So recently, after much consideration, I have decided to form a guild called the RRLGU. That stands for The Radical Republican Lesbians and Gays United. In addition there will be a part devoted entirely to our straight republican/independent comrades run by my friend KOJI-DARTH. He will be known as the co-creater and the founder of the Straight alliance of the RRLGU. I would also like to announce that there is a place open for a gay Republican/Independent male(or just one who supports us) to be the co-head of the guild (no you pervs) rolleyes
Before you flame me for being a 'disgrace' to my people... Please read this...
I have noticed that a large number of Lesbians, Bisxuals, and Gays are democratic and claim to hate Bush. I have also noticed that you are called a 'disgrace' to the homosexual community if you are Republican...
See it seems a bit backwards to me because.. The democratic party uses our community as a tool. Their opinions reguarding our rights sway depending on the crowd they are preaching to. For instance, in the last election the democratic party waved their hands and shouted gay rights chants when preaching to our community, but THEN they point fingers at the republican party and say "Oh heaven forbid, don't elect d**k Chainey(sp?). His daughter is a dyke!" That was the first time an electory party used someone's family member's sexuality as a weapon. And Mary Chainy even said that, "my sexuality has been known for many years to my family and it IS not a bid deal. I do not understand why the democrats felt they had to use that to get to my father and his party."
So... why then my fellow homosexuals... Why declare yourselves FULL democrat and ALWAYS vote democratic because of ONE issue? And why does who you love have anything to do with your political views? If we are so small-minded toward this, then what kind of example is that to our conservative adversaries? Why can't we be 'republican' on some issues and 'democratic' on others? If we continue to bah like sheep then the democratic party will continue to sway our vote and use us how they see fit.
It is high time we end this toolage of our people. Join today and discuss the issues today and let us move away from being another one of the political sheep flocks that the Democratic party feeds off of...
PM me or comment if you would like to join and are either a homosexual or a bisexual. If you are a Straight in support of this group please pm my friend KOJI-DARTH with a request to be added to the list of guild members.
Alucarda Incarnate · Thu Jul 13, 2006 @ 04:32am · 2 Comments |