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After Tonight: Episode 03
Last time on After Tonight...


TAB A figure crouched at the top of the stairs watching as the tenants discovered the darkest parts of each other. Klaus fumed as he ripped the papers from everyone’s hands. He ripped and tore and shredded. The figure expected as much. The tenants would want to keep their secrets, but they wouldn’t get away from the truth that easily.
TAB The figure stood.
TAB “Look! Up there!” Josephine pointed, her hand shaking.
TAB “What ever is that?” Mr. Eichmann peered over his glasses.
TAB “Is that? It can’t be!”
TAB “The dead girl.” Klaus growled.
TAB “My name is Sicilia.” The figure stepped into the light. “Sicilia Burke.”
TAB The lights flickered.
TAB “What is the meaning of this!?” Mr. Eichmann shouted.
TAB Klaus took a step toward the girl at the top of the steps and smiled. “I assume then that it was you? You wrote these newsletters?”
TAB “Yes. You see, I am the editor of the Laketon Letter.”
TAB The tenants stood dumbfounded as the room grew silent.
TAB Texas picked up a torn piece of the newsletter, looking at the photograph of herself as young girl. “Th’ b***h!” She ran to the stairs.
TAB “What are you doing, girl?!” Mr. Eichmann reached out to grab her, but she slid free of his grip.
TAB Texas pulled a knife from her boot and leapt to the stairs. Two at a time she made her way up. “I’ll kill ‘er!”
TAB “No!” Josephine covered her eyes.
TAB Sicilia stepped back, away from Texas as she lunged at her with the knife.
TAB “Stop her!” Ash turned to Mr. Eichmann and then to Klaus. “Please!”
TAB Texas slashed at Sicilia as she laughed maniacally.
TAB “She’ll kill her! She really will!” Ash started off towards the stairs.
TAB Sicilia grabbed the knife and pushed Texas away. The lights flickered again. Someone screamed.
TAB Thud after thud followed, but not one of the tenants watched. They turned away and covered their eyes. They gasped and held their breath. They didn’t want to face what might have happened.
TAB Ash was the first to look. Texas’ broken body lay at the bottom of the stairs. He rushed to her, placing a hand on her face.
TAB “I…I…” Sicilia stuttered, the knife still in her hand.
TAB “Is she all right, Ash?” Mr. Eichmann’s voice wavered.
TAB “I don’t…I didn’t…I…” Sicilia could barely speak. “I didn’t mean to. You all saw it. Right? She came at me. I swear, I didn’t mean to!”
TAB The lights flickered yet again.
TAB “No. She’s not okay. She’s,” Ash paused, “dead.”


TAB “I’m afraid this is serious.” A nameless police woman spoke to the tenants as a whole. “And until we can deduce what really happened, I’m placing you all on house arrest. You must all stay here until the investigation has concluded.”
TAB The tenants watched each other.
TAB “But until that time I suggest you each call a loved one and wait it out. I will allow one visitor for each of you as long as they have ID.” The police woman left. “There will be 24 hour surveillance of this building until we find out what really happened. And whoever did this better be ready to face justice.”
TAB Each tenant was allowed one phone call for five minutes. After that cell phones were taken and landlines were disconnected. Even the internet was cut off.
TAB The police woman left, carrying the stack of damaged newsletters. The doors were locked and the tenants sealed in, but over the next few hours each of them received a visitor. Some quiet and others loud, some innocent and others naughty, some perfect and others perfectly wicked…

Is love more than enough to save the tenants of the Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments from their sordid pasts? Or will the police find more than enough to turn one of our love birds into a jail bird? Only time will tell if love can stand the close inspection of the detective’s magnifying glass…

Who will survive After Tonight?


flickadur has been eliminated this round.
Sorry to see you go! Thanks for participating!

Aerovinity as Sicilia Burke

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People call me "Suzy Q" and not a lot of people know what the "q" stands for. Well, except for Sicilia; She was an easy candidate for my first true love. That is, until that doucheweed came into our life. I think it was Fabio or something romantically cheesy.

It was weird getting a call from her, telling me about how she was living in this really nice place, and she was probably believed to have killed this trashy looking girl from Texas and... my god, how she was scared for her life. And how she had never been this alone before. Something clenched at my heartstrings, something made me want to be there for her. With the situation at hand, I had the option to join her and be there with her. So with my bag packed for the trip, I drove the three hundred miles down to the Apartments. But, i should probably give a back story on how we met before this jumps into Soap Opera territory...

~*Five years earlier*~

She was beautiful; she was young, but god, she was a beautiful thing. Or maybe it was just her appeal that stuck out to me. She was majoring in Astrophysics, and me in automotive repair; you know, just the stuff you need to know to fix cars and airplanes and the really odd ones as well.

Anyways, i could tell she was totally straight, because why would a girl like that go for a girl like me? Although, college sometimes has this "effect" on people, and I find her talking to me, and a few weeks later, i grow the pair enough to ask her out. Surprisingly, she said yes. Our relationship grows over the course of a few more weeks, and soon we're both together. I may be a lesbian, but she's at least bi; i can tell by the way she sometimes looks at the opposite sex.

Our relationship definitely took a turn for the worst when "fabio" came into the picture; tall, tan, long flowy locks, and built like he was sculpted from the gods. Of course he caught her attention, and he soon pulled her away from me; i mean, every time i asked to hang out, she cancelled at the last second because Fabio needed help on his homework or something. Finally, i found she was cheating on me, and we cut it off. They went together, i got my degree and license, and i never saw them again. Though, over the span of facebook, i learned they broke off about a month after i graduated. That was how i pushed her out of my life; by forgetting about her, focusing on my studies, and just trying to get through my life. Then she comes sashaying into my life again, like some frivolous drag queen, making me question if she really is the same, or someone else...

but, when i got there, and the police let me through to see her, Sicilia was obviously relieved to see me; wrapping me in a bone crushing hug, trembling with relief. She was quivering even after we let go, so i wrapped her in a blanket and sat her down, me pulling up a chair across from her, asking her to fill me in so i knew what the hell was going on.

She gulped, holding back the tears enough to start. "W-well... I don't know. I showed up here again after my faked death, and-" I cut her off, waving a hand. "Wait wait wait, you faked your death?" She shrugged, waving it off. Another time, i suppose.

"Anyways... I was there, and then this trashy Texan girl came slashing at me, looking like somebody who hadn't gotten their hit for the day. Next thing i know, the lights turn off, she screamed and she was..." the tears poured over then, her hunching over to cry. "She was dead. And now everything thinks I'm a murderer!" I placed a hand on her shoulder, soothing her as best as i could. "Listen, Siccy, I don't think you'd kill her. Granted, she sounds like an annoying little c**t, and she probably did deserve to get hers, but you wouldn't do it. It had to be something, or someone, else. Was there anything that stuck out to you that didn't make sense? Anything that you could recall from when the lights went out?"

She nodded, pulling herself back up. "I remember... i think they grazed me, and their skin felt tattooed, or like, they were wearing a rough kind of fabric. And then...
they smelled like some kind of oil. Like..." She furrowed her brows, sniffing. "They smelled kind of like you. Light, but still like oil."

I nodded, looking out the window. "Carborator oil; rare, hard to come by. Stopped being made a couple of years back. It's a scent that's hard to trace, which is probably why they used it." I scoffed, thinking this person knew their automotives about as well as i did; that's a big offense in my book. "Siccy, i think you should... you should tell them about this finding."

She shakes her head, looking into my eyes. "But what if they get a whiff of you? Won't they... lock you up?" I shake my head, returning her gaze. "How would a murderer in one day go from her to almost four hundred miles away?" She giggles a bit, at her "stupidity."

"Okay, I will do that... later. Let's just, talk. Please?" "Okay" i say, smiling. We go into talking about what we had done in the last five years. This girl may be working her way back into my heart. But i wouldn't let her in; just not yet.


Creativity: 6/10
Visuals: 6/10
Total: 11/20

She's not really anything new at all. Not much to her that I haven't seen before, but she's not bad.
I'm not really surprised or intrigued by her (the story on the other hand is nicely done), but she's a solid character if a bit uninteresting.

0-DCB as Brian Eichmann

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Brian had no one to call, but he knew who he would if it were possible.
"Oh, Estrela, how I wish I could call you!" sighed Brian.

She had a radiant air about her like a star. Her eyes were dark and welcoming but holding a mystery inside of them. She looked into your soul while hiding her own.


Creativity: 6/10
Visuals: 4/10
Total: 10/20

I wish the story would have expressed what kind of fictional character she is. I assume she's a character from a book (simply because she's coming from it).
In any case, the choice in colors is throwing me off a lot. She feels child-like because of the excessive use of primary colors. The face is awkward as well. She doesn't look like a fantasy character anyone would be in love with.
I do like that she's a fictional character, though. I think that out of the box thinking is great and really her only salvation.

la faux pas as Klaus Ranier Zeitung

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Klaus listened to the police woman impatiently. These people irked him like no other. "This is preposterous!" He exclaimed when they were told they couldn't leave the apartments. He was practically seething when told he would then only have a few minutes to complete a phone call. "Very well," he replied while taking out his state of the art blackberry, "You will all be very sorry for this," He muttered under his breath while pressing the speed dial. The other line had barely made it through the first ring before it was answered.

"Klaus," a low female's voice answered. "It's been awhile," she almost seemed to purr while speaking. Klaus wasted none of the time he had been allotted. "Helga," he answered, "I seem to find myself in an almost unmanageable situation." That was all Helga needed to be on her feet and through the door. "Mmmm," she replied while grabbing a ready to go briefcase by the door. "Sounds yummy."

Several hours later, a woman would be arriving at the apartments. She would introduce herself as Helga Wezten, Klaus Ranier's lawyer, which in part was the truth, however, it wouldn't take long for her many hidden talents that one would not normally associate with a lawyer to surface. In fact Klaus was counting on it, and hoping that the other tenants would discover this one by one.


Creativity: 9/10
Visuals: 7/10
Total: 16/20

I just need to say before moving on that this foreign character storyline you're developing is incredibly interesting.
The choice in character is great.
The only complaint I have is that she leans a bit more towards European call girl visually than lawyer. Without the story, I wouldn't have ever guessed she was his lawyer. That's really the only reason you lost points.

flickadur as Josephine Johnson

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Ahhh, young love. I mean, I'm still young of course.... but well, youngER love.
My first and only love, Mr. Jimbob.
Also known as Gyno Jimbob.
He was my gynecologist.

I was an inpatient at Kirkwood Luxury Medical Hospital. I was married to a man who didn't love me but was rich, and when I tried to jump off of the balcony into the pool, he threw me in there. During my stay, I got pregnant. How, you may ask? Well, I was getting a regular check-up from Gyno Jimbob and he decided to stick his weewee in my hole instead of his hand. He said it was an accident, but I loved him from the first pap smear. I haven't seen him in 12 years, and in that time, I kinda lost my baby somewhere. I don't really remember. I had the annoying thing, and then I gave it to my maid to hold, and I haven't seen her since. Oopsies. What was I talking about? Oh right, Gyno Jimbob. Oh, that man was absolutely DIVINE. Still makes me insides tingle..... oh, I'm talking about in my tummy. wink *eh hem* Oh, what I would give to see him again. I think he's dead though. Oh well.


Creativity: 5/10
Visuals: 4/10
Total: 9/20

He reads more insane scientist than gynecologist. The lollipop comes out of nowhere.
I like the idea of the her falling in love with her gynecologist, but the idea is not really followed through.
I just think he feels rushed and not developed enough.

eIeventh day as Lucrecia Cruz

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Yeah… I remember, I fell in love with that guy when I was on Philippines, when I’m not exposed to the good and greatness of the world… I feel degraded whenever I think about it, I did realize how jerk he is and how stupid I fell for the dude… he sells and use drugs… His name is James, or they call him “Totoy Mola” (a guy with a huge d, and a chick magnet)… I call him Saint James back then, He was tall dark and handsome… handsome?... /vomits and gags... I dont have any current news about him. Last time i remember, he was here in US, in a gang...


Creativity: 7/10
Visuals: 7/10
Total: 14/20

He's a great looking avatar. The choice in hair pops nicely without overbearing the rest. Even the skin color choice is nice.
His story is interesting. Overall he's actually quite solid.

SilverFalco as Ashley "Ash" Jardine

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This is Isabelle, a mermaid, and the subject of many of Ash's paintings. He is "in love" with her, despite her being nothing more than a figment of his imagination that he brought to being with his art. Ash's awkwardness around women brought him to put any misplaced emotions he might have had upon this invented character of his, perhaps a bit more than is usually healthy. People would probably never guess it from just being around him, because he's developed over the years the ability to fully separate his romantic feelings for a painting from his normal life. Its not even that Ash has never been in a relationship before; there was that one time with his hot nanny that he'd rather forget..... but as they always end up in disaster, his image of a "perfect" woman was forged into the creation of Isabelle, and it has been his emotional outlet ever since.


Creativity: 10/10
Visuals: 9/10
Total: 19/20

My only issue with this is how busy she looks. I think a simpler background would have been better. I like what you're trying to do with the layered backgrounds, but they're fighting each other.
Other than that I love her. I love that she's a subject of his art and a figment of his own imaginations. I love that she's a mermaid that isn't what I'd expect out of a mermaid avatar.

Judging Rubric
Creativity (how interesting the avatar and your take on the round is): x/10
Visuals (the character's character, style, and all around visual appeal): x/10
Total: xx/20
1 means awful, 5 means average, and 10 means I wouldn't change a thing

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