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The Ideas of a Feline
Nightmares of a feline
Family troubles....
Friend Troubles....
Or just plain weird...I've lately been having these strange dreams. I don't know what I did to provoke them. Maybe it was because I just finished the game "Catherine" which involving surviving your nightmares. Yet, though it can't be true, in the game the nightmares were only for men who did wrong to their women.

I am a female...
I am sure I was born no man...
Could I have done wrong to my mother? My best girlfriend? Someone whom is female?

I have no burning clue! burning_eyes

These dreams have been going on for about a week now, and I can't describe all. They're all creepy in their own personal way for me. I should solve the mystery of why this is happening to me! Maybe I'm stressed, confused, scared, angry...or maybe I made someone feel that way. Maybe I did...I MUST DO RIGHT!

I'M OFF! mad

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