Entry IV
Monday, August 8, 2011
11:00 PM
I've seen some very disturbing things since my last entry. I was patrolling gold beach for a lead, when I saw my darker half, which I've started to call the Renegade. He was with some other gaians, very strong ones at that, heading for the place on the outskirts of the beach known as the Shallow Sea. I decided to follow, seeking cover every now and then.
They made it through the first section, quickly defeating Lorelei and moving on. by the time they made it to the robofish, I realized the Renegade was leading them in there. I continued following them, more curious then ever. What was he doing down here? Who were the gaians following him? Personally, I had never been down this far. When I saw the structure below the cliff a while back, I was taken completely by surprise.
They'd made it down to the bottom, and the enemies kept getting more advanced. Now, There were Labtechs and Seacycles all over. The group had no trouble proceeding through the waves of enemies. Soon the main building came into sight, and the Renegade stepped up to the door, quickly destroying the guards. Within an instant, he blasted the door open.
I peered into the doorway, but couldn't see anything but a blinding light from inside. Some gaians in his group stepped forward and argued with him about something I couldn't make out, but all he did was laugh. They turned away and began to warp to the surface. He walked into the building, and shouted, "AT LAST! THE POWER IS MINE!" Knowing I had little time, I dashed toward the building, muttering some spells.
To make a long story short, the power concealed in the tower was disrupted and the place began to crumble. I quickly warped out, leaving the Renegade confused at what just happened. When I returned to the surface, there was a deep rumbling and a mighty earthquake. I could almost hear him shouting in anger...
As I began to leave, I turned to look toward a figure coming straight at me. I was startled to see a masked gaian, dressed definitely like a ninja, with glowing green eyes and long wild hair. All they said before disappearing in a flash was, "He is not defeated."
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Hazelock's Journal
Whenever Hazelock gets a chance to visit his Gaia home during his travels, he writes something in this journal.