I'm in a mood tonight and just feel like saying a few things that need to be said. Following are 'letters' that the people they are addressed to will never actually read but I need to say something.
Dear Blobette(s),
I know you're nothing more then a bunch of vaguely human shaped cells in my fiancee's womb but I all ready love you. In fact, I love you so much that I've been telling my friends that mommy's 16 weeks along when she's really only 12 weeks along. I added an extra month just because I'm so excited.
No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you as much as I can. Until you get to those teenage years and start hating me, then I'll give you space to make your own mistakes and be there to catch you if you fall.
Daddy's mental history is really messed up and I pray to a God I really don't believe in 100% that you don't suffer because of that. I hope that you come out sane and healthy like your big brother David who can't wait to see you.
Also, I should warn you now that daddy is a bit weird. But that's okay, so is your aunt and great aunt. I don't think you'll really notice that. Mommy can have her strange times too, so we'll all be odd together.
I promise I won't keep calling you Blobette when you're out of the womb. Then I'll call you some nickname that I think up when I hold you for the first time. It'll probably be something just as equally embarrassing and stupid, just to warn you.
I promise I'll do my hardest to make sure you don't have to suffer like I did until I met mommy. I promise I'll try and keep you out of harm's way as much as humanly possible without putting you into a bubble. I'll still let you take dives when you learn to ride a bike or are playing in the play ground, but you won't experince things no child should ever go through.
I can't promise that in 16 years I won't be a parent you may be embarrassed to know and I can't promise that I won't scare off boys if you do end up being a girl. And I can't promise that I won't embarrass the heck out of you in front of your S.O at the time because that's just what parents do and I'm going to enjoy it...mwahaha.
Anyway, I'll see you in about 7 months.
Dear Crystal,
You're like a sister to me. A really weird sister but the whole family's weird so you fit right in. We've been through a lot over the years and I'm glad to have had you by my side through the worst.
You know I only tell you that your fiancee's a jerk because he is. I know jerks and you know I know jerks. He doesn't love you, he just wants your body and the money we all know you inherited when your mom died.
I know you hate it when I tell you these things but I'm telling you them because I care about you and I don't want to see you hurt. I don't want to have to tell you: "I told you so".
Please stop ignoring me. I know you're not busy when I call, you all ready told me your fall/winter schedule. I'd hate to lose you over something like this.
And please, for your own sanity, open your eyes. He's checking out other women. He ignores you. And don't you dare tell me you walked into a wall to explain that bruise. I'm not stupid and you're not that clumsy.
I know you're smarter then this. You deserve better than that jerk. So please, call me back for once. Talk to me like we used to. I really care about you.
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I know why I like you. You are the perfect mix of conceited confidence and charming honesty.
Traumatized Dollie
xd Best. Joke. Ever.
I swear to God, you are completely composed of awesomeness, Daimin.
I swear to God, you are completely composed of awesomeness, Daimin.
Teh Bondage Faerie
I've got to agree with Dollie. You are like, the coolest guy I know. XD