Shadow Knight
True Darkness: The user summons their shadow at the cost of 1/7 of their Hp to inflict Major Damage to a single enemy.
Dark Absorption(Passive): Any Dark spell or dark based attack that connects to the user heals them instead of being damaged. Decreases the tolerance against Light Damage.
Dark Aura: At the cost of 1/8 of their MP they can damage an enemies HP and MP as the same amount.
Shadow Ace: They enchant their sword with their own shadow to inflict damage to their enemy. Gain HP for the same amount.
Master of Darkness(Passive): Increases any Dark-type spell or attack.
Bane of Light: The user Jumps into the air and slams their fist into the enemy. Deals extra damage to Spirits and enemies weak against darkness.
Ace of Spades: The user draws into the air a spade and shoots it at the enemy. if it connects then a rain of scythes hit the opponent 5 times.
Oblivion: Summons up a beast of pure Darkness(Kumori's Pet) to fight along side the Shadow Knight.
The Abyss: The Shadow Knight slashes their opponent with both their sword and claw gauntlets increasing in momentum and damage for each successful hit. If all are successful, The Shadow Knight summons their Shadow Demon to drain their enemy of half the damage inflicted. Empties MP.
Emergency Boost: When the party is Near-Death this skill becomes selectable. At the cost of 1/2 of the remaining HP of the Shadow Knight, they increase the strength, defense, and speed of their party members while increasing their own defense.
Orb of Destiny(Passive): Allows the user to equip Specialized Orbs dropped by certain enemies.
Sacrifice(All): When the only member standing, the Shadow Knight takes his own life as the Shadow Demon possessing them revives the entire party and inflicts moderate damage to the enemies.
Weapons Shadow Knight's use
Swords, Long-swords, Great-swords, Orbs(Shadow Knight only), Scythe
Shadow Knight's Advantages:
Can equip heavier armory and weapons without the negatives of slowing down, Higher Dark Resistance, Higher HP/MP than Dark Knights, Immune to Blind and poison
Shadow Knight's Disadvantages:
Higher costs for True Darkness, Lower Light Resistance than Dark Knights, Higher costs for skills.
Just for kicks
Shadow Knight Background: With the help of Syvien, the Dark Knight was able to conquer their shadow demon that gives them nothing but nightmares as they lay awake in their slumber. Syvien had fused the Shadow Demon into them to give them a stronger control of their skills and to help utilize Shadow Combat with the loss of Light Resistance.
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How Things go in my life, and somethings I might ask friends
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