Barton banner and my custom banner by ChobitsLover.

I don't know who made this, but it was floating around the forums a lot and I think it's awesome! lol

I heart Rufus. ^^

My ordinary Team Barton outfit... then I went Super Saiyan!! lol And at the end of the RO 2k12. I broke my nose on Frog Jump but happy to recieve 2nd place! (I put the trophy in my Home!)

OneWeekRainisu captured my fighting spirit nicely, non?

I was part of the Barton Sun Riders team. We fought to get points every morning. Awesomesauce group picture by WillyJo! (I am on the far right, with my little water sprite Blue!)

Another rad banner, which was a gift from Shuniya!

Here I am in the early hours, in the town square.

This was the building that led you to the Paint Splat game (my least favourite game, tbh!)

By the Frog Jump area.

Here I am on my way to play Lift The Thing!

Sometimes Lift My Thing could get very quiet. ninja

But not always! Here's a team of Bartonites liftin' hard! xd

Some us jumping again! Sorry, Hinata I missed your cheer! ^^;;

At the end people from all different teams met up near the Paint Splat area and silliness was to be had! xd

And here is quite a number of the Team Barton peeps resting in the Town pools.
That's all. It's been a fun event. I chatted with many friendly people, from all the different teams. In the end all I can say is, Team Barton forever! mrgreen
Community Member
I just love looking at all the screenies people took xD