I had a unicorn once . . . but it kept shitting rainbows all over the house. so we traded in for a dog. it's easier to take care of a dog than a unicorn. first off, there's the whole 'cryptozoological permit' one needs to acquire first before getting a Unicorn. second, you need a BIG BACKYARD for the unicorn to stay in. and a stable maybe, but that's not necessary . . . THIRD, you need to make sure that horn is never broken, or else you'll have one moody unicorn ( this didn't happen to me, however my friend had a unicorn as well, and she didn't pay attention to it. one day, it chipped the tip, and started to be REALLY SNIPPY ). yeah . . . unicorns are a hassle.
master-of-snow · Tue Apr 25, 2017 @ 05:05am · 0 Comments |