MCs, EIRs, CIs, Gambino Dead, Starmony, Fat Cat, Ocean Party
xxxxxxxxxxxxx Stacking Items! [announcement] I couldn't wait for this. <3 Before this, each and every single zOMG recipe sat separately in the inventory. They took up tons of space. x ___x; So, I'm so happy that they stack now. Thing is, I'm saddened by the rest of my items stacking. Inventory screen shots of hoarded items will never look the same. I also heard that you can't sell item recipes individually now. The system wants you to sell your whole stack for 50g, not 50g for each one. I don't know if they've done anything about that yet. xxxxxxxxxxxxx Gambino; WTF. I had to go away and have very limited internet access from late middle of the night on Wednesday, March 3rd until Today, Monday, March 15th. And what happens on the 5th? I get a text saying that Gambino died. Great, just great. Gaia decides to start up an event right when I lose internet access. XD; Turns out, not much has happened yet since that initial manga. Good.
I still haven't read the manga update since I've been trying to catch up on forum posts. Though an event hasn't started, I'm sad that I missed the initial reaction. I missed reading the reactions of the Gaians... I feel so out of the loop. [manga update announcement] [Farewell Gambino Blog] xxxxxxxxxxxxx March MCs: Frog and Sapphire Plume Just because it's not fuzzy doesn't mean the Frog isn't one of the cutest woodland creatures. You can pick one up for an adorably slimy hug, or try on some cozy lily pad accessories. The Sapphire Plume is a beautiful collection of tribal attire, featuring feathery chest ruffles, gloves, and a sturdy belt. The accompanying bow is perfect for jungle hunts, and the included eye patch should cover up any unfortunate mishaps.
Good MCs. Frog: Lots of poses. Good. Good. Good. That six pose rule is stupid. I'm not a big frog fan, but fell in love with a couple of the poses. I'm sure frog fans are ecstatic. :3 Sapphire Plume: Long, forgettable name. D; Weird color scheme. Blue, brown and yellow are good colors. These hues just look... hard to work with. However, this MC has the feel of an RIG item. It looks good for cosplays and nonmatching outfits. ...Maybe even some matching outfits. I.. really like this one. I can't think of any items to wear it with, but something makes me love it. xxxxxxxxxxxxx EIR [announcement 2/26] Seracila pendant: pretty blue and white items. :3 Case of Pietro: Actually evolved! o .o ...And we got bloody items. Ew. Timmy: Timmy became an EI. u .u; The Gaian population is so pathetic. "EI! Someone said EI? Where!? Must have EI so I can complain about it!" So we have timmy. We got a Timmy that stands by us and his bag. I like his bag. Too bad I'm too scared of all the ugly Timmies that may appear. x .x; [announcement 3/5] EI Report: Hidden Ace, Dappy Dandy, Compass of Seidh HA: final evo. Very nice ending. DD: umm more clothes that look like the other clothes. >< Good clothes. Compass: More fun, furry clothing.. and a bird~
[announcement 3/12] EI Report: Shadowlegend, Mizuchi's Jewel Don't remember much... shadowlegend got a wig and a few other cool poses. I really hope that I don't want it. XD; As always, I hope this with every EI. I don't want to spend cash or gold. It's starting to give better accessory poses though. this one might be awesome after all. Mizuchi's jewel. More of the same sorts of items. Fish scales. I can't see them in the preview.. but they sound interesting. The color scheme is still odd and I'm still hoping that I won't want it. > < I mean, I do want it... but I'm still trying to stop myself from buying it. I'm trying to cut back. Gotta draw a line somewhere. xxxxxxxxxxxxx Skittles Prizes [announcement] I had been sitting and wondering when the prizes would be given out... and this appeared~ =D And in the days after, new skittles items appeared in the market. Expensive items. I thought they'd drop in price. They haven't. The prizes are apparently rare. Seriously? ; ~; I thought the prizes would be easy to buy... and wouldn't be as cool as they are. u .u It's been two weeks... I expected these items to be like... 10k right now.
raffle items: umbrella 3.4m (avg buy 600k), squirt 40k, skinny jeans 340k, rainbow wristband 600k, rainbow jacket 530k, roller blades 55k, crazy core shower 3.8m, xxxxxxxxxxxxx Cash Shop Updates [St. Patrick's Update] Odanodan offers a classic green ensemble, including a coat, trousers, cuffed boots, a big ol' hat, red hair, and a gnarly walking staff. Rainbow Jubilee boasts a nice suite of colorful goodies: fairy wings, high-top sneakers, striped dress, hair, and a fluffy cloud and rainbow. The Golden Chuuchilla is an adorable little critter with golden fur eager to climb all over you. The Green Heartstring is a versatile string to tie to your hair, arms, or legs. Perfect for when you need to add just a little green to your look. The Gairish Bundle contains all of the above, plus the exclusive Lucky Horseshoe-- a collection that contains a hat, hair clip, brooch, and belt clip.
I love odanodan's shoes. o wo Too bad they ruined the wig with a beard. ; ~; Wish we got a beardless version with it. Jubilee is pretty. o wo It's not easy to match, but I foresee many rainbow items like it. I don't usually like hair that covers the eyes, but the wig is very nice. Chuuchilla is cute. Green Heartstring... versatile. <3 And the lucky horsehoe is a very nice little accessory. I'm amazed that it's only 65k and not, like, 200k. The golden wings from the wild hearts bundle are currently 500k. Bundle is 650k.
[Imaginary Friend Announcement 3/8/10] New EI. New solid white skin. The shading is very light, not dark... So while it's the same shape as a normal avatar, it looks more.. bloated. But anyway, cheap white body dye substitute. The skin is transparent and I think the next phases will give us skins that morph to look like the friend. So uhhh... I'm not sure if I want this one yet. Well, I want it.. but I don't need it yet. ^^;;
[Gambino's Treasures] Silver and gold... with hints of red and purple. Nice items. And great items for gambino cosplayers. I really want them. Don't need them, but really want them. ^^; xxxxxxxxxxxxx CIs [GCD reaction thread]
When these items first appeared, we called them by name. When they kept appearing, Gaians needed a name for them. And thus "RIG" (Random Item Generator) was born. Gaians also hated them and their odds, so "rigged" was a relevant term. Maybe that's what Gaia staff doesn't like the term RIG? We were finally informed of an official term for them: "Chance Items (CIs)." This is sort of like the DI/MC situation. However, the term RIG hadn't been around as long as the DI term... and Gaians are now more used to this sort of change.. so.. I think that Gaians will settle quickly into the new term. Others will continue to use the old term for a long while until they finally give up and start saying CIs so they don't have to explain what an RIG is. And, well, I think that some will refuse to change terms so that they can continue to say that the items are RIGged.
A quick link that used to be labeled "Monthly Collectibles" is now called "Premium Items" Instead of linking us straight to the monthly collectible page, it links us to a page that explains Chance Items, Evolving Items, Monthly Collectibles, and Aquarium Items. It's funny that they're arranged in that order. I'm pretty sure the order of items that brings in the most money each month from most to least is: CIs > EIs > MCs. (The Aquarium items info just says you can buy stuff to decorate your tank. While this might bring in cash, I'm sure that tank decorations don't bring in as much gold each month as the other three categories. It's really weird that they included the Aquarium Items (not fish). These items aren't one of a kind rares like CIs, EIs and MCs. I don't know why they didn't do a blurb about the monthly CS items instead. Those items disappear after about a month also. Yeah, I know... it's a roundabout way of getting people to also buy fish for their tanks.. but.. I don't know why CS items weren't included in that blurb.
"What are Premium Items? Premium Items are the key to turning a good avatar into an amazing one. They're the coolest and most desirable items on Gaia, so they're sure to turn some heads. You can buy premium items with Gaia Cash, or save up your Gold and bid on them in the Marketplace.
CI: Play a quick, fun game for a chance to win a rare and valuable item. EI: EIs grow and change to become bigger, cooler and more valuable. MC: MCs are gorgeous, limited-edition items that are sold for one month only. Aquarium Items: Decorate your tank with everything from treasure chests to snorkeling hamsters." xxxxxxxxxxxxx Starmony [Random GCD thread 3/2/10] Cute item. It's based off of an Adult Swim game called Robot Unicorn Attack (or something like that.) This item appeared after the bundle that gave us the bonus Scarlet Mist. Starmony gave users a rainbow version of that wig. It was instantly popular. It's a free item grant found by clicking a link on reapersun's profile. Its average price at first was 20k, and is at about 8k now. Most users still haven't found out how to get one... or else this item would have dropped in price by now.
Rainbows, rainbows, rainbows. Skittles raffle items, Starmony, Rainbow Jubilee, Imaginary Friend. Gaia's current trend: Rainbows up the wazoo. x ____x; xxxxxxxxxxxxx Fat Cat [Random GCD Thread] ... I go away and Gaia decides to release Fat Cat Alerts. ...From what I understand, these work like pink giftboxes... but are fat, flying cats. Gaia's weird, but this is weird... Even for Gaia. So far people have gotten: Bakeneko items, Cat Hooded Jumpers, Fat Cat Hat (new rare), Tutu the Flying Fat Cat (new rare). xxxxxxxxxxxxx Ocean Party [announcement] Facebook app. Very smart of Gaia. I mean, people spend hours bedazzling (or whatever it is) and farming... This sounds like it could be a very popular FB game. Very smart of Gaia. Get the Gaia name out there. I don't know much about the game since I don't play FB games. xxxxxxxxxxxxx Gold Shop Update [hockey and figure skating] xxxxxxxxxxxxx New Search Bar! [announcement] Very nifty. I haven't used it yet... but it sounds like a dream. xxxxxxxxxxxxx Clover Cap [announcement] Purchase cash or make a paypal purchase, get a very cute clover hat. :3
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I won't give it away but I find it almost over done honestly. There you got one gaians reaction.
Those are chest ruffles? They went up so high I thought it was an ice beard >.> <.<;
Why must Shadowlegend still suck? I mean I knew it was going to suck when it first come out but I like to be wrong on these things...
wow that's way too expensive for skittles, I feel like I've been cheated out of free sponsor items....damn.
That reminds me to buy those Gambino treasures...I did get the rainbow cash item and a few more, there was just soo much coming out of the cash shop these last two months, it seemed like the cash shop was making an update every week and I just felt crowded and bothered with all the stuff.
Wait, so they changed the name of Mc's Again?! u.u;
Fat.... Cat? Sounds like a glitch to me honestly, not that it is but it's so not gaia.
I got my clover cap without the announcement showing up so I was really confused when I saw one in my profile guessing it was some extra item in a package I bought or something.