Since the last entry ended on such a low note, I figured I should update.
Yeah I'm doing a lot better. I ended up staying with my fiancee for that week and besides her trying to kill herself, it went okay. She's MUCH better now. I got to yell at all the people who stressed her out, she got some of her confidence back and we both graduated in April...with honors no less.
The house got fixed up, I was able to pull a job outta my a** that got enough money to pay for the repairs and still have some left over so we could survive.
And that male friend and I had a good talk. He's not so...insane about me any more and I didn't lose him as a friend. So that's all good. I think he's still got a thing for me but he's realized I'm not leaving my fiancee for another dude. ha, pretty sad that I'm apparently 'good' enough to turn straight men gay...LOL
Anyway, after April came and went, my fiancee and I moved in together and had a talk about, well, the future. We agreed that a minor set-back of a stress miscarrage wouldn't stop us if we wanted kids. We waited about a week (ahaha) then started trying for a baby.
Well, it took a few months but she told me Thursday that she was pregnant. So, we're going to have a baby in a few months and my son is really excited about having a little sister to "protect her and love her."
Nothing much has happened in the past few months, besides the regular hanging with family and kid stuff. I went a bit crazy with pet fish and we have a really big aquarium with like 20 fish. And besides my fiancee being pregnant, there's not any 'big' news.
Oh, my shrink says we might start weaning the meds again. I'm a bit nervous about that but we'll see how it goes. Now it's a matter of saving up for a new baby, possibly two because twins run in the family on both sides.
Anyway, I'll update again if things change.
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I know why I like you. You are the perfect mix of conceited confidence and charming honesty.
Traumatized Dollie
xd Best. Joke. Ever.
I swear to God, you are completely composed of awesomeness, Daimin.
I swear to God, you are completely composed of awesomeness, Daimin.
Teh Bondage Faerie
I've got to agree with Dollie. You are like, the coolest guy I know. XD