Forgot to mention it, but last week, we finally got a new washer. It's very strange and very new, but it's nice to be able to load the washer and not have to worry about filling it with water, which is basically what it had came to with the old one.
For Halloween, we tried to take Kaleb trick or treating. I say try, because what with all the rain, we went to the civic center, and they had already ran out of candy. We went to the mall, and most stores had already ran out of candy. Only 3 stores and one pretzel stand gave him candy. He probably ended up with less than 10 pieces. That's okay, because today is when the real candy hunting happens.
He went as Captain America, and Christian went as a vague Frog Princess. I did a lazy, neck up costume of Vivi from the Ghost video. I figured that it would look like I just threw something together , and wouldn't stick out so much. If I met anyone that recognized me, that would be cool too. No one did, or commented on it, except for this one guy in a green full body suit. He gave me a high five. XD
We stopped to get pizza and called it a night. Not too bad, really.
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:.Two Cents and More.:
This is where I'll be putting angst filled entries about my love life, summaries of my day/weeks, avatar art, and basically anything else that doesn't have a place in my signature or profile. Hope you enjoy reading. :P
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