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Life is an adventure
Live a Little
Bite for Bite: Grandice Entrance
~~~~~Short Note~~~~~
If journals had a soundtrack, this entry would be brought
to you by the song "Love Today", by MIKA

A dark aura began to gather and swell in front of the house, causing the foxes that usually gather outside to scatter. As the mass of darkness swelled, six figures stepped out of the mist, donning a mix of dark and bright orange colors on their clothing. The woman that seemed to be leading the group had a slight switch in her walk as she made her way up to Tina's door, knocking hard enough to make a person jump out of their skin.

Tina was the one to answer, and did so shyly, whispering "Hello?" as she slowly opened the door. The woman, who was easily had at least a good foot on her in height, smiled down. Her deep black eyes made Tina's fur stand on end. Even then, Tina couldn't help but follow the woman's long black hair, which actually dragged behind her a bit. The wings that were spread on the woman's back were black and bright orange, and almost looked synthetic.

Tina also noticed that the woman had only one horn on the right side of her head, much like the horn on Ray's head. The people behind her also sported one horn, except for two, that had two horns. All of them had the exact same tattoos that Ray had as well.

"Red and black, huh?" The woman said with a smile as she looked at the S.I.N. robes Tina just happened to be wearing. "I take it those are the colors of your mistress?"

Tina didn't answer. Instead, she opened the door, letting the crowd stroll in. Zee and Ray walked out of a nearby hall, arm and arm. She was dressed up enough to look like a real succubus, and only looked over their visitors. Ray, however, looked as if he were about to have a nervous break down. The woman smiled and opened her arms. "There's my little fledgling! C'mere and give mama a hug!"

Ray shyly walked up, rubbing his own arm. "Mama....why must you call me that..."

"Oh shush, and give mama some sugar!" She said, actually picking Ray up in a hug.

The girls that stood behind the woman were all sneering at Zee, as one of the males, a younger looking one with a spiked mo-hawk walked toward Zee, sniffing at her a bit. "...You smell funny...Not like a succubus. How come you smell like some low life demon?"

Ray immediately turned toward Zee with a worried expression, and his mother just watched with a smile.

Zee looked the boy up and down, before grinning as she spoke, "How come you don't have wings like a true incubus of your family?"

The others snickered and he nearly turned red, before pointing at Ray. "He doesn't have wings either you know!"

"Ha! True! But at least he has the looks to make up for it? What's your excuse?"

The others behind him all burst into laughter, and Ray let out a sigh of relief before smiling at his mother.

The woman walked up to Zee with a smirk on her face. "Sharp tongue...I like. You may call me Madame Grandice. Nice to meet you, sweetie."

Zee smiled. "The name's Zeneeba. Nice to meet you, too."

She smiled, and pointed over toward the group that had followed her in. "These are my kids, and Raymond's siblings." She pointed over to one of the girls who looked almost like her with an orange clip in her hair. "That is my eldest, Melissa."
She then points at the spiky haired one. "That's Raul."
Her finger moves over to another girl wore baggy pants and had both her horns. "That's Miki",she says, before her finger drifts toward the last of the girls, who seemed to be dressed in casual clothes, "and that's Sherill".
She then points to the last of them, who wore what looked like wild animal fur and had even wilder hair. His tail also didn't match her family's' demon tails, but instead seemed like a fuzzier version of them. "That's the youngest, Moja."

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Zee fought back her laughter as the last name was said. Ray gave her a nudge to help her control herself. She smiled, giving them a half-hearted bow. "Nice to meet you all. Feel free to make yourselves at home for a while and don't hesitate to call on these two if you need anything," she smiled as she pointed back to Ekone and Tina, both of them wearing Zee's spare S.I.N. robes.

A loud gulp came from Ekone's throat, and Tina could only blush. The casually dressed Sherill made her way over to Tina, gazing lazily at her before smiling at Ray. "Brother...is she a good sub? She looks like she'd be so much fun to play with."

Ray blushed even more than Tina did, and they both began stuttering.
Shaking her head, Zee spoke up, "She is, but she'll only listen to Ray. Loyalty thing and what not. So I wouldn't bother with her."

Ray watched as his sister became uninterested with a shrug. Under Zee's order, Ekone showed the group to the lounge room, and Zee took the time to adjust the wings on her back as she went into the kitchen.

Tina sighed heavily, and was even shaking a little. After making sure no eyes were on them, Ray rushed over to Tina and embraced her in a hug. "Are you ok? Looked like you were about to faint."

Tina stared into Ray's eyes and smiled softly. "Yes...I am fine..."

They stared long and hard at each other for almost a minute, before Ray's eldest sister poked her head into the room. "Yo Bro! Where's the jon in this place?"

He immediately dropped Tina to the floor, causing her to squeal.

Melissa looked down at Tina, before grinning at her brother. "Oh...I didn't realized you became a man handler! About time you grew some balls Raymond. I'll leave you to your business!" With a giggle, she was gone again.

Tina quickly stood to her feet and dusted herself off. Ray was blushing even more now, and had a hard time trying to gather his words. "I'm...so sorry about that... "

"Well..." Tina said, trying to hide her embarrassment, "I will go and bring your family some beverages..." She walked briskly out of the room.

Ray watched her, feeling the lump in his throat finally subside as she left the room, and sighed both in relief and disappointment. Without a word, he made his way into the lounge room.

During they're stay at the house, it seemed like each one of Ray's siblings were pushing the buttons of a certain house member. Ray and Zee kept the others, that being Fluffles, Koopling, Wolven, and Whiplash, outta sight by taking them to Zee's house and putting Koopling in charge. Twas a good decision, since the halls of Tina's house were getting hostile, even for them.

Mellisa seemed to have taken an interest in Ekone, since she had never encountered a naga before, and put him through hell. She used him as a footstool, a table, even a chair in the lounge room, and with Zee's permission, had him follow her and the second eldest, Sherill, everywhere they went. Sherill on the other hand still had her mind on Tina. She never did or said anything to Tina, and you couldn't tell by looking at her, but so many thoughts ran through her head. Her lazy gaze only made her seem like the innocent one outta the bunch, unlike her brother Raul. He was still angry with Zee for his embarrassment on the first day they met, and harped on her every chance she got. Zee seemed fine with mildly retaliating to his comments until he started to make anorexic jokes. Ray did all he could to help keep Zee's temper in check, but couldn't stop her from trying to strangle his brother after awhile. Miki was basically Ray's shadow, following him everywhere and questioning him about everything she could think of. The more she stuck around, the more nervous he became, yet once he got around Zee, she seemed to help calm him down a bit, taking some of the questions and remarks off his hands.
Tina kept close to Ray, and couldn't hide her fear of his family each time they neared her. Grandice seemed to enjoy startling Tina, and constantly watched how Ray treated her. Each time he was rough with Tina, whether it was a command or something to basically show off to his mother, he would apologize under his breath to her.

While Raul or Miki seemed like the major pains in this situation, there was one worse. The youngest sibling, Moja.
Zee somehow talked Aussa into participating in this whole charade, making her wear a S.I.N. robe as well. Moja seemed a little too friendly with her however. After introducing Aussa to all of them, he began to stalk her as she made her way up and down the halls. Aussa tried desperately to get back to the comfort of her own room, but each time she did, he'd appear and keep her from it. The one time she made it into her room, he also ended up following her in, and kept her from leaving as he attempted to 'have his way' with her. Fortunately, she managed to break away....by jumping out of her room window. Ever since then, she stuck close to Zee, watching him carefully each time he passed. If she were ever alone, and he popped up to surprise her, Aussa would scream his name at the top her lungs and instantly run to Zee. She's proved to be too fast for him each time, and if she were carrying something, she'd throw it at him before running.

Ray's family stayed for nearly a week, and Grandice called everyone to the lounge room for a small announcement.

"Pipe down, pipe down. By now, I think we have gotten to really know these new comers to the clan, and I'd like to officially welcome Zee to our little family." Zee came into the room late, dragging a young girl behind her with a growl; the girl wearing the same red ceremonial gowns as the other 'sacrifices' left in front of Tina's house.

Grandice smiled, pointing at Zee, "That's perfect! Bring your little victim over here sweetie."

Zee was a bit confused, but shrugged and dragged the girl over. She caught a glimpse of Ray's worried face before dropping the girl at Grandice's feet. "I was just gonna throw her in back for later."

Grandice stood the girl to her feet and smiled, "But we need to see you in action my dear!"

"...Action?" Zee said with a confused look on her face.

"Yes, hun. We want to see you claim this girl's soul."

Zee's confusion slowly faded, and for the first time, she showed her nervousness in front of Ray's family. "Oh...umm...Like I said, I usually save that sorta thing for ...uh..much later."

"Oh no, sweetie, we need to see it! To officially welcome you!"

"I'm...not much in the mood right now..."

"Oh. Well that is fine. There is an alternative, in which one of my kids can feed instead."

Zee smiled, "We can go with that!"

"Though they'd have to choose one of your subordinates for that." Grandice said, casually.

Tina's eyes went wide, as did Ekone's. Aussa sunk into a nearby corner, staring across the room at Moja, who was grinning evilly at her.

Zee waved her hands in front of Grandice, "No no! That's not necessary! I'm quite...fond of them you know."

"Then go ahead!" Grandice said, a bit more annoyed now, as she pushed the girl into Zee's arms.

Ray gulped and watched. Zee stared down at the scared girl, trying to think of what to do. She obviously couldn't take down prey the way a true succubus could, and was now fearing for Aussa, Ekone, and Tina. Ray's siblings were starting to mumble and converse with each other, with the exception of Moja, who was inching closer and closer to Aussa. Zee could tell they were judging her, and racked her brain on what to do before she finally broke the tension with one statement that made Ray nearly lose it....

"Mrs. Grandice....I have a confession."

They all grew quiet, half of them glaring at Zee. As she looked around, it seemed like Ray's sisters and brothers werewaiting for her to slip up, ready to pounce and mob her. Grandice folded her arms, head tilted as she waited for Zee to speak, and Ray had his eyes closed tightly. After seeing Ray like this, Zee nodded to herself and glared at Grandice, "Thing is...I don't 'feed' the way a regular succubus would. I take a different approach. One I find much more satisfying."

They all stared at her, surprise, yet confused. Zee could tell she bought herself more time. Grandice however was the only one who's expression didn't change, "Oh? Do explain, sweetie."

"See, I like to make the most of it. I actually....well. Swallow them whole."

The group started to glare again, and Grandice nodded, "I see. So you're telling me that you, instead of feeding normally, claim you can devour your victim whole."

"..I see you don't believe me."

"It is a bit far-fetched, sweetie."

"Shall I prove it then?"

They all began to laugh, mocking her. Zee's nervousness was replaced by anger, and without waiting for conformation from Grandice, she greedily shoved the girl into her mouth, slowly swallowing her down whole. They could only stare with their mouths hanging open as she worked to get the struggling girl down. Ray didn't seem to know what to make of the situation yet, seeing as how his mother's face still remained the same. As Zee gulped down the last of the girl, the corset barely staying on over her bloated form, the others started to laugh again, this time praising Zee, who could only point down at her stomach, "This is why I didn't want to, it takes a while for a belly like this to go back to normal."

Grandice stared at Zee, who was now grinning back at her. Ray nervously looked back and forth between the two, before focusing on his mother as she began to clap a few times. "I ... am impressed. In fact...You must teach me this trick."

Zee stared at her, surprised, as Ray fainted at the statement.

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Community Member

Fri Jan 29, 2010 @ 04:57pm

... You didn't know how to eat souls and didn't ask me?!

Great, Voracious Succubi, just what we need.

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