-Quinny Poo- Bad cat > . < how I love and shall miss you so. You are a little trouble maker at times but are still so very sweet and loving. And we've bonded so much since we resuce you from that tree. Things were never boring with you around. You make sure you are seen and heard when you want to. I'll Miss you so much poo-poo! But you'll love the farm once you get your groundings. April 9th 2008 - September 23rd 2009
 - Sam-o - I really didn't pick you out, you picked me. I still remember it so well sitting on that couch of his and you always coming to me and purring and being so friendly. You'd let me do anything to you without a care. (for the most part) You are a stubborn little fuz butt that I love so much. The bed feels empty without you there to keep me warm. But you were so unhappy with the move that I couldn't be selfish. Now you get to roam around and find all the bunnies and mice you'd ever want. October 2005 - September 23rd 2009
Snowy_Chan · Mon Feb 22, 2010 @ 04:23pm · 0 Comments |