once again people have shown me that i am nothing to them. and my brother is everything. my parents feel ashamed that i have a G.E.D instead of a diploma, and they are ecstatic with my brother, because he is about to get his. They tell everyone about their brilliant musician of a son who will be famous someday for playing the clarinet, and at the same time they try to avoid the subject of me. They never brag about me, never tell what i am interested in, they didnt even get enough invitations when i graduated. They got three for me, and then they bought like 100 for my brother. After my sister died, they have been holding onto each of the rest of us so tightly that we can hardly breathe. I am their last hope of one of their kids staying at home. What they dont know or realize is that by doing all of what i have mentioned before, they are just pushing me into wanting to get out as fast as possible. Once i write my book and sell it, i am out of here. in the meantime i am going to get a job and save up as much as possible to that i can move as far away as possible. cry