Accio (The Summoning Charm)
Description: This charm summons an object to the caster. It can be used in two ways: by casting the charm, and naming the object desired ("Accio Firebolt" wink , or by pointing the wand at the desired object during or immediately following the incantation to "pull" it towards you.
Description: It produces a jet of water from the witch or wizard's wand.
Description: Used to open and unlock doors.
Notes: The spell may have some sort of unknown complex interaction with the Colloportus spell.
Description: Clears the target's airway, if blocked.
Notes: Anapneo and Episkey, which are first used in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, are the only spells in the series obviously derived from Greek. It is not out of the question that they are J. K. Rowling's acknowledgement to the unknown author of a fake Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix novel, who made extensive use of spells whose etymology is non-Latin, including Greek and even Japanese.
Notes (2): It may be related to the term sleep apnea, a phenonomon in which breathing temporarily stops during sleep.
(Anti-Cheating spell)
Pronunciation: Unknown
Description: Cast on a quill to prevent the writer from cheating while writing answers.
(Anti-Disapparation Charm)
Pronunciation: Unknown
Description: Used to prevent Disapparation in an area for a time. Presumably can be used to prevent an enemy from entering a defended area, or used to trap an enemy in an area.
(Antonin Dolohov's Curse)
Pronunciation: Unknown, see below
Description: The curse appears to cause massive internal injury, but it does not show any external symptoms. It is cast with a slashing motion, and it sends out zigzagging purple flames.
Seen/Mentioned: Used by Dolohov twice during the battle between the Death Eaters and members of Dumbledore's Army during the battle at the Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix).
Notes: Shortly after Hermione used the silencing spell on Dolohov, he cast this spell at her by just mouthing the words. The spell grazed her chest, injuring but not killing her. It is implied in the text that the spell's effect may have been weakened by Dolohov's inability to say the incantation. However, Dolohov later regained the use of his voice and used the spell non-verbally again, so it is possible the spell is designed to be non-verbal.
Notes (2): Quite likely a non-verbal modified Sectumsempra, but probably stronger.
Description: This spell makes invisible ink and perhaps invisible items in general appear.
Notes: See also Specialis Revelio.
Avada Kedavra (The Killing Curse)
See The Unforgivable Curses in the world of Harry Potter for more detailed information.
Description: One of the three "Unforgivable Curses". Causes instant death. This spell produces a jet or flash of green light, and a sound of some huge invisible thing rushing at the target.
Description: The charm creates a flock of birds which pour forth from the caster's wand.
Alarte Ascendare
Spell which causes something to shoot up into the air.
Lockhart tries this on the snake during the Dueling Club. It only throws it up into the air and makes it even more angry in the CoS film
Arania Exumai
Knocks over or throws back spiders.
Harry used this spell to dispel the spiders attacking him, Ron, and Fang in the CoS film. He learns the spell after seeing Tom Riddle cast it on Aragog in the diary.
Aresto Momentum
Slows the speed of a moving object.
Dumbledore used this spell to keep Harry from falling to his death after the Dementors flew at him over the Quidditch pitch in the PoA film
Aqua Eructo
Description: This creates a large torrent of water, used mainly in putting out large fires, usually used by or with one or more wizards.
Seen/Mentioned: In the Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire Game, this is a highly used charm when combating Salamandras. Also, could have possibly been the spell used by Harry under water in the fourth book, seeing as it was a mumbled version of the stupify jinx.
Notes: This spell is only found in the game and will never be found in the book. See also "Aguamenti".
Propels the caster of the spell upwards.
Used by Harry in the Goblet of Fire movie, towards the end of the second task, to propel himself to the surface of the lake.
Turns the target into birds in the CoS game and the GoF game
Used by Hermione in the PoA film to forcibly open Sirius's cell at Hogwarts.
Brakium Emendo
The spell fixes a broken forearm, or, when poorly casted, removes the bones.
The first word of the incantation to this spell is given in the movie's subtitles as 'Brakium', which vaguely suggests the English word 'break'. However, the word 'Bracchium' would make much more sense, seeing as it was Harry's forearm that was broken by Dobby's rogue Bludger.
(The Banishing Charm)
Pronunciation: Unknown
Description: The opposite of the Summoning Charm. It causes the targeted object to be thrown away from the caster, but it requires good aim.
Notes: The students in the Charms lesson used it as they talked with each other; it is possible the spell is non-verbal.
Notes (2): See Waddiwasi.
(Bat-Bogey Hex)
Pronunciation: Unknown
Description: Causes "bogies" (British slang for dried nasal mucus) to turn into bats and attack the victim.
Seen/Mentioned: Particularly in reference to Ginny Weasley, who uses it on Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and on Zacharias Smith in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Notes: This may also be the "Curse of the Bogies" mentioned by Ron in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as a potential punishment should either Hermione Granger or Neville Longbottom get him and Harry in trouble.
(Bubblehead Charm)
Pronunciation: Unknown
Description: Puts a large bubble of air around the head of the user. Used as a magical equivalent of a breathing set.
(Cheering Charm)
Pronunciation: Unknown
Description: Causes the person whom the spell was cast upon to become happy and contented, though heavy-handedness with the spell may cause the person to break into an uncontrollable laughing fit.
Notes: Invented by Felix Summerbee.
Pronunciation: coll-oh-PORT-us /ka, lopoɹ'təs/
Description: This spell will magically lock a door, preventing it from being opened for a (presumably) limited amount of time.
Notes: The Death Eaters opened the door with Alohomora.
(Confundus Charm)
Description: The Confundus Charm is a confusion spell.
Seen/Mentioned: First mentioned in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, when Professor Snape suggests that Harry and Hermione have been Confunded so that they will believe Sirius Black's claim to innocence. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, it is suggested that the Confundus is the charm responsible for the Goblet choosing a fourth Triwizard contestant. It is first seen in action when Hermione Granger uses it on Cormac McLaggen during Quidditch tryouts in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The spell causes McLaggen to fail to stop the final goal.
(Conjunctivitus Curse)
Pronunciation: Unknown
Description: A curse that affects the victim's eyesight and vision.
Seen/Mentioned: Suggested by Sirius Black and used by Viktor Krum for the first task of the Triwizard Tournament in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Also used by Madame Maxime in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on giants.
Notes: Presumably, the common name derived from the disease of that name, more commonly known as "pink eye."
Crucio (The Cruciatus Curse)
See The Unforgivable Curses in the world of Harry Potter for more detailed information.
Description: Inflicts great pain on the recipient of the curse. One of the three "Unforgivable Curses".
Carpe Retractum
This spell is used in POA and GoF games for PC and Game Cube. It releases a red beam (in the PoA game, it's purple) that pulls items or heavy objects toward you, or you towards them.
Cistem Aperio
Opens a crate
Riddle used this spell in the CoS film to open the box in which Hagrid kept Aragog when the spider was only a baby. Aragog scuttled away when the box was opened.
Description: An erasure spell. It erases images and magical "after-effects".
Description: This charm makes the victim's teeth grow rapidly.
Diffindo (The Severing Charm)
Description: Tears the target, or a specific area on the target.
(Disillusionment Charm)
Pronunciation: Unknown
Description: Causes the target to become able to change colour to match their background, effectively hiding them without making them invisible.
Seen/Mentioned: Alastor Moody uses the charm on Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Engorgio (The Engorgement Charm)
Description: Makes something grow larger.
Description: An "awakening" spell.
Notes: Can be used to counter the effects of the Stupefy spell.
Description: Used to heal relatively minor injuries.
Notes: J. K. Rowling writes in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince that Harry's knowledge tells him this spell could belong to a family (or variety) of Healing Spells, in the same way a species of plants belongs to a larger genus.
Evanesco (The Vanishing Spell)
Description: Makes something vanish.
Notes: In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Bill Weasley uses the spell to cause some scrolls belonging to the Order of the Phoenix to vanish. Presumably, objects banished this way can be made to reappear, as Bill probably expected to recover the scrolls later.
Expecto Patronum (The Patronus Charm)
Description: The Patronus Charm is a defensive spell, used to conjure an incarnation of the Witch's or Wizard's innermost positive emotions, to act as a protector.
Notes: The Patronus Charm is complex enough in its uses, effects, and implications as to merit its own article.
Expelliarmus (The Disarming Charm)
Description: This spell is used to disarm another wizard, typically by causing the victim's wand to fly out of reach. It also throws the wizard backwards a few feet when enough power is placed behind it. As demonstrated in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, simultaneous use of this spell by multiple witches or wizards on a single person can throw the wizard back more powerfully.
Trading card game spell card which seems to glue things to the place where they stand. The card depicts a young wizard attempting to pry his wand off of a desk after it has been hit with this charm.
Everte Statum
When Malfoy used this curse on Harry in the Duelling Club in the CoS film, Harry was blasted off of his feet and completed a full backflip before hitting the ground a good six or seven feet from the point on the stage where the spell had hit him.
Harry Potter Smilie!
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