xd OMG big news!
Mark Casselman: hey
hershey_kiss_230: hey
Mark Casselman: whats up?
hershey_kiss_230: not much
hershey_kiss_230: whats your email? i'll email the stuff to you
Mark Casselman: mcasselman@indy.rr.com
hershey_kiss_230: kk
hershey_kiss_230: or i could show you on here
Mark Casselman: not if its a pdf
hershey_kiss_230: it wont work?
Mark Casselman: you can send me the file on here
Mark Casselman: yeah it will work
hershey_kiss_230: 2 i can email and one i'll send like this
Mark Casselman: whichever
hershey_kiss_230: sent the email
hershey_kiss_230: tell me if you have any questions on what the project was
Mark Casselman: ok
Mark Casselman: you did this with illustrator?
hershey_kiss_230: yes
hershey_kiss_230: Illustrator CS2
Mark Casselman: you did all of it yourself?
hershey_kiss_230: the monkey puffs was a group project, it was a ceral design and we also made a commerial for it,
hershey_kiss_230: at the end we got to redo a project and that is my redo of the orginal
Mark Casselman: its well done, i like it
hershey_kiss_230: the orginal was made by one person and my other partner and i were not consulted
hershey_kiss_230: this is how i wanted it to look
hershey_kiss_230: may i ask why you wanted to see some of my stuff
Mark Casselman: if you remember, we were talking about doing some work together. My company does logo design, product manuals, flyers, etc I could subcontract some of that work to you
hershey_kiss_230: cool
hershey_kiss_230: on my home computer i don't have the programs but what i have on my computer does work
Mark Casselman: I can get get you all of that
hershey_kiss_230: oh ok
hershey_kiss_230: just let me know when and what it is you'd like me to do and all that stuff
hershey_kiss_230: now before i start on the computer version would you want to see thumbnails and rough drafts?
Mark Casselman: well, I usually don't go after alot of those jobs because I am busy designing theater systems, and I don't have anyone else who is that good at design, but if i know that I have someone to do them i will get those jobs
Mark Casselman: I cant do everything myself
hershey_kiss_230: ya
hershey_kiss_230: so do you have something you need me to do yet or is this future things?
Mark Casselman: right now, i dont have any, but i will
hershey_kiss_230: k
hershey_kiss_230: how will you get my the programs?
Mark Casselman: you are going to work at home right?
hershey_kiss_230: ya
hershey_kiss_230: cuz right now the trasportasion is an issue
hershey_kiss_230: desk top
hershey_kiss_230: and i need to figure out how to get more space on my computer
Mark Casselman: ok, thats np, I can take a look at it
hershey_kiss_230: my ex said he'd look at it
hershey_kiss_230: i'll tell him i need him to soon
Mark Casselman: ok, whichever
Mark Casselman: once i get some of these jobs lined up we will move forward on this
hershey_kiss_230: k
hershey_kiss_230: so would i become an employee ?
Mark Casselman: at first you would technicaly be a sub-contractor, but as time goes on, who knows
hershey_kiss_230: sub-contractor.....? sorry i work at a pizza place right now
Mark Casselman: well that just means that I will give you jobs one at a time and pay a flat fee for each job separately, and i will not take out taxes
hershey_kiss_230: k
Mark Casselman: so you should be able to do these in addition to pizza hut until things pick
Mark Casselman: up
hershey_kiss_230: do you want to see thumbnails and rough drafts before i start?
hershey_kiss_230: ya i work at Domino's Pizza right now, i get around $80 a month
Mark Casselman: yes, we will meet, talk about what the particualr job requires, talk about what the customer is trying to achieve, you might even meet with the customer, then at each stage of the creation process you will check in with what you have and we will change these as we need to until the job is complete
hershey_kiss_230: k
Mark Casselman: hehe, well you should be able to make at least that much a day doing print media, maybe alot more if its a gov or corp client
hershey_kiss_230: since i studied at J. Evertt Light Carrer Center would you like a copy of my cert. showing how many hours and the programs i can use
Mark Casselman: yes that would be great
hershey_kiss_230: k
Mark Casselman: Ryan and michelle make info-mercials and tv commercials for me, you could end up working as an assistant to them as well
hershey_kiss_230: COOL
hershey_kiss_230: sorry bout the caps
Mark Casselman: np, i will have to show you some of the commercials we have done
hershey_kiss_230: i am hoping by this fall i'll be able to get around and stuff
hershey_kiss_230: this fall i'll be taking a few classes then get my GED then i will hopfully be able to get into the AI of Indianapolis
Mark Casselman: ai?
hershey_kiss_230: Art Instatute(sp?)
Mark Casselman: oh ok
hershey_kiss_230: its near my house
hershey_kiss_230: but with the jobs i do for you in my profolio omg... that'll great
Ok so basiclly i have a job for this guys company! i will be designing logos, flyers, and stuff like that
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