Name: Zyere Goen
Gender: Male
Physical Age: 19
Occupation: Unknown
Sexuality: Unknown
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style: Short, Overgrown Bangs, Messy
Skin Tone: Slightly Pale
Piercings: Ears
Body Type: Skinny
Common Expressions: Mellow "It Can't Be Helped", Can't Be Bothered, Soft Smiles, Condescending Stares, Smoking
Distinguishing Features:
Personality: Serious, cold, and distant, is how he normally appears. Still, he's very bold and brutally honest though he does care about people’s feelings. He just cares for his own opinion as well. He's very insensitive to people, although he can understand pain better then most. He's usually pretty collected though when he does get flustered it's usually over board. Otherwise he's pretty mellow, introspective, and reasonable. . He hates the thought of being looked down upon and so does his best to appear strong and confident.
Clothing Style: Hats, almost always wears a beanie. Casual. Tends to wear clothes that are too big for him, more hanging off him then super baggy, Jeans, t-shirts, jackets. Likes chains and crosses as accessories.
Extra: Enjoys music and plays a good number of instruments, being partial to the bass.
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