Episode Two 2
Gotzoma wakes up in the arms of his sister who is having a nightmare while she pasted out. Gotzoma Shakes her to wake her up and when she comes to they both so a castle and a small town surounding it. The small Children walk toward the town and people look at them like their monsters. the two siblings think the same cause the people here have weird outfits and pointed ears and they talked a different language. Suddenly men came toward them with wepons and hit Gotzoma. This angered Digerashe and she killed three men but she was stopped by a lady that looked like her mother. She started saying something to the men but the children didnt under stand at all and they left the children alone and left the woman with the kids standing there in amazment at how much the lady and their mother looked alike. She talked and they understood she said "I have seen you two in a dream you have lost alot. Your home and your mother and fathers love. But I am your aunie and im here to take you in." The two Cryed in happyness for help has come for them but they dont know that it will soon be gone.