"What are you doing?" Aero asked confused.
Vayna laughed as the entire crew began to swing on the ropes and board the other boat.
"Oh," Aero said rolling his eyes.
Aero took a few steps back and then started running towards the rail of the boat. He jumped as high as he could and he began swinging through the air.
"Hey, this isn't so bad at all!" Aero yelled out.
Moments later as Aero kept yelling how easy the task at hand was, he did not pay full attention in front of him. Aero looked ahead and his eyes widened. He slammed into the side of the boat as if he were a cake that had just been slammed against a wall. He stuck to the side of the boat for a few seconds and then began sliding down eventually plummeting into the ocean below. As the crew drew their swords and began to fight the guards. Aero started climbing his way up the back side of the boat. As a guard swung at Vayna, Lea grabbed him and threw him towards the back of the boat.
"Thanks Lea," Vayna said as they went into the main hall of the boat.
"Amost, there!" Aero said pulling himself up to the rear rail of the boat.
Aero pulled finally got up to the rear end of the boat as he spotted the guard flying his way.
"Son of a bit-!" Aero shouted as the guard slammed into Aero interrupting him as they both flew back down into the watery abyss.
Vayna and Lea on the other hand were still fighting the brutal guards. Vayna saw a pack of at least five guards coming up the stairs. Lea was the first to react, she grabbed her pistol and aimed it at the entrance of the hall. The guards made their way straight up the stairs and they finally reached the top. Lea twisted and ducked down and pulled the trigger multiple times. The bullets whipped through the air and killed all five guards in a split second. Lea stood up and blew the smoke arising from her pistol barrel. All of a sudden they heard massively loud foot steps coming towards them.
"What is that?" Lea asked.
"I don't know but it can't be good," Vayna replied.
Vayna ordered the rest of the crew to leave back to cutter as her and Lea stayed.
The foot steps began to get louder and louder and then the double doors leading to the main hall of the boat flew back as they were shattered by a ginormous battle axe. Unable to react fast enough to the doors immense speed, one of the doors slammed into Vayna forcing her to hit the wall behind her as she went unconscious. As soon as the dust cleared a giant suit of armor appeared. Lea shot her pistol directly at the giant's head. The bullet bounced straight off his helmet and into the wall. With swift speed the giant swung his battle axe directly at Lea. Lea slid to the ground on her knees as the battle axe flew right above her head. She grabbed the treasure chest and threw it out the door. Aero began to pull him self up the rail once again.
"Finally," Aero said panting tiredly.
Aero looked up and saw the treasure chest flying at him.
"This is dragon sh-!" The chest hit Aero on the head as he began to fly back down into the water. Luckily the chest was still on board from bouncing on Aero's head. Lea grabbed Vayna and ran out of the main hall. She grabbed a rope and swung back over to the cutter and dropped her off.
"Wait, the chest," Lea remembered looking back. She saw the chest sitting next to the edge and also saw Aero soaking wet flipping over the rails and next to the chest.
"AERO!" She yelled.
"What now," Aero said looking up exhausted.
He saw a the giant man in the armored suit walking his way. With out question Aero grabbed the chest and started running towards the cutter. Aero ran for the rope with the chest in possession. Moments before Aero jumped he saw Lea shouting but could not hear her. He saw her pointing behind him as if she were trying to get him to turn around. Aero stopped and froze where he was, his eyes widened as he felt a sharp pain behind him. Aero fell to his knees with hey eyes wide open. In the distance Vayna had awoken to see what just happened. Her mouth dropped as she began to get up and run for the rail of the boat. Everything was quiet, as if sound had began to not exist. Vayna shouted and yelled, her mouth was shouting the word no over and over as she tried to jump back to the boat where Aero was. Lea grabbed Vayna and struggled to hold her back knowing it was too late to go back. Vayna starred with tears in her eyes knowing all she could do was watch. Aero fell to the wood floor of the boat revealing the giant behind him. Lea continued to hold Vayna back as the giant picked up Aero and began to carry him in the main hall as the merchant boat turned around and started to sail away.