Name: Phineas Goen
Gender: Male
Physical Age: 17
Occupation: Conman, Spy, Videogame Designer
Sexuality: Unknown
Eye Color: Teal
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style: Messy Boy Cut
Skin Tone: Fair
Piercings: Ears
Body Type: Lanky but on the shorter side
Common Expressions: Scowl, Playful Smile, Wink, Disappointed, Raised Eyebrow
Distinguishing Features: A slightly girlish face
Personality: Finny is a bit varying. He can be very cynical and disheartened one moment and cheerful the next. It's probably better to say he's simply easily distracted. He recognizes the many flaws of the world and when he stops to think about them is bothered but can easily be brought to think about something else and completely forget his worries. Easily lonely he tries to be around people often but is often left annoyed. He's pretty eccentric and easily excited but it's hard to get him actually passionate about anything. He gets bored easily. It's easy to see him as unreliable and even a bit fragile but he has his moments of inner-strength and it's possible he simply doesn't want to be relied on. A curious fellow.
Clothing Style: Casual button down shirts, ties, cargo pants, or jeans. Boots or black sneakers. On occasion he can be seen in a band tee (feel free to make one up or ask me) or something more punkish (plaid pants, sleeves ripped off with elbow reaching gloves with open fingers)..
Extra: He's a bit of a techie
Other References

[ original anime reference ]
Extra: He's a bit of a techie
Other References

[ original anime reference ]
A little History~
"Really, it's not my fault you believed me."
Phineas was abandoned by his mother. Well, not completely. She left him in the care of his father's sister and her lover and went on her way. Until age three his father helped raise him not even realizing his relation, and then finding out took him in completely, though Finny still calls his aunt "Mama De" and her lover "Mama Lace" as he stayed with them often enough. An empath, his powers developed slowly but still in a bothersome way, and he quickly started finding people an annoyance to be around as their negative emotions struck him strongly. He wasn't an unhappy however and found a solace with his cousin (blood relations are a bit sketchy) who has a very balanced emotional state that was very hard to disturb. He met his mother many times over the years, and her being an empath as well she helped him with his abilities, though being a bit slow in these areas the boy didn't realize her relation to him until many years later, seeing her as a friend of the family he admired, and was quite surprised by it. With her influence he came to enjoy electronics but when he took the step to independence he found it easiest to earn a living in more shady ways, conning people or gathering intelligence. Selling games proved more of a hassle in the worlds he preferred.
(Feel free to ask for a more detailed account~)