Aero Awoke the the loud, disruptive noise of an explosion. He panicked and fell out of his bed then started to look around to see where it came from. He slowly made his way to the main hall which was a huge place in the middle of the boat. There was tables that seemed to be made out of expensive wood, and chests that held bombs and ammo. Food was stocked in big, long cabinets, and there was strange stoves that were used for cooking, they looked like pot belly stoves. Targets were set along the wall on the other part of the ship, by Aero's view, seemed like it had to be attended to daily due to bombs blowing up around the area. Other than the training side of the boat, the rest was rather nice.
As Aero approached the rail he heard yelling at the training range. He peered over the edge of the dark brown rail and saw Vanya and another woman both "throwing" bombs down a range.
"Hey check this one out," Vanya said.
Vanya lit a bomb and threw it in the air. She jump so fast it was as if she teleported to the bomb. With blazing speed she kicked the bomb and sent it flying at a target. It hit the target and knocked it down before the bomb even blew up. The bomb finally blew up once it hit the ground and Vanya's friend started clapping.
"Nice job there Vanya nice job," the lady said.
"Oh please like you could do that Lea," Vanya replied
Aero walked closer to the rail and stood there watching.
"Lea?" He said to himself.
The two girls looked up and saw Aero.
"Hey! You! Come down here!" Vanya said.
Aero slowly looked looked back over the rail and started walking down the stairs, Lea laughed.
"Whats so funny?" Vanya asked.
"He's using the stairs," Lea said laughing.
Vanya laughed and looked at Aero who was coming up behind her, she examined him close.
"So this is the one you took money from?" Lea asked leaning on Vanya's shoulder.
"Well, ya, he is," Vanya replied.
"Hes pretty cute," Lea said smiling.
"So um, your not going to rob me again are you?" Aero said.
"No, were not, we just need a little money for food so we could get ready to sail off. In case you have not noticed you still got your bag full of gold," Vanya replied.
Aero looked in his bag and saw his money. Aero tied his bag shut and threw it in his bigger bag.
"So why exactly did you bring me here?" Aero said as Lea was walking away.
"We needed a guy around the boat," Vanya said smiling as she walked by Aero.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Aero said following her.
Aero opened the main double doors leading out to main deck. The light blinded Aero momentarily. As soon as his eyes adjusted to the sun his eyes widened. Aero looked around everywhere and then realized, he was the only guy on the boat that had a crew of seven females on it.
"Oh no," Aero mumbled to him self.
Aero walked out onto the upper deck and looked at every one staring at him. Vanya walked up behind him as Aero turned around fast and stared at her. She was carrying two swords in her hand.
"How good is your fighting?" Vanya asked.
"Well you've seen my haven't you?" Aero asked back.
Vanya, with her two swords, threw Aero one.
"This thing is huge," Aero said looking at the sword.
Aero examined the long gold sword. It was big but light, strong but thin. The sword was the most amusing thing Aero had seen so far on the boat.
"Swing at me," Vanya said.
"What?" Aero said looking at Vanya.
"Just attack," She replied.
"Ok," Aero said worried.
Aero swung fast at Vanya. Vanya stepped aside and knocked Aero down with a slight elbow push.
"Got to be faster than that," Vanya said laughing.
Aero got up and picked his sword back up. He aimed at Vanya and swung as fast as he could.
"Ah!" Vanya screamed.
"Oh geez I'm so sorry," Aero said running towards Vanya.
Vanya stood up quick and held a blade to Aeros neck. Aero stopped moving and paused confused.
"Lesson one, don't fall for tricks around here," Vanya said laughing.
Vanya moved the knife away from Aero's neck and leaned her head towards Aero's.
"We can teach you how to fight like a real pirate," Vanya said slowly kissing Aero.
As Vanya started walking away Aero stood frozen where he stood. All the other pirates giggling and smirking went back to their places.
"Wow she is amazing," Aero said to himself as he started walking around.
Aero walked into the training room an watched all the others fight on the dummies and targets. He spotted Lea down below shooting a gun. The way she hit every target in the head and chest showed what she does. She was the marksmen of the crew, using a buccaneer pistol she was quite good. Aero started walking towards the room where every one sleeps. The room smelled nice and everything was so organized. Boots and jackets along with hats and shirts and a few skirts and pants were neatly lined up in a big closet area. Guns were lined up in order along shelves and the wood seemed so new. Everything was painted nice, Aero saw names written on signs on the pink beds. Aero looked around for a bed that didn't have a name and the only one he found was pink and next to Vanya's. Aero laughed sarcastically. Vanya walked in and stared at Aero.
"Like your bed?" she said smiling.
"Yep, love it," Aero said sarcastically.
Vanya smiled and walked over to him.
"You get to sleep right next to me," she said sitting on her bed.
"Yippe," Aero replied sarcastically.
As Aero started walking away Vanya took hold of his hand and sat him next to her.
"Lea was right. You are cute," Vanya said giggling.
"Heh, thanks," Aero said turning red.
Vanya leaned to kiss Aero as Aero stood up.
"I got to uh, go practice my combat," Aero said quickly walking towards to practice room.
Vanya sat back and smiled.
"Until tomorrow," She said still smiling.