OMG I need to say 2 importain thank yous to 2 very Special people.
1. My Boyfriend MasterNeedle For getting me The Fox ears and the Fox Belt
2. Than HappyBunnyChick1988 For the Fox tail.
Just thank you Guys very very much, I don't think I desever them, but thank you. You 2 spoil me silly ^^ and for that I say thank you.
And now onto Other news
I'm like have been super happy for a while now (thanks to Needle) And cuz of that I bugged all my friends today with my Hyperness ^^ hehehe (I'm so mean and evil somedays.) But ever one was so....sad and stuff So it was my Job as a good friends to make everyone happy again, and that I did. ^^ I'm so proud of myself somedays. I found my Click 5 CD that I though I lost but didn't my brother just had it in his room. I can't believe I let that out of my site! >< I'm so dumb somedays. But now thats going to stay with my 24/7 for a while, like the day I got it. And than my New Manga I got Kill me Kiss me. OMG tha Manga Rocks my socks off. its very very funny, and if your into romance and funny stuff you should pick it up and read it ^^. And...I think thats it for now.... Yep ok well I'm do now, who knows when I will write in here again.
Later and I loves everyone that reads this but Mostly Needle. So yeah.
Snowy_Chan · Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 01:11am · 1 Comments |