Name: Sarah
Nick/Preferred: Just Sarah or Saray.
Occupation: Care assistant in residential care home.
Interests: Reading, all things HORROR, shopping in thrift stores, collectibles, Japanese culture, drawing, folklore, superstitions and the paranormal, listening to all kinds of music, watching movies, surfing the 'net, cooking, playing computer games with my boyfriend, playing with my cats.
Favorite color: Purple and green!
Favorite food: Filipino foods, pasta dishes, veggie pizza, noodles, cake!
Favorite book: Too many to list. Finn Family Moomintroll is one.
Favorite movie: Instant Swamp, Kamikaze Girls, Only Yesterday, many horrors...
Favorite TV Show: Strangers With Candy, King Of The Hill, Britcoms, nature documentaries.
Pets: 3 Cats. Beefy, Spot and Mina.
Extras: I am half English/Filipino. I am addicted to Diet Coke and am afraid of deep water!