Here's the old profile posting from was thought out at the time, but I needed to update it with something a little...cheerier. So I transferred it to here to keep it from being lost. I don't really keep a journal, so this is a way to preserve those thoughts, however frustrated and stupid they be. We're not always the same people we were in years past. Also, I had some sort of feedable pet back then that has since gone kaput. Poor thing.
Well, it's 2007 and not much has changed. *Anywhere* We're still involved in "Bush's War" (btw, it's not actually a war so much as a prolonged and extremely expensive--both in monetary terms and priceless human lives--battle, where we've gotten into the middle of a civil war that's only been going on for, oh, several centuries or so), the economy still sucks, driving is like burning up gold or a few twenty dollar bills at a time (we have the greedy oil industry and the American car manufacturers to thank for that)...
...and people as a collective mass are just plain brainwashed idiots. There are only a few (translation: millions) of individuals that are actually worth the space. Because they don't believe that killing people or hording mounds of cash is healthy.
Bah. If there are any aliens out there looking to make contact, it's better if they just stay the hell away or they'll get caught up in the human race's psychotic tendencies. Bad for them, extra super bad for us. This War On Terror is just another deformed, demented, mutated, cross-eyed, inbred b*****d child of that inebriated smirking dumbass in the Oval Office--no respect for the soldiers out there actually doing the dirty work and no respect for anybody that thinks it's a bad idea.
...sometimes this world just plain sucks. How did we (translation: the human race) even get to this point in time and somehow manage to not completely wipe ourselves out of existence?
Sohain · Sun Nov 07, 2010 @ 08:32pm · 0 Comments |