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Life is an adventure
Live a Little
Day 2 Day Experience Part 8
Current State ~-~-~ My head is about to fall off my shoulders...
Questin for... dunno. but i'm up to 5k.
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~ 64

Oh man......lots of crap. good and bad.

ok..lets see...

Irl: My dad is a big jerk, as usual, but now he wasn't me to spend time with him. is he ******** serious!? oh, and Calico? He barely survived me goin away to jersey and lleavin him with my dad. and now? he's eatin plastic like crazy and this result to flies layin eggs or havin maggots in his cage, which lead to my never ending fly problem. i'm tryin to break this habit but i'm not gettin anywhere. I could use a few suggestions. I got urbs. finally. and tryin to get a copy of KH2 that don't cost more that 50 dollars.
the heat by the way? it's umbearable. I'm literally sleepin naked on the floor next to my fan. It's sad.
Fourth of july was nothin special. I shot fire crackers at my dad's a** and streaked around the house.

Runescape: few quests done, a raisin a few levels. Oh yeah. i did make a page about a night i had with sephrain and forby. seph is a guy that loves his canines and loves gettin his tail into trouble. he's fun to be around. and i went BIRD HUNTING! you get pretty feather hats when you kill enough birds. I got two to match my outfit.

Gaia: Ok..listen sephrain from runescape? He joined gaia. and man....has he made an impact. xd it's funny! cause even tonight, he's been gettin into these wierd fixes. I had to help him fight off a white dragon! and countless hunters. oh man what a night! Oh yeah. i've been gettin into a lot of crap with chazu as well. By the by? If you haven't been keepin up with the "+9 lives" or "Past Actions" story, or dragon's and Chazu's and rose's? good luck to you. and seph started his own story as well.

For now, i'm gonna go torment cali and chase flies down. gooooooooooooooooood night!

Current State ~-~-~ miserable....meh...
Questin for... 11k/15k
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~ 61, 4 black cats in a row!? =o.O=

Irl: i'm so sick and tired of the fightin. I've had it. i want it to stop. but my father is too much of a stubborn jackass to cave like my mom and i have been willin to do.

anyways.... the reason i haven't written in this thing sooner is cause we headed to jersey for nearly a weak. yeah. my nephew's graduation. and 6 flags celebration.

DA: i am lovin deviant art right now. i've been talkin to one of my favorite artists, and...i just wanna draw now! so i'll be doin a lot of that.

Gaia: new layout, new items, new donations since i last wrote, and yes i did get my dad back for cali's fall. ahem....
keyblade items on the fifteenth as well as dark halos. i got one from a friend...key blade that is. or...G blade....as it's called here.
I've completed another outfit. Koopa outfit. like..bowserish. i love it! but i still need the damn collar. it might replace the first collar he gave me. i'd keep them both if i can. i'll ask him.
ok. the layout? SUCKS a**! i mean SERIOUSLY! the new newbie stuff isn't anything to right home about either. i mean, some of it is cool. i'll admit. the layout just sucks. it's confusing on some pages, and you can't even get out the effin profiles without nearly startin a trade or private message, unless you hit the back button. plus...it looks gay. suck a**, gag me with a putrid spork gay.
too effin bright. But who gives a damn what i think? besides. there's a lot of people complainin about it already.

Right now...i got journals to right, comics to make, and wounds to tend to.

Current State ~-~-~ GOD!! IT'S HOT! H-O-T!!!
Questin for... 600/1200 GREEN TORQUE PANTS!
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~ 56, they're growing again!

Gaia stuff? new furniture! excersize stuff though, nothin big.

i did line everyone up in my journal and ate half of them alive too....oh well!
oh yeah...cause of that...kira, cykick, rebel, and dracky all haunted me.... =TT=

and kira made this for me!
call it the pic of the day.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
i'm gonna do somethin for her now.

speakin of drawin, DA is goin over well! i made a few friends, and...tryin to talk to one of my favorite DA artists....Karbo... heart

Runescape? more house buidling, hoping to get a few quests done soon. oh yeah! Forby tried to lock me in his house in runescape, them left me in the kitchen by myself. 5 minutes later, i'm walkin past his bedroom whistlin and he starts yellin for me to come back, that's when i took off and ran away. XD

RL? well....my dad and i have been havin it out, and he's not lettin me talk to forby, chazu, or anyone as a matter of fact, but you know what? i dont care. i still try to anyway, and my dad? he's gonna get a nice little suprise very soon....especially after kicking calico down the steps...oh ho HO! he is so gonna pay.....

Current State ~-~-~ I need some one to hold me right now...
Questin for... I'm puttin my Koopa outfit together.
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~ 54, but the cats don't seem to grow anymore....

Hey...i'm just...hurt....right now...first....good things..i guess...
further plot advances on me and my friends part, leading to dragon losin half her memory, chazu bein human, and me bein wolfish now. but still a cat.
besides that, regular crazy gaia randomness.

Runescape stuff? Well, newest feature now is that they have a new skill. Construction. where you get to build your house from scratch, as well as all your furniture. fun fun? sorta. it's cuts into your funds big time.

Real life stuff? my family's nuts, but what else is new? my parents are plannin on draggin me off to jersey in the middle of this month and i'm not lookin forward to it.

*sighs* It's been over a year since me and forby first met. .....3 days from now.....we would be a couple for an entire year. yeah... on june 6, we would have gone out for a year....and yet..things aren't the same as they were a year ago.
i wont getin into exactly what is goin on. but in short....we both need to change in order to make each other happy, but he's not givin in, and i can't cause i'm not sure how to. let's just say, we're clashin with each other more than cuddlin now. it hurts me to say this, but.....a year after bein together....he may not be the one for me...no matter how much i want him to be, he may not. and it hurts...cause i really love the guy, but niether of us are happy with each other, cause of a few tiny kinks in our relationship. it hurts......i dont wanna let him
i'm tired of this..

Current State ~-~-~ *belches and sighs* I can't be happier right now...
Questin for... Hmm...nothin as of yet, but by next entry, i share it with you.
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~ RUNESCAPE ******** HATES ME!

Otay! eh...we'll start with lest recent events, since it's been a while. Well...dragon was kidnapped, again! by some stupid creatures that ripped of my fish look. She's also got some avie art done! {can be found here}
my other friends have been...some what ok...
and i've even gotten to know one of my girls move. Bloodi. =^-^= she's been really open with me the last few days and i kinda feel happy about that!
As a pressie for all my girls, i'm doin kirbi-tized art for all the girls!
...now if only i knew what blue was up to...
it's like he doesn't want to be around us anymore... sad
I got attacked. Wanna know more? Story page. Result of the attack? i'm a damn wolf for the next few days. but because of this, me and dragon kinda struggled against in each other which ended in me livin one of my greatest gaian dreams! i caught dragon as a chibi! <3 .....>3 hehehehe..... thus the mood i'm in.
besides that the only other things i gotta report is complete and under depression....OH! AND I BEAT KINGDOM HEARTS TODAY! oh! me so happy! ow! me so happy! .....me miss forby....i'm gonna go bother him now! *waddles off happily*

Current State ~-~-~ my stomach hurts from laughin! XD
Questin for... Nothin. I owe dragon money. 1.8k to go....
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~54

ok, lets start with yesterday's funk. I was depressed..and i can say it now..cause one of my dear friends. Tony Willson or 'Tank' was found dead. he was the last friend i had. Besides Jason, ashely D, femme, Justin 'Miroku' and andrew. none of them count though. Justin, is in the airforce...yeah... jason? has amnesia, or however it's spelled. Femme dissappeared before i graduated. no one knows hat happened to him. ashely and andrew ran away together. XD
so there you have it! not like i go outside anyway. too many shoot outs here.

anyways...today was the day gaia released thier new donation items. this time. i did want to get my paws on one. one was the angel bow...which was overshadowed by a cool set of chains with me and the group. now....chains is dragon's thing. anything that can be realted to ghost rider is dragon's thing. so think about it. Skully walking in the room wearin leather showing off his new set of chains....he actually has a high chance of gettin kidnapped. which...is funny as hell. XD i got a set of chains too, but not for the full price of 10k, 6k from dragon. just like the guitare. only this time, she trusts me to pay her back the rest of the money i owe her, since i only had 4k when she sent me the letter. so i gotta find a quick way to get 2k. ugh....I CAN SELL MY FISH NOW! that's right. chazu gave me a dorsal fin. so now, i have completed my fish set. AND I'M A TIGER SHARK! NOT A FREAKIN CAT FISH! I SWEAR KRAHS! YOU ATTACK ME ONE MORE FREAKIN TIME I WILL KILL YOU!
where was i? oh yeah. once i pay off dragon, my money will go to chazu, to help him get a set of chains before the prices sky rocket on him.

and the last bit of news, I got kingdom hearts! the first one though, i coulda got the second one, but somethin told me to get the first one first. so...yeah. I"m headin to be now, i just beat the cerberus on the collisium stage, after gettin my a** kicked by cloud!!! ahem...and i'm tired. and want my pink moo moo juice. erm....strawberry milk.

Crap..i got three pics i need to scan...night ya'll.

Current State ~-~-~ I want...to die..
Questin for... dunno yet.
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~54

Hi journal stalkers.
it's mother's day. yep. mother's day.
for my mom? we did nothin big. got her a card. i'm plannin on doing somethin tomorrow.
for my gaian foster mom. i sent her somethin nice. dunno if she'll like it. or even care. but ...eh.
as for me. Chazu did somethin earlier, but...i mean would it count? he's not my child. twas nice of him still. blech. it counts.
out of the five kids i have here, only one actually said somethin. and she sent me a pm. Tommy. Who i learned has picked up on a few of my ways. i'm a little scared by it, but i'm more proud than scared.
Besides that, nothin much happened. workin on da stuff, resume application stuff, runescape level raising stuff, cali health stuff, bloating myself up till i can move...um...stuff.
i've also been depressed lately but that's beside the point.
you really wanna know what's up with me? i post rants in my journal on deviant art.
Click here if your interested.
i'm tired, currently hate the games God of war and Naruto: clash of ninja, and feel like i've hit the bottom of a 500ft cliff drop. bright side? i get to see if i got this much needed and desperately wanted job tomorrow. and new donation items come out tomorrow. till then, i'm out. see you in a few days.

Current State ~-~-~ "phew...."
Questin for... NOTHIN! ...yet...
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~51

I'm back from jersey. and everythings ok. the grandmother that collasped? she's fine. and the one that got an eye operation? she's still in the hospital waitin for her eyes to recover from the the ordeal, but she's ok as well.
i bothered chazu and forby the entire weekend and chased down kids to keep myself from goin nuts.
oh yeah. before i tell you this....Yes i was watchin up close, and no, i didn't cause it.
see, there was a fire in the home of my sister's friend, two houses down and across the street from my sister's place. The thing is, the firemen took forever to get there, that by the time they did, the house was totaled along with a few others. See, there are rows of houses where my sister lives. each row has 6 houses. the one that caught fire was on the end of one row. when the fire men came, that house, plus four others in the row were a blaze! the fire was just gettin to the roof of the last home when it was finally put out. was anyone harmed? yes. one littlel girl, and an old women. sad huh? i was laughin the whole time, at least i was until one of my younger nephews went missin. Which one? Nas (the mouthy sneak.) i was roamin around through crouds, still wearin a collar and cat ears mind you, lookin for this little boy. it took me 50 minutes to find him.

besides that, i spent most of my weekend lookin for some food in that damn house. stuffed myself full of puddin the ride home though...ugh....oh yeah! i got a freakin head cold. i couldn't breath or nothin last night. but i'm feelin way better now. just a few sniffles, no head ache or nothin. i guess the car ride home yesterday just made it temporarily worse.

besides that, nothin new to report 'cept that i made an avie comic again, this time with me and chazu, and i finally moved those eggs to their own page. let's see.....oh yes. for all the cali cavy fans out there, calico is ok and had a nice quiet weekend by himself.

Current State ~-~-~ can't sleep can't sleep!!!
Questin for... NOTHIN! ...yet...
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~51

Runescape got a new mini game! pest control! ...and i like it. even if it's been a week since it came out and i'm just gettin to it. it's fun! and profitable in a number of ways.

fish frenzy in gaia! see...gaia's donation items were a sun staff and...um...somethin else i didn't want...
but they've also come out with a bunch of new fish items! i've been helpin chazu get his, and we've worn, exchanged and gathered a few of them. the first for me was the catfish whiskers. which i only wore for a day. See...too many 'cat fish' jokes flew around, and i was threatened by krahs...so i got rid of them and gave them to DT. my second was the 3x guppy one..orange i think? anyways, i kept that for...almost a day, then was about to eat the thing, only to give it to niji. xp
then i gave green bass galore to chazu to help him get his grey stiper hat, and in return, he gave me food chain fish helmet! ....but i didn't like it much when i put it on...so i'll wear it for a few, then put it in my house as decoration...or just eat it...

As i've said in one of the past entries, i've recently did some self discovery.
I found out i've got a vore fettish. and then, forby may have it too. heart
and now i got chazu into it. xd which to me...is funny as hell.

Dragon's house has been blown to bits, plus she smelled like fish.
chazu's gone to who knows where after dragon told him of a dream he had,
Icey's sick
tommy's .....i dont know what's up with her.
Niji's writin a play similar to paper mario
dracky's writin her own story
forby's workin his a** off
and i'm hooked on yet another anime. (this time it's excel saga.)

Oh yeah..
my deviant art account has been gettin attention since those kirby pictures i drew. yep.
the one with me dragon, forby and chazu? twas what started it. then i drew one for icey. she loved it so much, as she said, she created a devaint art account just so she can add it to her favorites... *blushes*
i'm actually trying to work on my own and very first... vore pic.
and...well..only one has seen the sketch, and he says there's a few places i need to enlargen and touch up, but all in all it's good.
so...that's what i'm workin on. besides turnin chazu into a chibi...hehehehe....
speakin of chazu on deviant art...he's become a fan of a girl there. um...chubeko i think her name was? two ton neko.
I've been talkin to her, and tryin to get her to do a pic for chazu..and i see it happenin now, since chaz did a fanart of her.

kratos walks into this large ring, and a puppy jumps in front of him.
i'm sittin here goin..."aww...a wittle puppy...."
then the thing gets huge and grows to extra heads with embers drippin flyin out it's mouthes..
i drop my joystick and go "WHAT THE HELL!?"
...and still haven't passed that part yet....it's sad really...

last thing...both of my grand mothers have been hospitalized. one couldn't see for about a week and is just now gettin to the hospital since my jackass aunts that live by her won't take her anywhere....
and one was found collasped on the floor, and the family she's stayin with didn't bother to check up on her till she was in critical condition. She's not dead...but she is in ER right now. And since my mom and dad are all the way in maryland...you can imagin their reaction when they heard of thier mothers...as well as the neglect they've been through...know what this means? another trip to jersey..and this time...i'm not beggin my way out of it. i gotta go. so this weekend...i'll be up there...
forby....chazu....you two know i'm gonna call you to help keep my sanity!

Current State ~-~-~ tired....bloated.....sad
Questin for... nothin yet. gotta see the new donation items.
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~48

hallo...lots of events.

recently...forby and i have been closer than ever. so to all those that said internet relations are a waste... ,,!,, =^_^= ,,!,, SCREW YOU! SUCKA!!!

I'm bloated cause i went out...(and treated) myself to a sushi bar and buffet with my mom. I ate so much sushi and raw fish, that i'm gonna bust...

oh yeah..easter...wanna know why i didn't come back that night? I was kidnapped, buy nogard. she lured me in with a freakin steak! i mean..dammit! ...and then tired to convert me into a slave. fortunately for me, something stopped her before i was completly converted...the bad news...i walked out with no memory and was a rabbit..
and then, there's the hole thing about chazu bein a nobody (ask him about it, Kingdom hearts stuff.) I got my memory back later that day, and from what i heard...after i got cali to get away from where i was bein held, he found chazu...or..Zuchax i should say, and eventually got home and was able to show tina where i was bein held.
yeah.. and then there was the flyin easter egg things....one buried into my freakin eye! my eye! fudge kitten gave me her eye patch....

the eye is healed now...so dont worry. i'm back to normal, and i can't give you the pic of me as an easter egg cause photobucket or..as a friend ******** completely totalled it. so ...blech.

only other thing i have to report is that i'm now on deviant art. i was joinin just to be a lurker, but i'm submittin a few works myself. There's already one person there i like. Fuzzy dragon.....she's scary and cute! oh yeah..dragon and chazu are there as well. my name there is Neko-Zee. i wont tell you the others..you'll hafta ask yourself.

now..i need to go. i'm plottin on how to catch chazu's chibi friend, capt chibi, and want to get somethin on paper before forby comes and drags me away again. heart

Current State ~-~-~ I hate easter even more now....
Questin for...70s white pants. ~ currently been put off.
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~ 43

Ok. first of all, can you imagine me runnin around in cat ears and a collar hidin easter eggs?
My sister forced me to hide eggs for the brats all around the house. I did, though, hide some in a tree, just so see someone fall out of it, which they did. lol
oh...yeah...my family? leavin early! but i know the night should be busy, so i wrote in my journal now so i can just go to bed later. oh and...my sister's dog? chased me again. this time, i ended up slammin the rat in the livin room couch. it came again and i started to knock it up against walls and stuff. eventually, it go to the point were i was draggin it around the house by it's tail. ahh...well. dinner time! and then i'm headin to the thread and goin to bed.

Koopa hasn't come back yet...
Well, I've taken the liberty to write in her journal. I've done it once before, right?
Anyways, the minute she left the house, the girl gets pelted with a flying easter egg. She said it's ok, since she was collecting them anyway, but before she can even get out of sight of the house, she was hit 4 times in the head with the eggs. I'm guessin, she had to deal with it for quiet awhile today.

Calico was dropped off by an odd looking Chazu just a few minutes ago. I'm not sure whats up, but Calico has been doing that annoying whimpering thing since he got here. He's usually like that only when Koopa's dead or close to dying or when she's having a panic attack. So I'm guessing she's dead somewhere. she's usually back by now. Hmm...oh well. She's got nine lives, or close to it.

Current State ~-~-~ I shall have the last Meow!!
Questin for...70s white pants. 1200-2500
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~ 43

today started with a huge breakfast that had mostly chicken in it. for the first time since my family got here, i actually walked out of the kitchen satisfied with the fill i got in.
I litterally had a belly bulge as i laid on my back in my bedroom...i've never felt so happy....and lazy. lol.
I called chazu out of boredum since i locked the kids out my room and forby was currently out of reach. We talked til he had to go....and then forby calls me. around the time he called, my family all left and left me in the house alone for a flee market. ..best hour of the day...
comin back, my dad decided he wanted to try the game, god of war, and i learned somethin about him. He has no spine whatsoever.
oh yeah..one of my nephews, baba, decided to try and eaves drop on a convo me and adam had. in turn, when i saw him, he tried to hide in the bathroom.
I went in there, locked the door behind me, and proceeded to beat the crap out of him while pinning him in the bad tub. all the while, forby's listenin on the phone and laughin his a** off.
Ah...that was the highlight of my day.....

my brother has agreed to help me get a ps2! with kingdom hearts! and kingdom hearts 2!
My reaction? "I want it in writtin..."

My sister's dog decided to chase me around the yard while i was barefooted. did anyone help me? nope. all they did was laugh as i climbed a tree and watched it bark at me. stare for somethin that small, thing has teeth on it. the next time that happens, i'm gettin that mutt.

I do have a soft spot for the brats. when they went to a nearby playground, they came back a little while later, sayin someone was botherin them, the oldest of the kids, and all the adults headed to the park, but by the time they got there, i was already there cussin out the boys that started the fight with my nieces. xd appearantly...they were upset cause my neices didn't talk to them when they tried to hit on them. goits.

let's see....what else...oh. on gaia, i saw shadow for the first time in who knows how long!

irl, i'm tired, i'm hungry, and i want my dinner......and we're havin cat fish!
Current State ~-~-~ Oooo... my head...
Questin for... 70s white shirt = 1000-2500
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~ 43

I'm tired. My head is hurtin like hell, and i just want to sleep, but of course. i wont be able to til about 5 in the mornin.

My dad came in and gave me the game God Of War.
two problems with that.
1) i beat the game already...
2) My father is too stupid to realize i dont even have a playstation 2.
most of the day was spent playin keep away from my family. i tried to stay in my room, but can't even do that in peace. in the early afternoon, they were gone. for two and a half hours...i had peace....peace and quiet. and forby.
but when they came back..madness all over again! I've got a ringin head ache from they're little karioki. or how ever it's spelled. they went on with this for about 5 hours before they decided to go to bed. when that happened, it was about 1 in the mornin.
I need rest....

Current State ~-~-~ Give me a shot gun so i can kill these f***in kids.
Questin for... somethin that'll go with a chef's hat and pink oven mits. any suggestions?
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~ 43

There's 5 kids as of now. 2 girls. one (inayah, 13) is a snobby little drama queen. the other (Bakayah, 3) is a pain in the neck little cry baby. the boys, (barry the third aka baba, 11) is a mouther, can't shut up and can't keep a secret for nothin. Another one.... (nasarah or nas, 7) is a little rat that likes to sneak around people and everything. and the last, (Zhaleek, or Jah Jah) is a whiney little momma's boy. i wanted to duct tape baba's mouth big time today. Inayah decided to call adam by findin his number on my cell. i stopped her in mid call, and found her with my cell again, only this time she almost called chazu. She knows neither of them but thinks she can get away with that. i'm gonna prove her wrong on that.
Nas got mad when i stopped him from playin my naruto game after he gloated for about a hour about beatin baba and jah jah, so he decided to grab one of the jokes sticks and pulls it off my tv and laugh about it. I gave him about a second to run before i went after him, and caught him at the top of my steps outside my room, and kicked him down the steps. ...and if you didn't see somethin like that comin, you really dont know me well.
BB i mean..bakayah has actually been very well behaved. which is unsual for her.
baba and his brother Jah jah were fightin over my games and who's turn it was, and what they were playin....
altogether...those kids drove my appetite away. That's really really bad...i have a splittin headache.....

and the worst part is...4 more kids are comin..plus a dog. i swear. i'm gonna loss it this weekend. more family are comin and i can't even handle the family that's here already. i'm gonna asplode...

Current State ~-~-~ my tummy hurts....
Questin for... chef's hat. 3000/3150
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~ 42

I'm done some explorin recently. No...i didn't get lost in runescape again...
i ment within myself. my personality
poeple, hear me out. Never be afraid to explore you're personally and feelings. even if it means gettin a little dirty while doin so.

Pic of the day
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
it says "We are not freaks for having a fetish, Not having a fetish makes you a freak"

each picture in the banner represents a fetish that someone from the WTGRT. no i'm not tellin you who and which so dont pm me and ask me if you can't put it together yourself. oh yeah..chazu made this pic first of all, and second, the various artists that made this pic is credited on the journal's page of contents.

anyways...new event in runescape. Easter's here! forby was walkin around in town and saw a easter egg on the ground. when he walked passed it, it meowed at him. he walked back with his "WTH!?" Reply and realized i figured out how to turn myself into a choco easter egg. of course...we had to do the same for him.
this involved meetin the easter bunny, diggin up easter eggs with shovels, and actually turning into rabbits ourself to get a colorful ring filled with easter magic. as corney as that sounds, it's actually fun to fool people in the cities of runescape while morphing into both rabbits and eggs. if i can get a pic of that, i will. matter of fact, look for it in the next entry. and possibly in the snap shots page.

well, the easter weekend is upon us and my family has off of school and work, so they're comin to bug us for the next 5 days....pray for me and hope that by the lion's mane i walk away from this unharmed. (that's phyically and mentally.)

anyways..i gotta go. Full moon tonight, and i gotta go barricade myself in my house before forby comes. 3nodding

Current State ~-~-~ zzzzzzz.......zzzzzzzz
Questin for... NOTHIN! Now would be a good time to ask for money.
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~ 38

runescape scares me sometimes.
stupid sandwich lady....she came out of nowhere and wanted me to pick one of her food pieces. unfortunately, in a split second, i forgot which one to pick, so i ended up pickin wrong. as a result, the b***h smacks me in the head with a bagette or however it's spelled, the really long and hard french bread things. yeah that. i wake up in a city on the other side of runescape and she was standin right there. For about an hour she followed me. i tried everything! running, losing her on steps, passage ways, and shortcuts, i took a boat and she was on the island waitin for me, I EVEN TELEPORTED CLEAR ACROSS RUNESCAPE! she was still there. Finally i just logged out and waited 5 minutes. when i got back she was gone. xd

My irl sisters' birthdays past. both of them. so did my nieces.
as a result of that...my sister in japan, and my sister in jersey called me, and all three of us went webcam crazy. each of us were holdin a little monster too.
Me, i had calico sittin on my head. Ronnie, my sister in jersey, had her dog on her lap, and my sister in Japan, Katrele, was tryin to get my little nephew off her back. literally.
anyways, it's been a week since me and my dad got into a fight. gettin really peaceful around here.
and....there was somethin else...oh yeah! Narnia came out today! of course i got it, lol. I mean, i burned through 4 of the books already, and i'm still waitin for more news on the second movie. me and dragon both.

speakin of dragon, she's back now. but of course, peace on gaia don't last long.
My home was torn apart... &see the story page& and I went on a little hike of my own, only to bring back another cat girl like me. =-.-= She's an albino cat demon.

Ah yes. and since the last entry, i did get my gem back. not to mention realized lex was my brother. he's still a goit.

oh yeah, my bg story? done. finished. read if you like. hate it if you want. confront me about it if you dare.

Current State ~-~-~ MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!
Questin for... NOTHIN! Now would be a good time to ask for money.
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~ 31

Blood Blood Blood Blood...Bloodbloodbloodblood!
oh..HI! cold day to day....
First of all, irl, i finally got my computer in my room workin! and i'm lovin it. I have to pay for the interet and my part of the electricity, but you know what? it's worth it.
And, just so you know. Over my "Free Weekend", I've gone completly nocturnal, so i have to get my sleep cycle in order again, which sux because that means no more after noon cat naps. I blame forb for this.

oh yeah. about that pendant i wanted. i changed my mind. decided to get a small red cheap one instead. which is better to me. since i'm not gonna wear it that much anyway. so now i'm donating. yes. i'm actually donating to people. i've given chazu about 2.5k , so dragon will be next. then i'm gonna save the money just incase i like the new donation items for either myself or forby.

i got a little too happy tonight....i figured out how to use the power of the Blood Gem, sadly though..i can't control it...
I mean...My body was able to handle it...my mind though? psh...i almost killed dragon, rex, cy, and chazu.
...the sad part is i got dragon and her girl kidnapped because i was so full of myself with that damned gem...
the sadder news is...i want to do it again...
i wanna put it on! i wanna thrash with it! it made me feel so alive! but chazu said that right before he blacked out, i was going after Cykick. I remember it all, i just...didn't control myself. i didn't want to! I even got one of his kittens to turn as well. She went straight for chazu, and he had to knock her out...well actually he kept feeding her steaks until she couldn't move but...meh.
he hid the blood gem from me after takin it from me, and now..i gotta find it. gonk It's my gem! MINE DAMMIT! AND I WANT IT BACK!

Current State ~-~-~ Drained of all energy, but happy as hell.
Questin for... Demonic Pendant. ~-~-~ 3200/30000
Runescape Cat count ~-~-~ 29

goin for somethin new. so now...maybe not under every entry date...but from now on, i'm gonna have quest info, current physical or mental state and how many cat's i've raised in runescape....YES THAT LAST ONE IS IMPORTANT!

No sence in tryin to turn back time
since we dont go through all trials for nothin...
but everyone, sometimes wish
life had a little reset button.

NEW PAGE! ....what? i was gettin tired of the last one.
anyways....Lots of things have happened.

some of them you're gonna have to see the story page about. just cause. check it out if you dont already know what i mean, and look up the section, a tail of two cats.

i got in touch with one of my dearest friends from jersy 5 years ago. when she called, i screamed my heart out!
I miss her....
Besides buggin chazu and dragon, about...wierd things...
wait...i'll tell this.
DRAGON HAS AN EGG! ....THAT I WOULDN'T LEAVE ALONE! we found her the other night with a knife held to her throat. That was the night i got to hold dragon's eggy! heart ....if you want to know more about that...go check out dragon's journal. or ask her. cause i dont feel like goin link huntin
I was obsessed with dragon's eggy. acutally...
i'm obsessed with dragon eggs in general...
and heres why.
The rain forest cafe had cute little dragon eggys where we live. you get to put things in them and give them to people, so on my sis's birthday, we went to that resturaunt, and my sis's husband...joel, got to one of those eggs and put a diamond in it. the egg he got was black and was a little fuzzy..like velvet.
When we saw it, and saw what was in it..i begged to hold it. My sis gave it to me and i sat there for a long time, just rubbin the egg on my face and cuddlin it.
then she took it from me..so everyday, i would some how find her dragon egg and steal it...and everyday she threatend me so i would give it back. =-.-=
That's kinda how it went with Dragon student...only..instead of punchin me like my sister...i nearly got my shoulder torn off by her.

CHAZZY CHAZ HAS KITTENS! ..and one is attached to me. the funny part is...it's not the one i thought i'd be around the most. still decidin wether that's a good thing or bad.
...i'm still tryin to decide wether chazu callin me "squishy" is good or bad. oh well.
forby wanted me to try and find a water obelisk in runescape. Good news? I found it. and learned some new magic because of it.
bad news? i had to run through groups of drunk chaotic dwarves, Huge blue dragons ,seriously bad a** black demons, some weird monks with strong magic powers, Gigantic poisonous spiders, hell hounds, and the worst of the lot....black dragons, in order to get to the obelisk. I BARELY MADE IT! I WISH FORBY NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT THAT STUPID STONE STATUE! ..he didn't make me go but...he mentioned it...HE KNEW I'D GET CURIOUS AND WANNA GO OUT THERE!

....i'm done..

Besides that, nothin new's be happin...in gaia, runescape or irl.
I did get the house to myself for the entire weekend, but this would be the day my mom and dad gets back....oh well. twas fun while it lasted.

one more thing...my brother in jersey...got a web came..and didn't hesistate to use it.
Since i finally know how to use YIM, and finally got it workin on this computer, and my cell phone....I'm on there now. but so is my sister katrele in japan, who is the one that helped me fix YIM on this comp by the way.
Her and my brother now..both have web cames...and me? i'm stuck with nothin. they have mics to. so i can hear, and ...partcially...see them, and all i can do to respond is to type. that bites.

oh yeah. found a site about turnin video game characters and anime charcters into cats. i'll post it next time. Bowser makes the cutest kitten!

oh by the way..for those who dont know by now, forby decided the fox ears are a 'no' and I GOT MY HOUSE UPGRADED! i even have Lex's chalk outline in my house. hehehe....dont know who lex is? STORY PAGE!
and by the way. I'm gonna try and put poetey up again. startin with the survival poem some of you have seen already.
anyways...i haven't slept much since my parents left, with all the eatin, computer playin, naruto a** kickin, and streakin i've done over the weekend.

yes i said streakin..
yes forby knew...and liked it.
Yes...i'm screwed up.
NIGHT! i'm gonna nap...then tonight...sleep for two days! ...unless i have to work...i hope now...dammit.
by the by. check out the anime ""Azumanga Daioh"" ...it's for people that like stupid ditzy school girls...and cat lovers...and people who are into wierd randomness...

Crap! one more thing before i go...somethin on a more serious note.

If you and a love one have clashed often...and he or she hasn't left after a while....then it's a keeper. heart LOVE YOU FORBY! *passes out, snoring*

A Day 2 Day experience Part 7 scream

User Comments: [1]
Community Member

Tue Jul 18, 2006 @ 11:03am

Wow, that's a lot of cats. eek
I've had.. lets see.. got another recently, a black one.. so hmm..

*counts fingers*

I've had two cats so far! 3nodding

User Comments: [1]
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