disappeared from the house without warning. This put Tina and Zee on edge, since no one knew if he'd be back with others, or if he was gone for good. All they know is that his own guilt, if not Zee's threats, had gotten rid of him.

There was another problem, though.

"Zee!! You are to help me find Zapook and discipline her for chewing through my loafers!"

...You can pretty much guess what that problem is, can't you?

Zee walked into the kitchen, ignoring Tina's calls and found Zapook, sitting in front of an open refrigerator door, shoving the last of a large steak into her mouth.

Zee's eye twitched, "Pookie...Was that the steak I specifically yelled for everyone NOT to touch?"

Zapook stared at Zee, cheeks bulged out, before gulping running out of the room on all four.

Next thing heard was a loud crash, and the sound of a dog whimpering and yelping.
Tina sighed, hearing the ringing of a doorbell through all the commotion, and making her way to the front door.
Just as she opened the door, Zapook came running into the room, only to be shot in the middle of her head, and fall to the floor next to Tina. Tina jumped and gasped. Zee ran into the room, skidding to a stop and growling with butcher's knife in her hand.

In the doorway, Dr. Meteor stood with a sling shot and a blank look on his face. "...I am...sorry? She seemed as though she was attacking..."

Zee pushed Tina out of the way, and held the knife up to the good doctor's neck. "I should skin you alive!"

He gulps and gently tries to push the knife away, "I used a dart with a temporary antidote on it...I should be thanked."

"Oh. Couldn't you have done something a little less painful then shootin' her between the eyes with a dart?"

"Says the person who was pursuing her with a kitchen knife."

Zee stopped for a second, laughed, tossing the knife to the side. She was then pushed to the side by Tina, "I would like to thank you for your help, Doctor."

"Twas mine pleasure!"

The following day was a fairly quiet one.
Zapook had turned back to normal, and stayed in her lab for two reasons:
One, she needed to help Dr. M come up with a more permanent cure to her ...'ailment'... and two, Zee was still after her.

Things pretty much stayed the same until Tina found a need to break the boredom, and got a good idea as to how she'd do it after a little shopping trip in Durem with Aussa.

When she came home, she immediately went running to Zapook's room. "Pookie! I have the most marvelous news! It seems as though specialized summer camps will be running for a few weeks! I was wondering if you would like to come with me?"

Zapook was sitting on her bed, with an open book in her hand. "You need...wait." She put the book down and tilted her head to the side, "What do you want?"

"I was hoping to get Aussa, Zee, and Onima to go as well. Unfortunately, Aussa already declined. She said something about a convention..."

As that was said, Aussa went running past the open door dressed as a night elf from WoW, and went running out the front door with a suitcase and a book bag.

Zee came walking into the room, shaking her head, "I'm rarely disturbed by ... well... anything, but that...that got to me just now."

Zapook and Zee's eyes met, and Zee instantly began growling. Tina jumped between the two, "Now now! There's no time for your squabbles. I did have something to share." She glares at Zee, "With both of you!"

Zee huffed, sitting with her legs crossed on the floor, "Aight, frosty. What ya got for us?"

"Did either of you, in your child, visit a place when the whether grew warmer? Stayed with others your age? With bon fires, and sleeping bags or cabins? And go swimming?"

Zapook stared at Tina, confused, "What the hell are you talking about!?"

With a snarl, Zee rolled her eyes, "Summer camps. I used to go to one when I was living with my human parents as a kid." A more pleasant expression washed over Zee's face, "Camp Hope. That's what it was called...I used to love going there in the summer. I kinda miss it..."

Tina dropped a few brochures on the floor in front of Zee, grinning, "Well miss it no longer! Girls...retrieve Onima. We are going Camp Chaos!"

-------------------------------------Several days later...-------------------------------------

The activity around a small lake centered in the middle of a field was off the charts. People of all ages, sizes, and species had come out for the summer event. For those unfamiliar with the event, everyone was broken up into four camps.
The four girls visiting from the CDC were no different.

In fact, two of the boys from a neighboring camp were creeping outside the walls of Juvie. Seeing no way to get in, and no way to get around the barbed wire, they scanned along the walls for a different entry point, only to hear the voice of a brash, violent sounding woman yelling,

"Eat it!! Eat and tell me tastes good!"

A boy's voice was heard after, muffled at first before he let out a scream. "S-Stop! Let go!! I can't Breath!!!"

As his voice became muffled again, the woman's laughter drowned his desperate cries out, sending the two spies running back toward their own camp in a confused panic with red faces.

On the other side of the wall though...
Zee had her clawed foot on the back of a young man's head as he laid face down in the mud.
Others that had gathered around to see their fight slowly began backing way as Zee pointed toward the crowd, challenging each and every one of them. "Who wants some of this!? Huh!? Next person to touch my tray of food when they 'think' I'm not lookin' will get a face full of gravel instead!"

As she headed back inside, everyone around her that had witnessed her acts backed away, avoiding her and refusing to draw near.
Proud of the fact that people feared her, Zee walked on all four back into the mess hall, smiling as she got another tray, lining up to get food once more. As she reached the servers, she eagerly held her tray out, the smile of a hyper toddler on her face, "More please!"

The lunch server glared with her arms crossed, "This is your sixth time in line. You had enough for one day, go sit down."

At first, Zee was stunned, but her anger quickly took over as she server moved toward the next person in line.

Chuckling, that person tried to nudge Zee out of the way, "Yeah. You've eaten enough, ya fatty. Leave some for the rest of us."

Zee's right eye twitched. "Fatty? Fatty!? You wanna see a fatty!?", she screamed, snatching her tray and dumping every last bit of food into her own mouth. Before he could yell and reach for his tray, Zee smashed the tray into the side of his head, sending him to the ground with a loud thud, before jumping into the air, and slamming down on his face, rear first. "If I were a fatty, this ground pound would hurt more!"

She then rolled off of him, getting on all four, and leaped behind the counter, sending the servers off screaming, and began eating any food she came into contact with.

This was pretty much how Zee's stay at Juvie Camp was. What wasn't hers, she took. What was her's she defended by threat and abuse. And what she couldn't have...well....


Needless to say, Rich Camp was a lot quieter. You'd think it'd be perfect for the CDC's quietest member. ...You'd Think.

It was a quiet night, and Tina was with her bunk mates. Unlike the prison bunk rooms that Zee and other members of Juvie had, Tina and her bunk mates practically shared one whole floor of a mansion. At that time, they were all in Tina's room, chatting away, with Tina sitting on her bed, nodding off.

The other girls just kept on talking, and every time Tina tried to contribute to the conversation, she seemed to go unnoticed. After a while, Tina tried to speak up, trying to coax the other girls that it was past their curfew, or at least to take it to another room, but none of them moved until a counselor came in.
They were lectured and sent to their own quarters, but Tina was disciplined more since the whole get-together took place in her room. With out saying a word, she accepted it and went to sleep.

Tina mostly stayed on her own, bored and regretting the summer camp idea, as she sat in the open fields outside of her camp. Someone had walked up beside her, and asked in a skiddish voice, "Is...Is it ok if I sit here with you?"

Without looking up, "If you must. I would just being staring off into the sky by myself, otherwise."

The young man nodded, and sat down right next to her. "You and me both. I may have chosen the wrong camp. I feel like an outcast here. Probably should've went with Juvie."

"I have done this to myself before, too. During Halloween last year. I willingly went with the dark elves, just because my family thought their ways fit me best. Aside from being able to heal comrades, I felt as though I had no connection with anyone there. Useless. An outcast."

"Really? You were in that event? And here I figured you'd of all people would avoid stuff like that. If you don't mind me saying....Sorry. Don't know if you're still mad at me."

"Mad? I have no reason to bare fangs at you. Though how would you know of my standings on such...matters..." She trailed off as she looked over at the one who kept her company.
Raymond was smiling back, shyly waving, wearing the same camp jacket that she was wearing.

The silence between them was broken with a scream, followed by a small explosion, as if a mini thunderstorm were in the area.

Tina was now standing, her hands pulsating with electricity, and a scorch mark was on the ground between her and Raymond, who had fallen back on his rear, staring at Tina with his eyes wide. "Hold on Tina! Hold your fire!"

"What are you doing here!? Are you shadowing me now!? Must I call for my sister to run you away once more!?"

"No! No! I only came here to clear my head! I didn't even know you were in this whole summer camp thing, let alone Rich camp!"

"How am I to believe you after what was discovered?! You held secrets! Dark ones at that! You were planning on having us killed!"

"I WAS NOT! I would never want anything to happen to you, or the others!" He yelled, slowly standing up, "Just calm down! I saw you sitting out here and figured you could use the company since you seemed down! I wasn't trying to do anything! I swear!"

"Lies!" Tina yelled, thrusting one hand forward, a bolt of lighting shooting from her hands and scorching the ground in front of him. Raymond let out a yelled, before jumping backwards, up into a tree. "I will not be deceived again! Leave me!"

"Tina...Look...I told you guys all that stuff for a reason. I didn't want to force you guys to do anything you didn't want to. That's why I told you everything! You got to believe me!"

"Why should I?!", she screams, thrusting both hands forward, a huge bolt of lighting hitting the tree, making it practically explode. Raymond was thrown to the ground, and knocked out, before the half of the tree that was still standing teetered over and crashed down on top of him.

Tina's eyes went wide, as she rushed over to dig him out. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I was trying to scare you, maybe hurt you just a bit, but not do away with you! ...Raymond? Ray, hun? Say something!"

Hours later, Raymond had finally come to, finding himself in a luxurious bed. As he sat up, wondering where he was, a wincing pain came back to him, and with that, the memory of what had happened. As he took in his surroundings, Tina walked into the room with a silver tray, carrying two mugs.

He started to scramble out of the bed in a panic. Tina waved one hand toward him, "Wait! Wait! You are bruised up a bit...wait until you feel better. Than you can leave."

He slowly sat back down on the bed, watching her, "You're...Not mad anymore?"

Tina placed the tray on a nightstand, "I am still quite upset with you. But...As you stated, you confessed before doing anything, or letting anything happen. Therefore, it would be wrong to simply chase you away again. Here. Some green tea," she says, handing him one of the mugs.

He slowly takes it, and smiles, "I'm more of a milk tea person, but thank you."

"Haha! Just like my sister and Zapook," Tina chuckled. She stared down into her own tea and sighed, "I am really sorry for your injuries..."

"And I'm sorry for everything. Like I said, I told you guys because I felt bad about it. I couldn't force you into anything like that. Hell, I can't force myself into it."

"Is it not what you want?"

"Don't get me wrong, I tend to chase girls around when I feel confident enough to do it, but you were all so nice to me...and please tell your sister I'm sorry."

"...Do you mean Zee?"

"I charmed her...It's ...sort of a thing my family can do...Charm the opposite sex. I was really trying to charm you...but for some reason, it went to her instead...I feel horrible about it..."

"...How do I know if you are one we can trust? I mean...after everything..."

"That's why I left. It wasn't only because Zee chased me off. When my family does come back to look for me, you guys will be no where in site, and won't get hurt. ...I'll just...go back with them and ...well...do this all over again, hopefully with girls that deserve it this time."

"Is that why you are here?"

"I'm here to get my last few kicks in before they come."

"...I wish to help but..."

"I know..." Ray sighs, drinking some of his tea. "Don't worry about it. It isn't your problem."

Tina gave him a weak smile before there was a knock at her room door, "Who is there?"

There's a bit of giggling from the other side of the door, before a woman yells, "Tina! It's Vikki! Open up! We need to use your window!"

"Again? I am sorry, but now is not the time for-"

"Stop being such a spoil sport and open the damn door!"

Raymond looked up at Tina, confused. Tina only sighed, "I'm sorry...They are my bunk mates. Let me go and let them in."

Raymond tilted his head to the side. "Why..?"

"Hm? Oh. See, my room has the best view of the track field in fitness camp out of all of our dorms. They simply wish to spy on the other camp from my room with binoculars and the like."

"Tell them no."

"I have tried, but..."

"Better yet, lemme get the door for ya."

As he walked pass her, he pulled his shirt off and camp jacket, throwing them to the grown, and unbuttoned his pants a bit. Tina could only blush as she stared down at his abs before her eyes started wondering all over his muscular back. She dropped her tea, snapping her out of her trance, before grabbing one of her shirts and trying to clean it up.

Raymond opened the door halfway, smiling with eyes half closed at the girls. "Hello ladies..."

The girls all quiet down at once, staring up at him with mouths open.

He looked back just as Tina yelled, "Ugh! Look at this mess! I cannot believe this...This stain will never come out of this carpet..!"

Raymond smiled at the girls, "As you can see...Tina has some company already. Now if you'll excuse us...I need to go and help her clean up that mess before we have seconds..."And with that, slammed the door in their faces.

As he walked back over, grinning and buttoning his pants up again, Tina grinned as well, her hands on her hips. "Seconds?"

He blinks a few times and nods, "Yes. Seconds. That tea was really good. If it makes you feel better, I'll even make it this time."

Tina could only smile as she watched him walk over to the private kitchen in her room.


"Don't do that!"

A girl was standing behind a metallic counter, a vile full of chemicals in both hands. She was staring straight at Zapook, who was waving her arms around.

"Don't do it! For real!"

"You coulda told me that before I got the chemicals!"

"I wasn't really paying attention! Now just put the stuff down before you kill us all..." Zapook said, her arm in front of another, who wore the same lab coat as her and the one with the hearing problem.

The girl shrugged, pouring one vial into another. Zapook instantly tackled their third member to the ground as a loud explosion blew everything off the counters, and even blew the door to the room off it's hinges. As Zapook and the other camper peeked over a counter, all that was left of the girl was a pair of broken glasses.

They both walked out of the room, sighing, as the boy Zapook was with turned to her, "You could've said something a little bit earlier ya know."

"So, I was to busy in my own thing to notice her doing something stupid."

"Pssh. That's your problem. You never notice anything. You're always off in your own word until something drags you back into reality. Speaking of...You should start shaving."

As he walked off, Zapook tilted her head, questioning his odd statement in her mind, before looking down at her arm, seeing that the black fur was coming back, slowly, but still coming back. She quickly dashed through the fields and halls of science camp, before locking herself in her bunk. Two other girls were there, sitting on one of four cots in the room, and only watched as Zapook ran into the bathroom.

One of the girls called out, "Zapook? You still having allergy issues? You didn't each some of the fish in the cafeteria by mistake again, did you?"

"No I didn't eat any damn fish..."

"Sheesh...What's got you all bent outta shape!?"

Zapook sighs, "One of my idiot lab partners blew up the fricken room we were working in."

"Geeze, another explosion? They don't even startle me anymore."

"Yeah...well, what are you gonna do."

"What are you going to do Zapook? Coming with?"

"Coming with?" Zapook questioned as she leaned out of the bathroom, "Where exactly?"

"Oh come on. You mean you weren't paying attention yesterday? We're gonna spread out and hit bunks from different camps! You know...Pranks!"

"You guys are kids..."

"And you're a stick in the mud! Come on Zapook...You said you were gonna hit Juvie!"


"Remember? I agreed to go to Rich Camp, and Shelly was suppose to go to Juvie, but she was too scared to go, so she's going to fitness instead. We asked if you'd join us and hit Juvie. You agreed and waved us off while you were reading some magic spell book."

"...I don't remember any of that."

"Come on, Zapook!"

"Fine! I'll go! If only to get you naggers off my back!"

"Good! Remember to meet us at the front of camp tomorrow afternoon!"

Zapook grumbled, "Yeah yeah...Throw me one of my long sleeve shirts will ya?"

"..Isn't it a bit hot for a long sleeve shirt?"

"Yes..but..I ....um..have a skin condition," Zapook stuttered as she looked down at her arm, sighing.


Fitness camp was in it's usually state; exercise room, full, pool room, full, even the cafeteria was full.
Everyone went about their usual business, and only stopped for the screech of the speakers around camp. Everyone turned toward the nearest speaker, waiting for an announcement to be made, only to hear and high pitched squealing of someone singing the song Macho Man.
Two counselors barreled through the halls, and kick the door open to the room where the microphone was, only to see Onima holding it, and dancing as she singing the song. Needless to say, she got the snot beat out of her.

A few other campers all greeted Onima as she came out of the infirmary with bandages around her neck, head, and right arm, all of them cheering her on and laughing. Some of them even began to sing Macho Man. Onima grinned, drunk with the attention everyone was giving her, and began dancing through the halls leading everyone out into the fields as they danced and sang behind her. The dancing kept continued until Omina hit what seemed like a solid wall. The song drowned in a wave of gasps, as Onima rubbed her head, standing up and growling, "Hey! Watch it! We were partying here!"

The figure she had ran into slowly turned around. Onima's ears drooped down to the sides of her head as she looked up at another girl. She had brownish red hair, semi tanned skin, and easily topped Onima's height by at least a foot and a half. There were fox ears flattened down against her head, and a bushy tail that waved eagerly behind her. This figure also had the build of an expert body builder.
Onima gave an innocent wave as the massive woman reached down, grabbing Onima by the ears and lifting her off the ground so that their eyes met. Everyone else quickly scattered and went about their own business as if nothing was happening.

The fox eared girl growled, "Give me one reason why I shouldn't tear you apart..."

Onima laughed nervously, "Because it was just an innocent bump. I mean look at little ol' me. Do I really look like someone that can hurt big ol' you?"

The girl only grinned, "You're right. You're a small thing! Not even fit to wear the fitness camp jacket! Why, you're nothing but a snack!"

"But...But lunch will start soon! And really, why would you let me ruin such a nice figure like yours, huh?"

The girl stopped, ears perking up? "Do you really think I have a nice figure? I do try..."

"Of course! You're a model of what the people of this camp strives for!"

The girl grinned, then dropped Onima and laughed, "You better keep your little cotton tail out of trouble. Next time you tick me off, you're done for."

Onima sighed, then smiled as she stood up and dusted herself off, "I could've taken her."

Another counselor walked up behind her and sighed, "You would've been killed."

Onima turned around and glared, "Who asked you anyway?"

"Look, I just don't want to see someone like you get hurt again. You're already bruised up. Look at you!"

Onima looked down at herself and sighed, "Look, I was caught off guard earlier. And Just now...well...I have this thing with fox anthros and fox girls..."

"The only thing you have are excuses. You need to know when to play it cool, and get some common sense before you get yourself hurt."

"I have common sense thank you! I just don't use it often."

"And that's gonna get you eaten alive in today's world."

"...Funny choice of words..." Onima sighs, "Ok. So I may not be as threatening as I thought. I'll handle it, ok?"

The counselor sighed, "How about this, I can't really train you, seeing as how you'll only be here for like a couple of days... If I give you a few pointers, think you can stay out of trouble?"

"I guess...I mean. What real damage can I do? Really?"

User Comments: [5]
Community Member

Wed Aug 19, 2009 @ 02:29pm

Just a few notes.
One, Zee did used to go to a camp named Camp Hope, irl. Don't ask.
Two, Don't ask about aussa, and yes we know blizzcon isn't really takin place right now.

Dragon student
Community Member

Thu Aug 20, 2009 @ 01:41am

Alachia, Dragon, Larkin, Lizbeth, Nogard, Shalimar, Varda, Wynn, Xangord, Dai, Flan, Ette, n** *all stare openmouth at Ray* Umph.

Broden, Rhonabwy, Varden, Xink , Creighton, Lord Avondale, Nate, Nissa, Wolf *all facepalms*

Community Member

Thu Aug 20, 2009 @ 03:55am

Can't say I'm really surprised at anyone but Tina in this entry... I mean, who woulda thought she had a Berserk button after all?

Oh, and Females of DD? Your Luminescent Blush really give you away. Perverts.

Dragon student
Community Member

Thu Aug 20, 2009 @ 05:06am

Wynn But dad, he's frikkin HAWT.

Community Member

Sun Aug 23, 2009 @ 04:45pm

stare He's an INCUBUS, that's what they do. If you were close enough, he'd steal your souls through those blushes of yours.

User Comments: [5]
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